The Film Daily (1934)

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THE DAILY Tuesday, April 3, 1934 REVIEW BOARD HEARING POSTPONED TO TODAY I Continued from Page 1) Mason, Board counsel, with a view So getting data for guidance of the Code Authority at the hearing. J. Robert Rubin aid not come to Washngton yesterday as expected owing ;o the death of his sister. Today's sessions are expected to nelucie testimony of independent abor union groups from New York md Minneapolis, and probably fur:her testimony from independent ■xhibitors. V^anSchmus Head Man At the Music Hall (Continued from Page 1) md booking of the huge auditorium. Early in tha fall he was assigned ay Rockefeller executives to supervise all business matters at the Music Hall although it is reported that this is his first activity in the amusement industry. Paramount is Reducing Short Subject Program \Loutinucd from Page 1) issues. The program will be definitely set next month at the Coast with Lou Diamond, home office short subject executive, attending. The company's program for next season will include the Paramount Pictorial, Headliners series, a series resembling the present Screen Souvenirs, and Max Fleischer cartoons, including one series in color. Ask Distribs for Names Of Code Beneficiaries (Continued from Page 1 ) ments have not unqualifiedly assent?d to the code, nevertheless they can he assessed for its operation costs in event they in any way participate in its benefits, including filing complaints with local boards. Warners Buy Two Stories West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood— "I'll Sell Anything," original by Albert J. Cohen and Robert T. Shannon, and "Border Town," novel by Carroll Graham, co-author of "Queer People," have been acquired by Warners. Talley to Manage New Fla. House Tallahassee, Fla. — A. P. Talley will manage the new State, being erected for Sparks Enterprises on College Ave. adjoining the site of the house destroyed by fire. House will seat 1,200. Lets Kids Run House St. Louis — A weekly Boys Night, when school children and Boy Scouts will man the theater from stem to stern with the exception of the projection booth, is being inaugurated by Norville Packwood, manager of the Grand-Florissant Theater. NEWS OF THE DAY Erie, Pa. — Mort Shea has completed arrangements for the installation of a large RCA Victor High Fidelity system in his theater, and plans a big advertising and opening ballyhoo splurge to capitalize on it locally. Jamestown, N. Y. — Irvin S. Kay, manager of the Winter Garden, is out of the hospital after a sinus siege. Harrisburg, Pa. The Majestic, long dark, has been taken over by the Wilmer & Vincent circuit and is being renovated and equipped with a large size RCA Victor High Fidelity sound system for reopening as a first-run house. C. F. Hopkins, city manager of the circuit, will be in charge. Boston — The Tremont theater has reopened with Francis P. Lydon as manager for the roadshowing ol "Narcotic," handled here by Hub Film Exchange. Monogram Product Gets Record Cleve. Bookings Cleveland — Every Monogram picture released this season has run a full week at a downtown first-run house, and the pictures have played every first-run house in the city with the sole exception of Loew's State. The bookings include 20 features so far. This, according to J. 3. Jossey, Monogram franchise holder, is the first time that any independent product has had such a record in Cleveland. Buffalo Boards Set Meeting Days Buffalo — At an informal gettogether last week of the local grievance and zoning clearance boards it was decided to have the grievance board meet the first and third Mondays of each month, while the zoning board will meet the second and fourth Mondays. Extra meetings will be held when necessary. Both boards will use the offices of the M. P. T. 0. association and will have the same secretary. First Division Branch in N. O. New Orleans — First Division will open a branch here shortly. The company is now seeking office space and Lyall Shiell, former film salesman and exchange manager, will be in charge. Gamby Held Over on Coast West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Maria Gambarelli (Gamby), who came west to appear at Grauman's Chinese during the run of "Queen Christina," has been asked by Sid Grauman to stay over for the prologue of the next picture, "House of Rothschild." Gamby also has been invited to three studios to take screen tests. Quits Phoenix Amusement Co. Lexington, Ky.— Annabelle Ward has resigned as managing director of Phoenix Amusement Co., being succeeded by Charles Behlen, formerly with RKO. Modernizing Pittsburgh House Pittsburgh — M. A. Samuels, who took over the New Atlas here, is reseating and modernizing the house with RCA Victor High Fidelity sound. St. Louis Notes St. Louis — Milton Harris, formerly of the Fox Theater, has gone to Cleveland to handle publicity for Loew's. Harry Swann, manager of the HiPointe theater, has moved to the fishington in Granite City, with Bill Mahoney replacing him at the Hi-Pointe. Fox Theater is now holding attractions as long as receipts warrant. "David Harum" ran 15 days and "George White's Scandals" is the current bill. Oscar Lehr, owner of the Peerless, is ill at home. Several theaters have made a deal with Station KWK to advertise their pictures for a period of five weeks. M. P. T. 0. has gone on record as vigorously opposed to a city sales tax. The Legion Gayety Theater opened Sunday with a 10-20-30 stock jompany operated by Legionnaires throughout. Fred Wehrenberg, Mrs. Ella Lau, W. A. Collins, J. B. Lueken, Bob Cluster and Theodore Coleman are among exhibs from this territory who plan to attend the M. P. T. O. A. convention in Hollywood. Wehrenberg Licks Holy Week St. Louis — Fred Wehrenberg, owner of the Cinderella, Melba, Michigan and Virginia, exploded the Holy Week bad business myth in a way that was a surprise even to himself. He revived a Mae West film, "Night After Night," in all four houses for three days, with "Big Broadcast" and "Horsefeathers" as the accompanying picture in two houses each. On Good Friday "The Sign of the Cross" was shown. Vaude for Cincy Grand Cincinnati — "Happy" Meininger, former manager of the Capitol, will inaugurate first-run films with vaudeville at the RKO Grand Opera House. Herman Boch, Grand manager, goes to the Capitol. William Dodds to Wed Cincinnati — William Dodds, assistant manager of the RKO Alb e, will become a benedict in June. MANY COMPLAINTS ALREADY RECEIVED (Continued from Page 1) in the order received at code headquarters. Flinn's letter accompanying the complaint forms in part reads as follows: "To what extent and in what number complaints will be filed with your board for determination, the Code Authority has no accurate information. Since the Code became effective a number of complaints have been sent to the Executive Secretary. When the character of any complaint has come within the provisions of the Code for determination by a local Grievance Board, the complainant has been notified to that effect in every instance and requested to be patient until the local Grievance Board in complainant's territory has been appointed and then take his complaint to the board ill the proper manner and form. Each complaint received from your territory for determination will be sent to your local secretary as soon as he (she) is appointed, which should be very soon. "The local secretary will be instructed to list the complaints for determination by your hoard in the order, by dates, in which they were filed with the Code Authority. "When your board starts to function all complaints shall be filed directly with your secretary and the practice of sending complaints to the Code Authority will be dis cou raged. "The Code Authority is forwarding to your secretary, when appointed, a certified list of distributors and exhibitors situated in your territory who executed prior to March 10, 1934. unqualified assents to the Code (Article VI, Part 2, Section 8) and who arc privileged to file complaints. Only the names on this certified list are so privileged. There fore, reference to the list for verification 0 signature should be the first procedure when a complaint is received by the secretary of your board. "To simplify the procedure of filing complaints, the Code Authority has prepared forms, of which copies are attached here with, to be used exclusively as the propel forms for filing complaints. There are three such forms, each of which may be explained in a few words: "No 1 (White) — Upon this form should be filed exclusively any complaint for ont of the four reasons contained in Article VI. Part 2, Section 1, Paragraphs (a) or (b) or (c) or (d). "No. 2 (Blue) — Upon this form should be filed exclusively any complaint under pn. visions of Article VI, Part 2', Section 4 The local board does not make a determina tion of complaints filed under this section; it cither dismisses the complaint or certifiethe complaint for determination by the Codi Authority. "No. 3 (Pink) — Upon this form should I filed exclusively any complaint under provisions of the Code outside of Article VI, Pari 2. and referred to in the two foregoing para graphs. "The Code Authority cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of regular, legal procedure by the local Grievance Board*. Every earnest effort should be made to reach unanimous agreements on determinations, :■ referred to in the manual. Unanimous determinations are nearly always just determin ations and will tend to discourage appeals with the Code Authority from determinations of local l>oards. While the Code provides liberal machinery for appeals, nevertheless, there is a loss of time and travelling expense to be incurred on the part of appellants whose appeals will be heard by the Code Authority sitting in New York City." Censor Bill Looms in Missouri St. Louis — A state censorship measure is to be presented at the next session of the Missouri General Assembly by thi Civic Union, according to present plans. Leaders of the movement also have been trying to interest members of the St. Louis board of aldermen in their plans.