The Film Daily (1934)

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ntimate in Character nternationat in Scope independent in Thought i APR J***'.;" The D rily N ewspe iper Of M o t i o n Pict ures Now S ixteen Years Old -IF DAILY /©L. LXV. NO. 93 NOV y€Cr, S4TLCDAy, APRIL. 21 1934 5 CENT1 trike of Service Help is Averted by Rosenblatt XHIBS NOT PAYING C0¥PTA MAYlOSE FILMS ongwriters Demand Royalty Payments From Pictures hare in Receipts Wanted in Preference to a Straight Salary The Songwriters' Protective Asso. seeking to negotiate a basic igreement with Fox and several ;her major studios to provide that mgwriters under contract to udios shall receive royalties on leir songs when published, share i synchronization rights and otherlse benefit from their work, it was ;ated to Film Daily yesterday y Sigmund Romberg, president of <e S.P.A. Romberg said Fox has held that fie writer, having received a stipu (Continued on Page 4) I0RE HOUSES JOIN MID-STATES CO-OP Detroit— Mid-States Theaters, exjibitor buying cooperative, has addd a large number of houses, bringlg its total to 66. New members lclude the Rex, Cameo, Casino, rayety, Conant, Cinderella, Roosevelt, Iris and Liftman's People's in fetroit; Hazel Park, in Hazel Park; ord Grand and Midway, Dearborn, 'he Cinderella and Roosevelt be)ng to James N. Robertson, usually he "lone wolf" in local exhibitor lovements. ■ 50 S.M.P.E. Members Expected at Convention Two hundred and fifty members re expected to attend the S. M. P. Spring meeting which opens Monday at the Hotel Chalfonteladdon Hall, Atlantic City. De'elopments in color photography will {Continued on Page 2) Cameo Goes Dual The Cameo, Times Square house which played extended runs when under RKO, has switched to double features, changing three times weekly. RKO Considering $500,000 Building Project Wc t Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — A 5500,000 building prcgram, tor a tour-story building with a two-story tower which will house the National Broadcasting station, is under consideration at the RKO studios. The new structure would house all business departments ot the studio and the radio station. Various smaller projects have been completed at the plant in recent weeks. CODE AUTHORITY OrS 13 MORE SECRETARIES REVIEW BOARD REPORT EXPECTED NEXT WEEK Appointment of secretaries for local boards was completed by the Code Authority with one exception; Indianapolis, at a meeting yesterday, when 13 more selections were approved. They are: New York, Miss F. Abramson and Miss Lillian (Continued on Page 2) Code Authorities to Have Labor, Consumer Advisors Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Labor and consumer advisors to the administration members of all Code Authorities, in lieu of their direct representation on the governing bodies, will soon be a reality under an NRA order issued March 30 and which became known yesterday. Either General Johnson or Sol A. Rosenblatt will appoint the advisors, who will have access to all minutes of Code Authority proceedings. Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Contrary to expectations, no general report on the findings of the National Recovery Review Board or explicit recommendations on changes in the film code will be made this week to the White House. Report to the President is expected next week, however. Meanwhile it is learned that a representative of Monogram Pictures is to confer today with Lowell Mason, counsel for the Board. International Broadcast On 'Sweethearts' Premiere Philadelphia — As a plug for the world premiere of Warner's "20 Million Sweethearts" which opens here Tuesday, a showing of the musical will be held tomorrow night at Station WCAU for radio stars and others. After the screening, the (Continued on Page 4) Closed Shop for Service Union If Membership is Substantiated Through the mediation of Division Administrator Sol A. Rosenblatt, the threatened strike of Local 118, service union, has been postponed pending a checkup of the union's claims that it represents the majority of employes in its field. A statement from Rosenblatt said that if the checkup substantiates the union claims, it will be possible to negotiate a settlement satisfactory to all. This settlement is understood to mean a closed shop. The strike was called off after a three-hour session in the Code Authority offices attended by Rosenblatt, Charles Moscowitz of Loew's, Major L. E. Thompson of RKO, Chas. C. Levey, secretary of Local 118. Abner Rubien, the union's attorney, and Ben Golden, secretary of the NRA Regional Labor Board. It is expected that the checkup to be jnade under NRA supervision will be completed in a week. Failure to Pay Assessment in 30 Days May Result in Loss of Product Exhibitors who fail to pay their code assessments within 30 days after receipt of their notices may be barred from playing American pictures under a resolution adopted by the Code Authority and approved yesterday by Division Administrator Sol A. Rosenblatt. Distributors will refuse to serve such accounts, it was stated at Code Authority headquarters yesterday, following a meeting of the Authority. In addition, exhibitors who have assented to the code are liable to a fine of (Continued on Page 4) ONLY ONE HOLDING OUT IN DETROIT PRICE HIKE Detroit — Only one exhibitor, with two houses, is holding out against the price boost here. Downtown houses, other than first runs, adopted the plan this week after two weeks of experiment with a 5-cent raise by the Family, owned by Edgar E. Kirchner, treasurer of Allied Theaters. Kirchner reported that (Continued on Page 2) Separate Code Ordered For Service Employes Reversing Sol. A. Rosenblatt, the NRA Policy Board in Washington, which acts on disputes between codes, has ruled that employes of building maintenance companies do not come under the theater code but are entitled to a code of their (Continued on Page 2) Joe Schenck Goes Park Ave. Joseph M. Schenck, head of United Artists and 20th Century, has subleased the Park Avenue apartment formerly occupied by Julian Bactte. stock broker.