The Film Daily (1934)

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DAILY Tuesday, April 3, 1934 Vol. LXV, No. 77 Tues., Apr. 3, 1934 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : : Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidayit 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. \V Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher : Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter. May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N. Y„ under the act of March 3, 1879 Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Creater New York $10.00 one year; (< months, $5.00; 3 months. $3.00. Foreign. Suhscriher should remit with order Address all communications to THE Fll.v DAILY. 1650 Broadway, New York. N. Y Phone. Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738. 7-47 ->9 Table Address: Filmday, New York. Hollv wood. California— Ralph Wilk. 6425 Ho'ly ivood Blvd.. Phone Granite 6607. LondnnF.rnest \V. Fredman, The Film Renter. 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — T.ichtMldhuetine FriedWchstrasse. 225. Paris— P. A. Harle. L? Tinemntoeraphie Francaise. Rue de la four les Nones. 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat 5 5 5 Columbia Picts. vfc. 29% 273/4 29'/2 + 2% Con. Fm. Ind 45/8 43/8 4% + 3/8 Con. Fm. Ind. ptd. 15% 15% 15V2 — Va East. Kodak 88 871/2 88 + 1 V4 Fox Fm. "A" 151/2 15 15'/2 Loew's, Inc 32% 327/8 327/8 + % do pfd 92% 92 92% + 2% Paramount ctfs. . . . 5% 5% 5% -f 3/8 Pathe Exch 33/8 31/4 3l/4 do "A" 193/8 18% 193/8 + 3/4 RKO 33/8 33/8 3% + % Univ. Pict. pfd 32 32 32 Warner Bros 73/8 7 73/8 -f 1/4 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Pets. vte. 29 28% 29 +2 Technicolor 9 8% 9 +1 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen Th. Eq. 6s40... 9% 9% 93/8 Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctfs. 87/8 8% 8% — Va Loew 6s 41ww 98 98 98 — % Paramount 6s47 ctfs. 49l/4 49y4 49V4 -f Va Par. By. 5%s51.... 33% 33% 33% + % Par. 5V2s50 ctfs.... 49 48V4 49 + 1% Pathe 7s37 91 90% 91 + % Warner's 6s39 587/8 573-4 58% 4 7/8 N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE SECURITIES Para. Publix 538 5 5^ + Va Paramount Meeting Put Off A meeting of Paramount Publix creditors scheduled for today to continue examination of officials haf been put off until April 17. "Riptide" Tops "Smiling" Week-end receipts of "Riptide", latest Norma Shearer vehicle, at the Capitol exceeded the gross of "Smilin' Through" for the like period, according to Major Edward Bowes. The showing is considered exceptional inasmuch as Good Friday was included in the three days for "Riptide." Changes of Policy Made By Loew in Cleveland Cleveland — Under a new policy .-chedule received by H. M. Addison, Loew district manager, effective Friday the Park and Granada go to first-run double features the last half of the week, with second-run single feature immediately following the State the first-half. Alhambra goes dual with three changes weekly at reduced prices of 15 cents for matinee and 20 cents at night. Granada also cuts prices from 35 to 25 cents. Court Reserves Decision on Quittner Pauper Appeal The Court of Appeals yesterday reserved decision on a motion to appeal as a pauper filed in behalf of Edward Quittner and, Middletown Combined Buildings Co. in connection with their anti-trust suit against Paramount, which was dismissed in the U. S. District Court last Spring. It was indicated that the Quittner motion might be grant(1 but the Middletown Building would be refused. Arthur Butler Graham represented the plaintiffs, Bruce Bromley appeared for Paramount and Gabriel L. Hess was counsel for the Hays association. I.T.O.A. Non-Assenters Decline Posts on Boards Several members of the I. T. O. A. who were named for local boards have declined to serve owing to the fact they have not signed the code, according to a statement by the New York exhibitor unit yesterday. Explanation was made that refusal to s:'gn assents was due to the failure of Division Administrator Sol A. Rosenblatt to keep alleged promises in connection with code provisions. President Harry Brandt, Attorney Milton C. Wiseman and Charles (Chick) Lewis are included in a group of I. T. O. A. members who vent to Washington today to again estify before the National Recovery Review Board. New Paramount Musical West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Paramount is making plans to produce "College Rhythm," a comedy and musical extravaganza with an elaborate cast including I.anny Ross, Richard Arlen, Jack Oakie, Paul Gerrits and Lyda Roberti. The story is an original by George Marion, Jr. Walter deLeon and John McDermott are developing the screen play. Hammett Original for Reliance Dashiell Hammett, noted detective story writer, has been signed by Edward Small of Reliance Pictures to write an original for one of the company's foi-thcoming United Artists releases. Pick Cincinnati Secretary Cincinnati — Alice Juergens, secretary of the Film Board of Trade, i slated for secretarial position of local zoning and grievance boards. Kiern, Schwartz to Stay On New Orleans Boards New Orleans — Independent-Allied protests, charging that Bert Kiern, owner of the Happy Hour, appointed as an unaffiliated exhibitor to the grievance board, was affiliated with United Theaters, and that Herbert Schwartz, grievance board impartial member, as president of Maison Blanche, had interests in radio station WSMB with Saenger Theaters, will not affect these appointments, Film Daily learned recently. It is said the Code Authority will take action only when favoritism is proved. "Samson-Delilah" Special Is Planned by Paramount West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — A "Samson and Delilah," with Miriam Hopkins and Henry Wilcoxon in the name roles, and Cecil B. DeMille as the director, will be Paramount's "big picture" product for next season. It is to be filmed on scale comparable to "The Ten Commandments," "The King of Kings," "The Sign of the Cross," and "Cleopatra", DeMille's current assignment. The announcement indicates that Paramount annually will make a De Mille historical or biblical spectacle, and furthermore is taken as proof of the actuality of national business recovery which warrants the return to film production schedules of extrabudget pictures. Chesterfield Completing Current Lineup by May 15 IV est Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — With seven features already completed and "City Park" an original by Carl Brown scheduled to go into production Thursday, Chesterfield will complete its 1933-34 schedule of nine pictures by May 15. "Green Eyes," an adaptation by Charles Belden of a story by Harriette Ashbrook, will be the ninth production. Cleveland Boards Meet Cleveland — First joint meeting of the local grievance and clearance boards was held yesterday at the Statler Hotel. J. E. Fontaine was elected temporary chairman, and Georgia Moffett proposed for secretary. A committee composed of Frank Drew, John Kalafat and Jerome Friedlander was named to select office space and report at the next meeting scheduled for Sunday. Adolph H. Mayers Burial Today Funeral seiwices for Adolph H. Mayers, father of Bert Mayers of Fitelson & Mayers, attorneys, and Archie Mayers of DuWorld Pictures, will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon in Riverside Memorial Chapel, Amsterdam Ave. and 76th St. "Riptide" and "Bunnies" Hold Atlantic City — With as many phone calls received on "Funny Little Bunnies" as on the feature, "Riptide," the Apollo holds over its bill for a second week. .oming an d G oing GLORIA SWANSON, recently signed by M-GM, is on her way to New York from th; coast to appear in person at the Paramounl Theater. PORTER EMERSON BROWNE is eastbounc from the coast en route to London. LEW BROWN, associate producer at Fox has arrived in New York to test new screen material and probably also to produce a stage musical. HARRY COHN is expected to leave Hollywood tomorrow for New York. JED HARRIS sails today on the Champlain for London. LOU DIAMOND returned to New York yesterday from the Coast. GEORGE S. KAUFMAN has returned to New York from Hollywood. WILLIAM FRASER of the Harold Lloyd Corp.| has arrived in New York from the Coast. ROY MACK leaves today for the coast. CHARLES BEAHAN has arrived from Hollyj wood and is stopping at The Hotel Warwick. Budget of $1,500,000 Scheduled by Monogram Monogram production budget for, 1934-35 will total $1,500,000, it is] understood. Roy Mack to Direct 2 on Coast Roy Mack of the Brooklyn Vita phone studio directorial staff leave today on the Twentieth Century fo Hollywood, where he will direct tw two-reel Technicolor musical shorts! for Vitaphone. One of these num B bers will be released as part of the current season's "Broadway Brevities" series, with the other to be the first of the six Technicolor shorts for next season's release. Mack returns to the Brooklyn Vitaphone plant in about three weeks. J. Robert Rubin's Sister Dies Jane Rubin, sister of J. Robert Rubin, died in the Doctor's Hospital, New York, over the week-end. Rubin has gone to Syracuse, where funeral services will be held today. COVERS EVERYTHING 1 have referred to it frequently for the past six "'/'.] teen years. 1 hi2 1 could hardly con ■i<l& ■ sider my office i_l=*»' : completely fur nished without it. In my opinion, the 1934 Film Daily Year Book is one of the "Ten Best Pro ductions of the Year." Samuel Goldwyn 1,000 Pages — Fire to Film Daily Subscribers.