The Film Daily (1934)

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ri hii taste, : star StOH :tures n how Mr THE I uesday, May 8, 1934 n -cEZOk DAILY CHARGE BAN ON DUALS IS DISCRIMINATORY (Continued from Page 1) case to be heard by the local grievance board this morning. Such a omplaint has been instituted by Grand Jackson Theater Co., operated by Jay Emanuel, against the Venice, a competitive house, and two distributors, Fox and United Artists. Grand Jackson operates the Grand and Jackson theaters. The complainant claims that although the distributors involved have clause.s in their contract, with both his houses and the Venice, banning dual feature bills, they are allowing the Venice to play their films on this policy but refuse to serve him pic:ures for double programs. iMONG THEli PHIL M DALY Fox West Coast, Principal Must Give up 20 Pictures (Continued from Page 1) omplained that the two circuits had jverbought purposely to prevent the arfield from getting important pic;ures. Appeal by F. W. C. and Principal is expected. Madeleine Carroll Gets Award Madeleine Carroll has been awardid the 1933 medal by the "Film Weekly" of London for the best jerformance of the year by a Britsh film actress. The honor was conferred as a result of her work n "I Was a Spy." Miss Carroll recently finished "World Moves On" or Fox and is now returning to England to make "Mary, Queen of Scots," after which she returns to Hollywood in the Fall. Manhattan O. H. as Movie Jerome Rosenberg on Labor Day vill open the Manhattan Opera House, 34th St. and Eighth Ave., vith vaudeville and pictures. The ;heater, used as a studio by Vitamone in the early sound days, seats i,000. Rosenbreg has taken a 21rear lease on the property. Stars Mustn't Boost Liquor Vest Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Under a new ruling if the Producers' Ass'n, stars are orbidden to give endorsements of ieer, wine or whiskey for advertisng purposes. Triples at Salt Lake House Salt Lake City — A triple feature ill is being presented at the Star, ubsequent run house operated by Hoar & Strike. General Register Files Suit Charging infringement of patents, General Register Corporation, manufacturers of Gold Seal and Simplex ticket registers, has filed suit in Federal Court against Reuben H. Helsel, Charles J. Wolfe and Fred J. Faust, who, under the firm name of Silent American Ticket Machine Co., manufacture the Silent American ticket machine. • • • THEY GAVE a Fishing Party to good ole Colonel Schiller on the occasion of his vacation trip to Hawaii it was also by way of being a beefsteak it all happened last nite at the Warwick Hotel there were 75 friends and associates of the Colonel there from Loew-Metro it was one of the most original and unique parties ever given to a film exec T T T • • • STARTED OFF with a cocktail hour a feature of the banquet were the special toasts to the honored guest which were all very pointed and full of subtle meanings if you get what we mean oh, yes it was strictly stag the banquet hall was done in a fishing atmosphere with great Florida fish mounted on plaques on the walls all supposed to have been caught by the Colonel on his last Florida trip with special description of the catch all the guests wore yacht caps with "S. S. Schiller" bands T T T • • • YOU SHOULD have seen those Stereopticon Slides with personal slants on big film personalities a special WHN program was broadcast from the studio into the banquet hall the big stunt was a Fishing Tank placed in the center of the room each guest took a cast at a fishing pole and drew out a prize some Prizes! and some howls of laughter as the different guests "hooked" the particular prize alloted to him more or less appropriately Nick Schenck caught a real live mermaid who came out and danced in costume Colonel Schiller hooked Two Frogs acrobats who did a great tumbling act everybody voted it a Grand Party among those present were Nicholas M. Schenck, D. Bernstein, J. R. Rubin, Felix Feist, Howard Dietz, Si Seadler, J. R. Vogel, L. K. Sidney, C. C. Moskowitz, Leo Friedman, David Loew, Major Edward Bowes, C. K. Stern, E. B. Hatrick, Sam Eckman, Joseph Schenck, Fred Quimby T T T • • • A SPECIAL trip from Washington will be made by Armand Denis, explorer and "Wild Cargo" director, to attend Thursday's Ampa luncheon here Howard Estabrook is reported to have turned down a fat wad of dough offered by a rich New York playboy if Estabrook would spend two years teaching him how to write scenarios Helen Chandler, now appearing on the Broadway stage in "These Two," will hold a special preview of her latest First National picture, "Midnight Alibi," for a party of friends when a print arrives next week Manager Lester Pollock of Loew's Rochester Theater, Rochester, landed a big spread in the local "Sunday American" when he put up the S.R.O. sign for "House of Rothschild" Cleve. Exhibs Circulating Anti-Dual Bill Petition Cleveland — Complete elimination of double features in this area is sought through a petition now being circulated by a group of exhibitors who favor a return to single features only provided it is adopted by all theaters in the district. The petition provides that duals shall be eliminated on July 8, to continue through the 1934-35 season. A feature is designated as any picture of more than 4,000 feet. S. L. Martin Dies Ashland, Ky. — S L. Martin, pioneer exhibitor, owner of Capitol, Grand and Edisonia theaters died last week, after 20 years in business. His son Richard will carry on. Harry Asher May Acquire Majestic Boston Franchise Negotiations now in process may result in William Shapiro yielding his Majestic franchise for the Boston territory to Harry Asher. Deal will be settled one way or the other within a week according to E. H. Goldstein, Majestic vice-president. Fred Strief Adds House Cincinnati — Fred Strief, President of Kenova Amusement Co., has taken over the Beecher Theater, Walnut Hills. Jack Weiner, former operator, returns to New York. Frankel Rebuilding Newport House Newport, Ky. — Frankel Amusement Co. announces the Hippodrome, recently burned, will be rebuilt and opened in early Fall. ZUKOR CONCENTRATES ON PARA. PRODUCTION (Continued from Page 1) fer with the heads of the producing forces regarding stories, casts, directorial assignments and other production details on the outstanding pictures to be made for 1934-35. Grievance Filed Against Casino Newspaper Ads A second complaint filed by Howard S. Cullman of the Roxy with the New York grievance board charges the Casino with unfair advertising in running newspaper ads which display four stars, giving the alleged impression that the picture is rated a "four-star picture" by a New York newspaper reviewer. Little Picture House, East side theater, has filed a complaint against the Windsor for advertising programs prematurely. Regular weekly sessions will be held by the New York grievance and zoning boards, as well as the latter board's three advisory committees, except when there is no business requiring attention. Following is the schedule: Grievance board, Tuesdays at 10:30 a. m.; clearance and zoning board, Thursdays at 10:30 a. m.; Manhattan advisory committee to zoning board, Mondays at 10:30 a. m.; New Jersey advisory committee, Mondays at 2:30 p. m. ; Brooklyn and Long Island advisory committee, Wednesdays at 2:30 p. m. Cleveland Palace Drops Vaude Cleveland — RKO Palace has discontinued vaudeville and gone into straight pictures for the summer. Mr. an Mrs. Jesse Crawford, organists will augment the screen bill. U. S. Films Gain in Sweden After losing some ground in the Swedish market to German pictures in 1931 and 1932, U. S. films showed a remarkable gain in popularity compared with German pictures in 1933, it is reported to the Department of Commerce by Commercial Attache T. O. Klath, Stockholm. Chi. Legit House Goes Film Chicago — The Princess on South Clark Street, for many years a Shubert legitimate house, has been leased by the Princess Clark Theater Corp. and will become a high class movie. Lease was negotiated through Albert Goldman. Alicoate Heads Colonels At the annual dinner of Kentucky Colonels held at the Kentucky Hotel, Louisville, the evening preceding the Derby, Jack Alicoate, publisher of THE FILM DAILY, was named commanderin-chief of all Colonels. Gov. Ruby Lafoon and Postmaster-General Farley were among the guests. Chvles C. Pettijohn, who occupied the post of commander-in-chief during thj past year, presided.'