The Film Daily (1934)

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THE Monday, April 2, 1934 NDEP'TS SEE CODE REOPENED IN FULL (Continued from Page 1) are this board. They expect that tie hearing will be completed by Wednesday. According to a spokeslan for the unit Saturday its offiials anticipate modifications of the )de and i-emoval of "quite a few" lembers of the Code Authority. harles (Chick) Lewis of the assoiation is assisting Lowell B. Majn, general counsel for the Review . in lining up witnesses. rulf States Convention Set for Big Attendance (Continued from Page 1) t the coast, the new Gulf States heater Owners' Ass'n opens its rst convention tomorrow morning the Hotel Roosevelt. Acting [ayor A. Miles Pratt, president of le St. Charles Theater Corp., will Uend the welcome. Ed Kuykendall ill head the M. P. T. 0. A. group ttenaing, and among other speak•s will be David Palfreyman of the Office and D. C. Hickson of rpi. "Shame of a Nation" for Cameo "Shame of a Nation," formerly nown as "Drums of Doom," a dubed foreign picture which DuWorld 3 distributing, is slated to open kpril 6 at the Cameo. The Key" Renamed "Isle of Fury" tost Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood— The title of Warner's The Key" recently completed, has een changed to "Isle of Fury," anicunces the company's Burbank tudios. The cast of "Isle of Fury" s headed by William Powell, Edna lest and Colin Clive. Roxy Opening Half Hour Earlier The Roxy will open its doors tolay at 10:30 A. M., a half hour arlier than usual. New Spanish Film at Variedades "Hollywood, City of Dreams," a Spanish dialogue picture produced iy Universal which DuWorld Is iistributing, opened Saturday at the [eatre Variedades. SHOWMAN'S REMINDER A Spring Frolic with local talent and tieups is always a good draw. The Rules of Advertising in a Nutshell The following terse catechism of modern advertising was set forth by Frank J. Ryan, assistant to the president of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., in an address before the Advertising School of the Cleveland Advertising Club, and needs no comment: 7 CARDINAL SINS OF ADVERTISING 1 — Exaggeration; 2 — Braggadocio; 3 — Controversy; 4 — Bulldozing; 5 — Verbosity; 6 — Banality; 7 — Confusion. 1 — Truthfulness; manship; 6 — Unity; 7 CARDINAL VIRTUES OF ADVERTISING 2 — Character; 3 — Reader interest; 4 — Constructiveness; 5 — Show7 — Persuasiveness. 10 COMMANDMENTS OF ADVERTISING 1 — Know the product or service you advertise, and its use. 2 — Know your market, and the people who constitute it. 3 — Plan your advertising program from beginning to end before you begin writing copy. 4 — Design your advertising to attract attention, so it will be read. 5 — Write your advertising in the interest of the reader. 6 — Make every advertisement easy to read, easy to understand and easy to believe. 7 — Remember that readers have as much intelligence and judgment as writers. 8 — Realize you serve best the mutual interest of seller and buyer when your advertising makes the buyer more competent. 9 — Realize you serve best the special interest of the seller for whom you are advertising, when you serve best the entire industry in which he is engaged. 10 — Understand that every advertisement must sell by inducing the reader to action. New Photophone Plan Drops Down Payment (Continued from Page 1) it the end of the specified number jf weeks. The new policy also includes furbishing of emergency service withjut charge, except tor transportation, during the period the regular .service is rencered. An increase in number of loudspeakers for several models also has been made without .harge. Sol Rosenblatt to Offer Changes in Vaude Clauses Division Administrator Sol A. Rosenblatt will offer his recommendations on proposed changes for the vaudeville and presentation sections of the code at the Code Authority session Friday. The committee which conducted a hearing several months ago in behalf of the Code Authority is understood to have advised making certain revisions. Dual Mono. Showing in A. C. Atlantic City — Monogram will have a double premiere here when its convention begins this week. "Broken Dreams" opened Saturday at the Steel Pier, while "Beggars in Ermine" starts tomorrow at the Strand. M-G-M Release Schedule M-G-M's revised released schedule for the next five weeks will be "Men in White," April 6; "Laughing Boy," April 13; "Tarzan and His Mate," April 20; "Sadie McKee," May 4. There will be no release for the week of April 27. Mono. Signing Names For 1934-35 Lineup (Continued from Page 1) assignments from the studios to which they are responsible, he said, 'in turn we will cooperate with jther companies with the stars we aevelop. Ray Walker, who was very successful in our films last year, is now with Paramount in a film with oylvia Sidney." Carr stated that the production budget has been increased so that che making of four specials will be possible. The films will be more elaborate and have more star names than any features heretofore made by Monogram. Westerns, starring John Wayne will also be of higher quality with added production costs already set. Stanley Suit Put Off Wilmington, Del. — Trial of the suit of the Stanley Company of America against ERPI, Western Electric and A. T. & T., in which a preliminary injunction is outstanding and which was scheduled to start in the U. S. District Court here today, has been postponed by agreement of counsel until Wednesday. A. E. Lichtman Heads New Firm Richmond — A. E. Lichtman of Washington, D. C, is listed as president of the Booker T. Theater Corp., just chartered here. E. J. Haley and W. E. Cumberland are the other incorporators. Ira J. Cass Dies Boston — Ira J. Cass, veteran theater man, died here last week. Mentone Releasing Special "The World in Revolt," by Emil Lengyel, is now being made ready for April release by Mentone Pictures, E. M. Glucksman, president, stated yesterday. An extensive advertising and exploitation campaign is now being arranged by Joe Lee, Harry Goldberg and A. S. Rittenberg. Musical settings are by Milton Schwartzwald and Gregory Syone. Mark Hanna Aiding Waxman Mark Hanna, formerly sales manager for Paramount in India and China, has been appointed assistant to A. P. Waxman, chairman of the N. V. A. annual campaign. Hanna was recently European representative for Douglas Fairbanks. OPEN FORUM ON CODE AT MONOGRAM MEET (Continued from Page 1) tic City tomorrow. Those leaving from New York with President W. Ray Johnston include Trem Carr, Lou Ostrow, Jack Jossey, Arthur Bromberg, Herman Rifkin, Howard Stubbins, Floyd St. John, Jess Sheffield, Harry Thomas, Eddie Golden, Jack Berkowitz, Bernie Mills and Jim Alexander. Ed Finney and John Harrington are already at the resort. Program of the convention follow: Wednesday: 10:30 A. M. to 1 P. M. Open meeting. Welcome by Mayor of Atlantic City. Official meeting called to order by W. Kay Johnston. Short addresses by Trem Carr. Al Blofson. Ed Finney, Lou Ostrow. Irving Maudel. Jack Berkowitz, Harry Thomas, Arthur Bromberg, Vat Lefton, Floyd St. John. Eddie Golden, Claude Ezell, Oscar Hanson. 1 to 2:30 P. M. — Luncheon. 2:30 P. M. — Closed meeting. Annual meeting of stockholders. President's annual report. Election of directors. Appointment of budgeting and other committees. Deterlination of various business issues to be taken up at subsequent meetings. 8:30 P. M. — Meeting of board of directors. Election of officers and executive committee. Thursday: 10:30 A. M. to 1 P. M — Meeting of franchise holders, New York and coast executives. Discussion of 1934-35 program. 1 to 2:30 P. M. — Luncheon. 2:30 to 5:30 P. M. — Meeting of franchise holders, production ad sales executives. Discuss, m of new program, budgeting of new program, reports of committees. 11 P. At., screening "City Limits." Friday: 10:. in to 1 and 2:30 to 5:30 P. M. Address on executive policy by W. Ray Johnston ; on production plans by Trem Carr and Lou Ostrow ; on sales by Edward Golden ; on idvertising policy by Ed Finney ; discussion of sales drive ; discussion of sales quotas. Saturday: 10:30 A. M. — Unfinished business. 1 to 2:30 P. M. — Luncheon. 2:30 — D:scussion of group insurance by Herbert Ebenstein. Open forum discussion of nint ion picture industry code by John C. Flinn. 8 P. M. -Annual Banquet at Ambassador Until. Louis Xizer, toastmaster. 7,000 Houses Estimated Now on Dual Bill Policy (Continued from Page 1) of duals are the interests which are opposing them, oddly enough, observed Golden on Saturday. Arguing that the policy boosts business, he pointed out that Loew's Sheridan, which is playing duals one half the week, has substantially improved business through the plan. BIG NEWS AS SEEN BY THE PRESS AGENT "Joel McCrea is credited with 26 bathing suits. The only one apt to get damp in his new pool is a pair of dark blue trunks."— RKO.