The Film Daily (1937)

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THE Thursday, June 10, 1937 ■cM2± DAILY Warner Team Wins Match Play at Golf Tournament Elmsford Country Club Gave the Film Lads One Grand Time By JACK HARROWER It was a practically perfect day for golf yesterday, marking the 25th Silver Jubilee Film Golf Tournament at the Elmsford Country Club, White Plains, N. Y. The weather was ideal. The crowd was capacity, with over 200 entrants teeing off. Here is an annual social event in the film biz that has become an Institution. Filled with sentiment and warm good fellowship, as exhibitors cultivate the good nature (if any) of producers and distributors. And try to figure how they can ehisel a deal on the strength of it later on. And so producers and distributors mingle with exhibitors and say to themselves in amazement: "Why, that guy Glutz is almost a human being after all, even though he is an exhibitor.". It is really astounding the amount of good the Film Golf Tournament does for the morale of the industry. It teaches the producer and exhibitor to respect each other. Any guy who can look his foursome opponent in the eye and say calmly: "I gotta five on that tough hole" — when you know dam well he took four just to get out of the rough, must command your respect. And what exhibitor hasn't said that to his producer or distributor opponent some time in the course of the day's play, and vice versa. And so let us pass from the sordid business of these film mugs chiselling each other all day on the fairways in their rough ways as film mugs have a habit of employing with one another. We would direct your attention to the evening's festivities, where good fellowship reigns supreme and a guy can get cockeyed or stay sober as he sees fit, and nobody holds it against him either way. That is the tradition of the Tournaments. The Master of the Revels was Jack Alicoate. Even though he is our boss we don't mind admitting that he did a swell job. Harry Warner and Howard Dietz were called upon for speeches. A Paramount Grantland Rice short on golf was screened, and a pip new Walt Disney release, "Little Hiawatha," the Golf Tournament having the distinction of showing the latest Disney before it has been shown anywhere. And this one is a dandy. Then came the raffle for the set of golf clubs. This was a prelude -to another event that has become a Ivjdition at the Tournaments — the _ lemony of properly recognizing the Lousiest Golfer. This gent happened to be Len Daly of United Artists, with a score of 147. Sheriff Morris Kutisker assisted by several cops and Jack Alicoate acting as judge, gave this lad the works. The Sheriff insisted that Daly was a TEAM PLAY Winner — (A'bee Memorial Cup, FILM DAILY Medals, Ross Federal Service bags, case of United Fruit Growers' wine). WARNER BROS S. Charles Einfeld, Major Albert Warner, Sam Sax, Robert William. Runner Up — (American Seating Co., bridge chairs, four chairs to each player) EDUCATIONAL John Foster, Norman Nicholson, Sidney Rosenfeld, Frank Carroll. Second Runner Up — (Dictograph Products, Packard Electric Shavers to each player) HAYS OFFICE C. C. Pettljohn, Jr., Arthur Dickinson, Jack Connelly, Harold Burt. Tiiird Runner Up — (Guff Fabric Products Co, games to each player) M-G-M Tom Gerety, William Orr, Edwin W. Aaron, W. A. Scully. Fourth Runner Up — (Cluff Fabric Products Co., games to each player). A.M. P. A Ralph Rolan, Paul Lazarus, Jr., Herbert S. Berg, Leonard Palumbo. Low Net— (FILM DAILY Cup, Variety Trophy) SIDNEY ROSENFELD Low Net Runner Up— (RKO Radio Pictures Trophy) DAVID CANAVAN Low Net Second Runner Up— (DuPont Film Mfg. Co Trophy) . .GEO. DEMBOW Low Gross — (Quigley Publications Trophy, round trip flight via TWA to Los Angeles) LEONARD PALUMBO Low Gross Runner Up— (Columbia Pictures Trophy) EDWARD P. CURTIS Low Gross Second Runner Up — (Mitchell May, Jr. Co Trophy) ROBERT WILLIAM Low Nat— Exhibitor— (United Artists Trophy) HAROLD J. RINZLER Low Net— Exhibitor Runner Up— (W. & J Sloane rug) WALLY NOLAN Low Gross— Exhibitor— (Western Electric Trophy) RICHARD E. BECK Low Gross — Exhibitor Runner Up — (Greater New York Export Co , Mickey Mouse rug) , MAX A. COHEN Putting Contest Winner — (Consolidated Film Industries gold putter) MONTE PROSER Putting Contest Runner Up — (RCA Manufacturing Co radio) MAJOR GEORGE S. HARDING Putting Contest Second Runner Up — (Eastman Kodak Co camera) MITCHELL MAY, JR. Driving Contest Winner— (William Massce Trophy) MONROE EISENBERG Driving Contest Runner Up — (National Theater Supply Co Trophy) MONROE GREENTHAL Driving Contest Second Runner Up — (General Electric Co. mixer) WILLIAM H. WEINTRAUB Birdies— (Gaumont British Trophy) S. CHARLES EINFELD Birdies Runner Up— (Monogram Pictures Golf Balls) C. C. PETTIJOHN, JR. Best Dressed Golfer— (Nat Lewis robe) CHARLES CASANAVE Special Prize— (Estey Organ) HOWARD DIETZ (Most versatile person at tournament) PING PONG TOURNAMENT: Winner— (Dictograph Products Silent Radio) MORRIS KUTISKER TENNIS TOURNAMENT: Singles Winner— (A J. Powers Tennis Racket) HOWARD DIETZ Doubles Winners— (Dictograph Products Silent Radio) LOUIS NIZER RALPH POUCHER FOURSOME WINNERS: The foursome winners received $10.00 gift certificates on Nat Lewis' store from J. E. Brulatour, Inc. FOURSOME RUNNERS UP: The foursome runners up received the National Screen Service bags. menace, so they busted his golf clubs and hustled him out in disgrace. The handing out of the Loot was the big event that climaxed the evening's fun. The handsome trophies and special prizes were there in abundance. As in previous years, these awards were made amid considerable booing and hissing from the guests who hadn't won any prizes. They of course are always envious at knowing that the gents who copped the rich loot had done so merely by having more crust in chiselling their scores down low, and sore at themselves because they had not beat the smart boys to it. We cannot recall any Tournament in the long history of the event that has been handled more smoothly and efficiently. The service offered by every member of the staff of the Elmsford Country Club was courteous, cheerful and intelligent. The meals were excellent, and in fact everything about the club house and the grounds was keyed to add to the enjoyment of the guests. The Committee wishes to express to Max Cohen, the club member who arranged for the Tournament, their hearty thanks for all the courtesies that were extended! Over 200 Turned Out for the Tourney — Many Others for Evening Revels Over 200 teed off at the Tournament, and additional guests turned out for the evening festivities. Among those checked off at the gate were : Edwin W. Aaron, Chas. A. Alicoate, Jack Alicoate, Wintield Andrus, Ralph B. Austrian. J. E. Baker, A. F. Baldwin, Leon J. Bamberger, William Barnett, George R. Batcheller, Jr., Richard E. Beck, Frank W. Begg, Russell M. Bell, Paul Benjamin, Herbert S. Berg, Milton Blacksrone, George A. Blair, George Blake, A. T. Boland, George C. Bowers, Richard Brady, Harry Brandt, Louis Brandt, S. S. Braumberg, L. M. Bregman, George Brown, Dr. Henry Brown! Joe Burnett, Harold Burt. Dave Canavan, G. L. Carrington, F. X. Carroll, Charles L. Casanave, C. A. Cawood, David j! Chatkin, Pearce Chauncey, James A. Clark, Julius Cohen, Max A. Cohen, Lincoln Connor, Jack Connelly, L. W. Conrow, Paul Crane, James A. Cron, John J. Cunliffe, James P. Cunningham, Edward P. Curtis. Len Daly, Harvey B. Day, Sr., Harvey B. Day, Jr., George F. Dembow, Arthur Dickinson, Martin Dickstein, Howard Dietz, Nathan Dobson, Oscar Doob. S. Charles Einfeld, Monroe Eisenberg. S. H. Fabian, John A. Farmer, Herb Fecke, William Ferguson, Charles H. Findley, John Foster, Daniel Frankel, Aaron L. Fried, Louis Frisch. Ray Gallagher, Charles B. Gardner, Paul Garst, Pat Garyn, Lou Gaudreau, Dick Gavin, Tom Gerety, Harry Goetz, Lester M. Goldstein, Milton Goldstein, Robert Goldstein, Irving W. Goodfield, Ben Goodney, Jess Gourley, Ira Green, Monroe Greenthal, Ben Grimm, Jack Gurfreund Adolph Haas, O. F. Haas, Art Hadley, Bob Hadley, Hap Hadley, Ted Hadley, A. R. Hammerslag. Major George Stuart Harding, Jack Harrower, Gordon W. Hedwig, Milton Herman, Melvin M. Hirsh, J. H. Hoffberg, I. J. Hoffman, Joe Hornstein, D. E. Hyndman. Donald Jacocks, Arthur Jeffrey, Emil Jensen. Herbert M. Kahn, Irving Kaplan, J. B. Kleckner, Bernard Kleid, M. E. Kornbluth, David Kugel, Bert Kulick, Morris Kutisker, Julian Kaye. Oscar S. Lager, Paul N. Lazarus, Jr., Arthur A. Lee, Howard LeSieur, Harold Lerman, Leo Leventhal, Martin Levine, Al J. Levy, Edward G. Levy, Jules Levy, "Chick" Lewis, Arthur Livers. George L. McCarthy, Edward L. McEvoy, John McGeehan, Karl G. Macdonald, Joe Rice Malcolm, William Massce, Mitchell May, Jr., Archie Mayers, Bert Mayers, C. M. Mersereau, Don M. Mersereau, Matt Micolino, Capt. Harry W. Miller, Jim Milligan, Mike Milton, Robert Mintz, A. J. Moeller, George Morris, Robert Morton, Charles Moses, Lewis Moses, Jack Moss, H. Muller. James B. Neary, Frank Neubert, Norman C. Nicholson, Louis Nizer, V. J. Nolan, Wally Nolan. Ken O'Brien, David A. O'Malley, William A. Orr. Leonard Palumbo, Arthur H. Pelterson, C. C. Pettijohn, Jr., Frank N. Phelps, Harry Pimstein, John F. Plunkett, Ralph I. Poucher, A. J. Powers, Monte Proser. A. C. Raffo, Marty Reiffel, Phil Reisman, John R. Reiss, Ben J. Ridder, Paul D. Ries, Harold J. Rinzler, Samuel Rinzler. Robert Robinson, Harold Rodner, Charles A. Rogers, Saul E. Rogers, Ralph Rolan, Jay Roland, Samuel Rosen, Gerald Rosenberg, Sidney Rosenfeld, Sam Rubenstein, C. C. Ryan, Sid Rydell. Bert Sanford, Jr., Phil Santry, Sidney Satenstein, Sam Sax, Murray Schoen, John L. Schoenfeld, E. Schwartz, Ralph J. Schwartz, W. A. Scully, Silas Seadler, Clarence Secor, Al Selig, Jack G. Selingsohn, Al Semels, J. W. Servies, Irving Shapiro, P. T. Sheridan, Harry Shiftman, Bernard Sholtz, Arthur J. Siegel, Robert Silver, George P. Skouras, Hal Sloane, Cresson E. Smith, H. B. Snook, Howard Steiner, Dave Strumph, Charles Stuart, Max Stuart, Ted Sullivan, W. H. Swift, Harry Thorns, J. D. Trop, Vincent Trotta. Arnold Van Leer, Albert Warner, Ernest J. Warner, H. M. Warner, William H. Weintraub, Nta Weltz, John West, Clint Weyer, Edward White, Gordon White, Tom Wiley, Bob William, Robert S. Wolff.