The Film Daily (1934)

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m Intimate in Character Internationa! in Scope Independent in Thought The Da ly N ewsp i iper Of Mo t i o n Pict ures Now Si> :teen Years Old VOL. LXV. NO. 83 NEW YORK, TlESDAy, APRIL 1 C, 193* <S CCN1 Review Board 'Closing Books' on Code Tomorrow KUYKENDALL RE-ELECTED J. P. T. 0. A. PRESIDEN 1 Rothafe! and Lubin Set to Head New Regime at Roxy M.P.T.O.A. . . takes Hollywood by storm By JACK ALICOATE^^^ Hollywood, Monday Night IT WON'T be long now, for by the time ' you read this, Mayor Frank Shaw of this Los Angeles town will have presented big Ed Kuykendall with a gardenia key to the city, the band will have played "California, Here I Come," the studios with all of their charms will have opened their gates to the visiting firemen, and Alicoate will have had a chance to get caught up with his sleep during the introductory speeches. In other words, this Motion Picture Theaters Owners of America convention officially starts doing things at 10 this morning. T T T KIOTHING much happened Monday. ' ^ Many of the boys arrived early, spent a few moments resting the charms of California wine, and were off to see the sights. In the afternoon the board of directors had their usual meeting and as usual elected Ed Kuykendall president. The convention proper will be held in the Ambassador, and it's six, two and even that Mike Comerford will have the house counted 30 seconds after the bell rings. There is much on tap for today, starting with an address of welcome by Carlos Huntington, representing the Governor, a response by good ole Memphis M. A. Lightman, and the reading of a series of reports as long as the Capitol Theater line on Gable day. T T r IN THE afternoon the gang will frolic at ' Warner Brothers' studio for luncheon and high jinks, and in the evening those Laemmle boys, Senior and Junior, will entertain with dinner and a big dance. West Coast Theaters have planned a luncheon and a golf tournament at Lakeside Golf Club for Friday, if anyone can stand up by that time. One thing is certain. This gang will not want for either entertainment or food while here, for every outfit in town has "Welcome" on the door mat and every studio pantry door is wide open. As Mae West told us to pass the word along today, "Boys, you're the only men in my life I have never tried to wrong. Have a good time in Hollywood. It ain't no sin." House is to be Closed for Sprucing Up Before It Starts New Policy Negotiations are practically set between Hayden, Stone & Co., bankers, and a committee of bondholders to take over the Roxy Theater with Samuel L. "Roxy" Rothafel as managing director and Herbert Lubin in charge of administration, The Film Daily learns. Finances will be supplied through a new first mortgage which has already been arranged. A second mortgage will {Continued on Page 8) SUN. PERFORMANCES GAINING IN ALABAMA Birmingham — Sunday shows are gaining in a number of small mining and agricultural communities in Alabama, although elections have not been held and the legality of Sunday shows is doubted. The the\ters are opening without being molested, a survey reveals. Right Idea, Anyway Omaha, Nebr. — Although there is no theater in West Lincoln, Nebr., the town has voted in favor of Sunday movies by a plurality of 33. The same proposal won at Fairbury, but lost in Stromsburg. Easter Week in Cleveland Called Biggest Since 1929 Cleveland — Easter Week business here was the biggest since 1929, a checkup indicates. With all downtown houses open for the first time (Continued on Page 7) ROSENBLATT OKAYS TWO GODE RULINGS Two resolutions adopted by the Code Authority on March 29, one ruling that the 10 per cent cancellation clause applies to contracts made before Dec. 7 for pictures released after that date, and the other putting a ban on so-called "bank nights" and "race nights," have (Continued on Page 8) Jules Michaels is Nam* Chairman of MPTOA Grievance Board By RALPH WILK West Coast Manager, FILM DAIL 1 Hollywood — Ed Kuykendt '■'■ was re-elected president of t M.P.T.O.A. at the annual meeting of the board of directors held yesterday afternoon preceding the convention. Fir forecast of his re-election appeared exclusively in The Fil Daily of Feb. 21. Other officers re-elected were (Continued on Page 7) Balaban & Katz Acquire Sixth Theater in Loop Chicago — The Apollo, for many years a Shubert legit theater, has been taken over by Balaban & Katz and will be converted into a picture house. This makes six Loop houses under B. & K. control, two of them playing stage attractions. The Garrick, recently taken over by B. & K., is undergoing extensive alteration inside and out and is expected to open about May 1. Union Notified by Review Board Code Hearings End in 48 Hours Baxter, Gaynor, Rogers Being Starred in Fox Film West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Warner Baxter, Janet Gaynor and Will Rogers will be co-starred by Fox in "One More Spring," which Winfield Sheehan will produce on his return from a European trip in July. Henry King is slated to direct. Screen play is by Edwin Burke. By WILLIAM SILBERBERG FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Washington — Following failure of William C. Elliott, president of the I.A.T.S.E., to appear at yesterday's labor hearings on the code before the National Recovery Review Board, it is understood the Board sent him a telegram stating that af (Continued on Page 7) HAYS, 0. 0. MclNTYRE AT MPTOAJANQUE West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAI1 ? Hollywood — Will H. Hays scheduled to arrive tomorrow to a dress the M. P. T. O. A. conve tion banquet at the Hotel Amba sador on Thursday. O. O. Mclntyr dean of the syndicated columnistalso will attend. Hector Turnbull Services Will Be Held Tomorrow New Hope, Pa. — Funeral service for Hector Turnbull, who died sue. denly on Sunday at his home her'j. will be held tomorrow in the Thomr son Memorial Presbyterian Church with burial in the churchyard. Turr bull was formerly a production exe cutive with his brother-in-law, Jess L. Lasky. He also had been a news paperman, author and scenarist. Portable Circuits Click Chicago — C. T. Dusenberre of St. Louis recently inaugurated a second circuit of small picture shows in and around that city, using DeVry portable sound-on-film equipment, and has been so successful he is considering organising another circuit.