The Film Daily (1934)

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DAILY Tuesday, April 10,1934 EXPLOITETTES Corking Ballyhoo Sells "Missing Persons" "HUREAU of Missing Persons" zoomed off to a swell start and a fine run at the Metropolitan theater, Houston, Texas, thanks to the first rate exploitation campaign with which E. E. Collins, manager, introduced this exploitation gem. For seven days in advance of the Metropolitan theater opening all the houses of the Interstate Circuit in Houston used two three-sheet stretchers in their lobbies, the three-sheets being art combinations of stills, catchlines and cast names. The lobby of the Metropolitan theater had in addition one lobby stretcher about 2 feet in depth and 26 feet in length suspended over the main exit doors, spotlighted, bearing the title and cast names. Four three-sheet wall frames consisting of art in panels in which were displayed stills and selling copy, as well as other panels similar in nature but different in sizes, were used in strategic points in the house. For a week in advance local street cars carried theater cards, and in 75 various downtown shops and windows were spotted cards beautifully illuminated in Neon frames. Stations KPRC and KTRH were tied in for a series of daily spot announcements, for a week in advance, heralding the picture. — Metropolitan, Houston, Tex. Mayor of Baltimore Helps Exploit "Footlight Parade" TOR the first time in the history of theater business in this city, the Mayor of Baltimore actively participated in an exploitation stunt for a picture. The stunt was in conjunction with the opening of "Footlight Parade." The Mayor released 1000 inflated balloons right from the City Hall steps. Each balloon carried a piece of copy advertising "Footlight Parade." To one hundred of the balloons were attached a ticket to the Warner musical hit. Four beautiful girls dressed in chorus costume assisted the Mayor in releasing the balloons. William Sexton, general manager of Loew's Baltimore theaters, Steinbuck, manager of the Stanley and Herbert Morgan, publicity man, get credit for this next piece of work. Blumonrhal Loses Appeal Wa<h. Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — A. C. Blumenthal yesterday was denied a review of his suit before the U. S. Supreme Court to obtain a share of $300,000 which Albert M. Greenfield received as part of a stock option agreement on Fox Filr stock several years ago. • • • IT LOOKED like a publicity stunt had all the earmarks of a clever gag to crash the newspapers but as a matter of fact it was pulled by outsiders trying to cash in and caused E. B. Coleman, the M-G-M representative handling the matter all sorts of grief it happened like this ▼ ▼ Y • • • DOWN IN El Paso, Texas they discovered Celia Villa the daughter of Pancho Villa, the famous Mexican bandit and Coleman signed her up for personal appearances in connection with "Viva Villa" all ready to break a Natural, if there ever was one then some Mex got hold of her and induced her to sign a phoney contract dated prior to the M-G-M contract they got a cockeyed idea that she was going to be starred in Hollywood at a big salary and were trying to cut in when they found1 she only had a contract for three months for personal appearances they released the girl who had been held practically a prisoner so Celia will be at the opening of "Viva Villa" tonite at the Criterion and if you think all this is a Gag consult the El Paso police dep't who will tell you it was on the level we ourself wouldn't take Billy Ferguson's word for it till we read the account in the El Paso papers | i ▼ T ▼ • • • NEW USE for the Motion Picture Club! to give receptions and parties to Celebs connected with the film biz credit Bert Adler with the bright idea he ar ranged a reception this afternoon at 5 for John C. Mitchell Western editor of "New Movie" the Tower mag so a raft of Mister Mitchell's friends will be on hand to greet him in an Ideal Spot the Empey Club and why can't a lot of other similar affairs be held here? and give our Own Club a break T ▼ T • • • OVER THE Eastern weekend Warner's "Wonder Bar" proved a wonder to the home office exceeding their most rosy expectations as it opened in 225 situations playing in many spots against big opposish in many Eastern spots the pix set new house records with holdover engagements in 89 per cent of these engagements ▼ Y ▼ • • • BECAUSE OF the enthusiastic reception given the radio broadcast, "Footlight Echoes" the Roxy will repeat tonite again putting the program on the air from the stage artists will include Al and Lee Reiser, Veronica Wiggins, George Shackley and his Footlight Echoes orch, and Lewis Reid Ernest Truex will head a stock company in White Plains during the summer .... ▼ ▼ ▼ • • • FIRST NITE audience at Radio City Music Hall on Thursday, April 19, for opening of Fox's "Stand Up and Cheer" will include Gov. A. Harry Moore of New Jersey and his official staff to honor a Jersey native son Nick Foran who makes his debut in this pix Helen Chandler will be interviewed by Radie Harris over WOR on Friday nite in connection with her First Nash pix, "Old Doll's House" T ▼ ▼ • • • LOOMING UP as a successor to "Fatty" Arbuckle is Dan Sowers the 325-pound Kentucky Colonel who holds the mike each Tuesday eve over WMCA with yarns and an original line of gags overseas during the War they referred to Dan as "the largest body of troops in the A.E.F." the lad is known to literally millions for the past five years he has been a member of the American Commission of the American Legion, traveling everywhere as an after-dinner speaker « « « » » » TIMELY TOPICS No Motion Picture Is Perfect, Says Leisen '"THERE is no such thing as a perfect motion picture — thank God, and there shouldn't be one. A perfect movie would be all technique. What the spectators want is entertainment. Even the most artistic achievements of the screen aren't perfect. In fact, that is the reason they're outstanding cinemas. Attempt to make perfect motion pictures, and you attain what disciples of technique through the centuries have accomplished in the various arts — namely something that wins plaudits from the profession but fails to appeal to the layman. Shelley and Keats were far less concerned with technique than were Chaucer and Browning, yet their poems touch the heart. Schubert and Schumann, masters of romantic melody, made many technical mistakes, as compared to the perfection of Bach and Handel, whose laborious fugues and oratorios are appreciated only by the profession. Motion pictures like Murnau's "Sunrise" and Jannings' "The Last Laugh" were marvels of technical perfection which entertained their hundreds but failed to capture their millions. —Mitchell Leisen Cleve. Variety Membership Full Cleveland — Membership list of the local Variety Club has been closed as a result of the quota being filled, says President J. E. Fontaine. George Roberts and I. J. Schmertz were "kings" at yesterday's luncheon, with Sally Rand as guest. Max Cohen Wins Providence Suit Providence — Max Cohen, New York theatrical man, was awarded only nominal damages by Judge Alexander L. Churchill in Superior Court here, but was denied specific performance of an agreement to lease the Metropolitan Theater in this city in his suit against Delphina Realty Co. George Arliss Joe Moskowitz Nick Stuart