The Film Daily (1934)

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THE DAILY Friday, April 6, 1934 Vol. LXV, No. 80 Fri., April 6, 1934 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher I'ublished daily except Sundays and Holiday it 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. hy VV'id's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasure' ind General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Asso ciate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managin Editor, Entered as second class matte> May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York X. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879 Terms (Postage free) United States outsul of Greater New York $10.00 one year; i months, $5.00; 3 months. $3.00. Foreiei $15.00. Subscriber should remit with ordei Address all communications to THE FIL* DA FLY, 1650 Broadway, New York. N. Y Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739 Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Holly wood, California— Ralph Wilk. 6425 Ho!l> wood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LondonF.rnest W. Fredman, The Film Renter. 89-9' Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Hade, Lr finematographie Francaise, Rue de la Com des-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Nel High Low Close Chg Am. Seat 5 5 5 Columbia Picts. vtc. 30'/2 29% 30 V4 + % Con. Fm. Ind 4% 4 1/4 4 1/4 Con. Fm. Ind. pfd... 16'4 16 16 1/4 + '/< East. Kodak 88 88 88 — 1 East. Kodak pfd....l35V4 135% 135% + 3% Fox Fm. "A" 16 15% 16 + % Loew's, Inc 34 32'/4 33% + 1 do pfd 931/2 931/2 93 V2 + 1 Mctro-Goldwyn. pfd. 24% 24% 24% + 5/, Paramount 5% 5% 5% .... Pathc Exch 3% 3 1/4 3% do "A" 20% 193/4 19% + 'A RKO 3% 33/8 3% .... Warner Bros 7% 73/8 7% + '// do pfd 23% 23% 23% + % NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Pets. vtc. 30 30 30 | 1 Technicolor 8 8 8 Trans-Lux 2% 2% 2%+ VI NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 10% 9% 10% + 1 Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctts. 10 8% 9% + % Keith A-0 6s46 . . . 643/4 64% 643/4 + % Loew 6s 41ww .... 99 9834 99 Paramount 6s47 ctfs. 4934 48'/, 49% + " Par. By. 5%s51 ... 363/4 3 4 1/4 363/4 + 7/g Par. By. 5%s51 ctfs. 34 34 34+1 Par. 5!7s50 ctfs. 50 49% 50 Pathe 7s37 92% 92 1/4 92 V4 Warner's 6s39 . ... 61% 60% 61 3/8 4 5/r N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE SECURITIES Para. Publix 5^4 538 5^4 + \'. THE INDUSTRY'S DATE BOOK Apr. 4-7: Monogram Pictures convention, Ambassador Hotel. Atlantic City. April 4-7: Monogram annual sales convention. Hotel Ambassador, Atlantic City, N. J. April 7: Federation of M. P. Industry meeting, Atlantic City, N. J. April 9: Independent Theater Owners of Ohio meeting, Netherland-Plaza Hotel, Cincinnati. 1 P.M. RKO Forms Radio-Screen Stock Company West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — RKO has formed a stock company of 13 stars and players to be known as a radio-screen stock group. Their work will be a regular feature of the "Hollywood on the Air" program which is broadcast over an NBC network every Monday evening, in addition to permanent work at the Radio studios. Buster Collier has been selected as director of the stock company. Included in the roster are Chick Chandler, Tom Brown, Thelma White, David Horsley, Dorothy Granger, Dot Farley, Nat James, Carol Tevis, Dorothy Slote, Jean Carmen and Kathleen Williams. Material for the stock company will be prepared by J.B.L. Lawrence, program director. Radio Village ... we calls it (Continued from Page 1) termination placed him where he is. His Hollywood rating is already high. T T T "THE RKO lot is a bee-hive of activity. ' "Strictly Dynamite" with Durante and Velez, "Where Sinners Meet" and "Stingaree" with Dix and Dunne are about ready. "Human Bondage" and the new Wheeler and Woolsey opera, "Cockeyed Cavaliers," will be off the fire in April. Prexy Kahane infos us that eight new productions will be in work by April 10. The RKO studio is not the largest in Hollywood, but one never leaves the lot without feeling that the gang of new blood there is going places. New Non-Theatrical Catalogue Chicago — Tenth edition of "1,000 and One," catalogue of non-theatrical films for 1934-35, has just been issued by "The Educational Screen." It contains a classified list of subjects, with data on length, distributor, etc. Booklet sells for 75 cents, except to "Educational Screen" subscribers, who get it for 25 cents. O. J. Hazen in Supply Firm Salt Lake City — O. J. Hazen, former manager here for National Theater Supply, has obtained an interest in the Service Theater Supply Co., opened here by Gordon Thornberg. Columbia Foreign Deals In All Except Germany With the exception of Germany, from which it has withdrawn, Columbia now has distribution arrangements in every European country, said Joseph H. Seidelman, in charge of foreign distribution, yesterday, following his return to New York after three months abroad. New deals just completed give Columbia distribution in Holland and Switzerland, he stated. Except in France, where business is dull, conditions are good, said Seidelman. Making Negro War Film "The Unknown Soldier Speaks," dealing with the work of Negro troops in the World War, is being made by Lincoln Film Corp., with Robert Rossen supplying dialogue and continuity. The picture will include some war scenes made by the U. S. Signal Corps and not previously shown, it is stated. Warners Buy "Colliers" Story West Coast Bureau .of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Warners have bought screen rights to "Miss Pacific Fleet", Frederick Hazlitt Brennan story, which recently appeared in "Colliers." 96 Radio Plugs on "Harold Teen" A total of 96 national radio plugs have been set to date on Warner's production of "Harold Teen," the company states. The broadcasts of the song hits from the picture will include renditions of the tunes by radio's most popular entertainers over coast-to-coast hookups. Film Stock Values Up Market value of the leading amusement stocks on the New York Stock Exchange increased by $4,678,422 last month, compared with a rise of $1,222,799 the previous month and a drop of $6,394,390 a year ago. Buck Jones for New 'U' Serial West Coast Bureau of TUP. FILM DAILY Hollywood — Universal has signed contracts with Buck Jones to star in its first serial for 1934-35, titled "Red Rider." DuWorld Gets "Beast of Borneo" DuWorld has acquired distribution rights to "Beast of Borneo," produced in Borneo and Hollywood by Far Eastern Productions, Inc.. and will present it in key cities prior to state-righting. E. C. Hopkins With Ritchey E. C. Hopkins has joined the office personnel of Ritchey Export Co., which distributes the Monogram product in foreign countries. Jerome Cohen Opening Coast Office Jerome J. Cohen, insurance broker, has left for Los Angeles to establish a coast office. Terry Turner Quits Casino Terry Turner has resigned as press agent for the Casino Theater and Harry Sobol has succeeded him. Douglas MacLean on Vacation West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Douglas MacLean, associate producer on Emanuel Cohen's production staff at Paramount, and Mrs. MacLean left Hollywood yesterday on a two-week vacation trip to Honolulu. MacLean's next picture on his return will be "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch," with Pauline Lord, W. C. Fields and ZaSu Pitts. .ommg an dG oi ng I PERCY PHILLIPSON, president of Genera Register Corp., leaves today on the Berengan for London for a three-week business tnj and a visit to the company's factory. FRANK BUCK left yesterday for Chicago where he will make personal appearances u connection with the showing of "Wild Cargo.' ALICE FAYE, who has been appearing r Fox pictures, arrived in New York last nighl from the coast. J. H. HOFFBERG sailed yesterday on thPresident Roosevelt for an extended busine-^ trip in Europe. He will make his headquarters in Madrid and Paris. HARVEY DAY, representing Terry-Toons, left last night for the coast, where he will attend the M.P.T.O.A. convention. Ready Reference Directory With Addresses and Phone Numbers o' Recognized Industry Concerns What To Buy And Where To Buy It • Engravers • CALL— "CITY" PHOTOENGRAVING (Day and Night Service) 250 W. 54th St., N. Y. Tel. COIumbus 5-6741 • Foreign AMERANGLO CORPORATION EXPORTERS— IMPORTERS Cable: Chronophon 226 WEST 42ND STREET NEW YORK CITY LONDON PARIS IERLI • Hotels • PRESIDENT HOTEL Atlantic City's Newest Boardwalk Hotel SEA WATER SWIMMING POOL MARINE SUN DECK TURKISH BATHS Reference Books COMPLETE Al Feinman Joins M-G-M Al Feinman has joined M-G-M to handle publicity, exploitation and advertising of short subjects under Howard Dietz. in every detail, pertaining to production, distribution and exhibition — 1934 YEAR BOOK of MOTION PICTURES Distributed FREE to Subscribers of Film Daily 1650 Broadway N. Y. City Hollywood Office 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Calif. I