The Film Daily (1934)

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THE DAILY Tuesday, May 8, 1934 ail na ICWS Auimnm I. LXV, No. 107 Tues., May 8. 1934 5 Cents HN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher blished daily except Sundays and Holiday:1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. Wid's Films and Film Folk.,, Inc. J. W. coate, President, Editor aind Publisher ; nald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer 1 General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Assote Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing itor. Entered as second class matter, y 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. V., under the act of March 3, 1879. rms (Postage free) United States outside Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 nths, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign. .00. Subscriber should remit with order. Iress all communications to THE FILM ILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. >ne, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. le Address: Filmday, New York. Holly 4, California— Ralph Wilk. 6425 Holly d Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — est W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 rdour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne. :drichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La ;matographie Francaise, Rue de la Cour Noues, 19. FINANCIAL Golf Committee Named — Also the Brewmeister With the naming of the official committee, the receipt of 24 entries and the appointment of Harry H. Thomas as Brewmeister, plans for the 22nd annual Film Daily Golf Tournament progressed on putts and drives yesterday. On Thursday the committee will visit the Glen Oaks Golf and Country Club, Great Neck, to look over the fairways and the effectiveness of the 19th hole. With Thomas in charge of the suds in acknowledgement of his generous donation of several barrels of he-man beer, feelers are out for some enterprising executive who will donate a supply of wine for the non-beer drinkers. Prizes will be plentiful and revelry will surpass fomer years. Members of the committee are Jack Alicoate, chairman; Al Lichtman, Louis Nizer, Lee Ochs, William Ferguson, William Brandt and Don Mersereau. Thursday, June 7 is the date. Applications are now being received by the committee. Entries are limited. Make your reservation today. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Low Close Seat 4 3'/4 31/4 mbia Picts. vtc. 27Vi 26'/2 27'/4 Fm. Ind 4 4 4 Fm. Ind. pfd.. I6I/4 15'/2 16 Kodak 90 873'8 873/8 Kodak pfd. ...138 136 136 Fm. "A" I51/4 Hi/4 14% 's, Inc 333/s 30% 31 1/8 nount ctfs. ... 5 4Vg 4% i Exch 23/4 25/8 25/8 "A" 213/4 20i/8 201/4 31/4 3 3 . Pict. pfd.. .. 40 40 40 er Bros 6% 53/4 6 NEW YORK CURB MARKET nicolor 8 Vi 8'/8 8Vs s-Lux 2 2 2 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Th. Eq. 6s40.. lO'/s 8V2 8 1/2 Th. Eq. 6s40ctfs. 9 8/2 8% A-0 6s46 69l/4 68 68 6s 41ww. .. .IOO1/2 IOOI/2 1001-2 lount 6s47 ctfs. 50Vs 493/8 493/8 By. 5l/2s51 47 443/8 44 1 '2 By. 5l/2s51 ctfs. 47 4bi'2 46!2 5i/2s50 ctfs... 501/2 4933 493', 7s37 9«'/2 941/2 94'/2 jr's 6s39 62 59 Vs 60 Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE 5ECURITI Publix 43/4 41/4 43 Net Chg. l'/2 1/2 2% 3 % l'/2 Vi 1/8 H/2 Va 3 1/2 % l'/2 2 ' 1 i/a 'V2 1/2 I3* ES irge Archinbaud James T. Tinling Can Protest Assessments To Local Grievance Board Exhibitors who consider their code assessments unfair may file complaints with their local grievance boards prior to the start of the second half of the code fiscal year, it was stated at the office of the Code Authority yesterday. Approximately $22,000 has already been collected from 3,500 theaters up to the present time. Eastern Code Secretaries Meeting Here Next Week The third and last meeting of local board secretaries has been tentatively scheduled for next Tuesday in New York, with Eastern secretaries attending. Attending the meeting called by John C. Flinn, executive secretary of the Code Authority, will be secretaries from New York, Boston, Buffalo, New Haven, Philadelphia, Albany, Pittsburgh, Washington, Charlotte and Atlanta. Enjoin Sheboygan Pickets Milwaukee — An injunction has been granted by Federal Judge Ferdinand Geiger ordering unions to cease picketing the Rex in Sheboygan. Rex Theater Co. charged intimidation because its employes would not join the union. Lesser Sets Two Stories In George O'Brien Series Two Harold Bell Wright stories, "When A Man's a Man" and "That Printer of Judell" have already been selected by Sol Lesser for the series of six George O'Brien features he will produce for Fox release, it was said in New York yesterday by Louis Hyman, sales manager and vice-president of Principal Pictures. Also scheduled for production by Lesser is "Peck's Bad Boy," starring Jackie Cooper," and "Chandu," to be made as a feature and a serial. Ambassador Musicians Walk Out St. Louis — In a dispute over the sufficiency of a two-week notice that their services would not be required after May 10, the crew of 28 musicians at the Ambassador walked out Saturday night, leaving the house without orchestra for its stage show featuring Ed Lowry. George Tyson, speaking for the management, said the union wanted to be paid to May 17. New License Ordinance in Dallas Dallas — Under a new ordinance passed by the city council to license theaters, the city is empowered to act against objectionable attractions, although no censorship machinery is set up. Enforcement is left to the police. William Gaxton Signed by RKO West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — William Gaxton, Broadway muscial comedy star, has been signed by RKO for "Afterwards." Exhibs Ask Permission To File Code Assents Hundreds of exhibitors have written to the Code Authority seeking permission to assent to the code, it was stated at its headquarters yesterday. Executive Secretary John C. Flinn will turn these letters over to the Code Authority at its meeting Friday. Two appeals from local board decisions are pending with the Code Authority. The case of Saxe against Ashley and Vitagraph will be heard Friday at 2:30 p. m., following a regular meeting of the Authority at 10:30. Overbuying is charged. The Boston grievance board, in session yesterday, reported another appeal which will probably reach the Code Authority for action. Attend Rentals Confab John Benas, David Snapper and Julius Charnow will represent Al lied Theaters of New Jersey at the exhibitor group conference on film rentals to be held today at the call of the M.P.T.O. of Eastern Pennsylvania, in conjunction with the I. T. O. A. 2 Para. Spanish Films in East Two Spanish dialogue features starring Carlos Gardel, famous tango singer, will be directed by Louis Gasnier at the Eastern Service Studios in Astoria for Paramount release. John Auer will assist Gasnier. Stories are by Juan Leperra. Warners Buy Bradford Ropes Yarn West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — "Go Into Your Dance," latest novel by Bradford Ropes, author of "42nd St.", has been bought by Warners. .oming an dG omg SCL. A. ROSENBLATT will be in New York Friday. MADELEINE CARROLL, who arrives in New York today from the coast, will stop at the Ritr Tower for a few days before sailing Saturday on the Berengaria for London. BINNIE BARNES, British actress signed by Universal for "There's Always Tomorrow," sails from England this week for Hollywood. ELIZABETH ALLAN, M-G-M actress who is next slated for "David Copperfield," arrives in New York today on the Bremen. GEORGE RAFT, whose name was on the passenger list of the lie de France, sailing last Saturday noon, was still in New York on Saturday evening, attending a performance at the Paramount. BILL PERKINS, Warner exploiteer, has gone to Cincinnati from Boston. BERT McKENZIE, head of M-G-M exploitation in New England, is traveling with Mary the Rhino. Weingarten Sees Demand For Human Characters Present-day audiences have a taste for nicely-handled sophisticated stories, according to Larry Weingarten, M-G-M producer, who has arrived in New York from the Coast. In an interview yesterday he visualized the need of more human characters in screen stories, characters which arouse audience sympathy and interest. Clyde Elliott to Head New Expedition for Fox West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Clyde Elliott is assembling a unit to go to China and film a Yangtze River pictui-e, "Yellow Water," for Fox. Departure is set for midsummer. Cast of the picture will be all native. "U" Buys Sturges Original Universal has acquired an original bv Preston Sturges, titled "A Cup of Coffee." COVERS EVERYTHING It will be very useful to me during the coming year. /. R. McDonough, President RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. 1,000 Pages — Free to Film Daily Subscribers. i!