The Film Daily (1934)

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DAILY Saturday, April 21, 193' Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by U'id's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. \V. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur VV. Eddy, Associate Editor: Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21. 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms ( Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months. $3.00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. Phone. Circle 7-4736. 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday. New York. Holly wood, California— Ralph Wilk. 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LondonErnest \V. Fredman. The Film Renter. 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse. 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Cinemntnemphie Francaise. Rue de la Courdes-Noues. 19. • FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. 5' 4 5' 4 5' 4 + '/a Am. Seat Columbia Picts. vfc. Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. East. Kodak Fox Fm. "A" Loew's. lnc Paramount ctls. Pathe Exch do "A" RKO Univ. Picf. pfd.. . Warner Bros do pfd 30' 2 30H 30V4 — 3/8 4-3 45, 458 17 1653 17 U 961/4 93 1 2 95 i 4 + 21/2 1634 16's 34i4 34 NEW YORK Technicolor Trans-Lux 5'/8 3' 3 2234 45 7% 301 2 30 CURB MARKET 934 934 9*4 2'2 23, 2i2 5*8 3i4 23 ',2 3*8 46 734 16*4 + % 345, 38 5>4 3i3 22 3 4 — 1/4 3'2 45 — 1V4 T-\ ~ V 301 2 -1 ll/2 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 10'3 10' 4 10' 2 Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctts. 9*4 93, 934 4 \\ Loew 6s 41ww 102 10l'4 101'i + 1/4 Paramount 6s47 ctts. 53 '2 53' 4 53 '4 — 1 Par. By. SVi^Sl 38 37', 38 Par. By. 5V2s51 ctfs. 36' 2 36i2 36'2 Par. 5'/2s50 ctts. 52', 52 52 — 1 '2 Warners 6s39 66 65 66-1 N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE SECURITIES Para. Publix 5Vs 5 ' 's 5''4 + Vs Diversity Detroit — George W. Trendle, general manager ot United Detroit Theaters, believes in putting variety into his programs, as witness this dual billing at the United Artists Theater: "Looking for Trouble" and "Look for the Silver Lining" NGthe RMJSF9 PHIL M. DALY • • • ALL SET for the Biff Blowout of the AMPA! tonite at the Hotel Astor added starter on the entertain ment list The Tribesmen a native Balkan orchestra for the first time they will present their unique music to an American audience having come from an engagement at the London Coliseum with this orch is the famous dance team of Roudis & Renell everything is in readiness for the grandest gala affair that the film world has experienced in vears will be seein' you there T T T • • • FOR THE sixth successive week-end extra performances will be given today and Sunday at the Astor of "The House of Rothschild" four performances today three on Sunday Largest crowd at the Roxy for six months to catch opening of Lee Tracy's "I'll Tell the World" more than 900 in line before the box-office opened ▼ T T • • • THE ART Workers Guild of London has paid a unique tribute to Walt Disney by electing the creator of Mickey Mouse and Silly Symphony an honorary member Leroy Phelps, one of Frank Buck's cameramen on "Wild Cargo," was guest of honor at a luncheon of the Grosscup-Pinchon Post of the American Legion Monogram's "Beggars In Ermine" opens at the Mayfair Monday "Romance In Budapest," a Universal Hungarian pix distributed here by Du World, opens Apr. 28 at the 55th St. Playhouse Myer Beck is now handling publicity at the Rivoli George Jessel, Ethel Merman, Harriet Hoctor and Johnny Green will be on the stage bill at the Paramount next week Separate Code Ordered For Service Employes (.Continued from Page 1.) own, and advised that such a code, be drafted quickly. This ruling, which was made on application of L. R. Shapiro, general manager of eastern operations for the American Bldg. Maintenance Co., was interpreted by him as permitting his company to work their employes 48 hours weekly. Shapiro said that when the President's reemployment agreement was signed by the Building Maintenance Contractors Ass'n of America a special dispensation for a 48-hour week was obtained from Gen Johnson. Under the theater code employes are restricted to a 40-hour week. The Policy Board ruling emphasized that employes doing the same class of work as those employee! by maintenance companies, but regularly on the payroll of a theater, come under the theater code. 250 S.M.P.E. Members Expected at Convention (Continued from Page It figure prominently in the discussions and papers. On Tuesday the focal point of interest will be proposed changes in the length of reels. Plans will be made for holding the regular October meeting at which the annual election of officers will take place. .oming an dG oing Code Authority Okays 13 More Secretaries (Continued from Pane 1) Silver; Albany, Benjamin Stosverg; Boston. Olive Bursiel; St. Louis, Lila B. Schofield; Dallas, Don Douglas; Los Angeles, Minnie A. Kopple; New Orleans, Mona O'Rourke; Oklahoma City, Charles P. Zears; Omaha, Regina Molseed; Pittsburgh, Emmaline Fineberg; Salt Lake City, Judge F. C. Loofbourow; Seattle, Mrs. R. B. Lynch; Washington, James B. Fitzgerald. W. C. Michel, as alternate for Sidney R. Kent, presided at yesterday's session. Attending were: R. H. Cochrane, W. Rav Johnston, Charles L. O'Reilly. Nathan Yamins, Major L. E. Thompson, H. S. Bareford, and Jay Emanuel repi-e«enting Ed Kuykendall. J. Robert Rubin, ill, did not attend. John C. Flinn, executive secretary of the Code Authority, yesterday sent to distributors notification that they may immediately allow cancellation privileges provided by the code, as per a recent interpretation by the Authority. Next meeting of the Authority takes place May 4 at 10:30 a. m. with Major Thompson as chairman. George W. Coleman has been appointed the impartial member of the Boston clearance and zoning board. CARL LAEMMLE left New York yesterda for the coast accompanied by his secretary JACK ROSS. JOE WEIL, who also came eas with Laemmle, returns by plane tomorrow. MR. and MRS. GEORGE ARLISS and HOW ARD H. IMRAY. Eastman Kodak advertisi«| manager, sail today on the Bremen for Eng land. R M. SAVINI has left for a tour of exchange centers to call on Astor Pictures franchise holders. JACK ALICOATE arrives in New York today from Hollywood. ELMER RICE, playwright, sails with Mrs Rice today on the Champlain for England DR. CHARLES E. K. MEES, Eastman Kodak research director, and CLEMENT LAIR. LUCIEN VACHER and EDOUARD CHAMPION of KodakPathe Society, Paris, sail on the same ship MRS. LOWELL THOMAS sails on the Monarch of Bermuda today for Bermuda. LUCY BEAUMONT, actress, sailed yesterday on the American Trader for London. GRAD SEARS, ANDY SMITH and S. CHARLES EINFELD return to New York today from Hie coast. AL DUBIN and HARRY WARREN, songwriters, have left Hollywood for New York and will be here for the premiere of First Njtional's "20 Million Sweethearts." Only One Holding Out In Detroit Price Hike (Continued from Page 1) while there was an initial slight drop in attendance, grosses actually increased. As a result the Family, Columbia, Bijou, Blackstone and Republic boosted their scales. H. M. Richey says 140 houses are now operating under higher prices, sufficient to make costs. Night prices start at 6 P. M. All 5-cent matinees have been eliminated. Minimum price for kids is a dime. Giveaways, two-for-ones, etc., are banned. Astor Pictures' New Plans A new series of Tim and Tom three-reel westerns and six six-reel stunt melodramas, in addition to increasing the Bud 'n' Ben series to 12 more releases, is the program contemplated by Astor Pictures for 1934-35. Having sold New York distribution rights on its product. Astor will function exclusively as a national sales and producer representative organization. "No Greater Glory" for Roxy Columbia's "No Greater Glory" has been booked by the Roxy for the week of May 4. Another Columbia picture, "Whirlpool," opens the new vaudefilm policy at the Casino on April 27. Brooklyn Paramount to Close The Brooklyn Paramount is understood to be closing in three weeks' time. House is playing pictures and presentations. Kinney Quits Mich. Allied Detroit — Following his appointment as secretary ot the local grievance and zoning-clearance boards, E. S. Kinney has resigned as assistant to H. M. Richey, general manager of Allied Theaters of Michigan. Offices of tfie local boards have been established in the Francis Palms (State Theater) Building.