The Film Daily (1934)

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THE Wednesday, May 9, 1934 FIVE MUSICALS LIKELY ON NEW W, B, LINEUP {Continued from Page 1) will be shown at the company's annual trade shows in September. Two of the musicals scheduled for next year's release are "Sweet Adeline" and an Al Jolson picture, Wallis said. The new season list will also include a talker version of "Captain Blood," Bradford Rones' "Go Into Your Dance" and "The Case of the Curious Bride," "Liberty" Magazine story by Erie Stanley Gardner, in addition to "Anthony Adverse," on which a treatment has been completed. Wallis foresees an important screen future for Josephine Hutchinson, a member of the Eva Le Gallienne company, whom Warners has just signed. With Mrs. Wallis (Louise Fazenda) and William Koenig, Wallis sails for Italy on Saturday, planning to return to New York after a six-week tour of Italy, Switzerland, France, England and probably Norway. Koenig will confer with Irving Asher at the company's Teddington studios on the construction of two additional stages. He returns to this country about June 1. Charles Regan Appointed Para. Western Sales Mgr. (Continued from Page 1) tive position last week. Eddie Fontaine, Cleveland division manager, ai moves to Chicago to succeed Regan. Regan assumes his duties in New York about June 1. Celeste Fox Joins Ad Firm Celeste H. Fox, formerly of the United Artists publicity department, has joined Norman D. Waters and Associates, advertising and merchandising counsel, as assistant to Waters. Miss Fox recently completed a three months' assignment as assistant to Maxson Judell, director of publicity on "Frankie and Johnnie" for All Star Productions. As aide to Waters, she will handle the details of motion picture tie-up work. Roach Signs Foreign Star Lilian Ellis, Viennese musical comedy star signed by Hal Roach to a long-term contract, is scheduled to sail today from Cherbourg on the Paris for Hollywood. She will make a short stopover in New York where she will be feted by M-G-M. "Rothschild" Holds in K. C. Kansas City — After a week at Loew's Midland, "House of Rothschild" is holding over at the Royal. Schenck Parties Zanuck In celebration of the first anniversary of 20th Century Pictures, Joseph M. Schenck will give a cocktail party for the press in honor of Darryl F. Zanuck at the Stork Club from 3 to 6 o'clock today. MONO the! PHIL M DALY • • • THEY TELL us that on Thursday the Golf Tournament Committee will do some very arduous work they are gonna visit the golf course and look over the fairways and the 19th hole in preparation for the 22nd annual Film Daily Golf Tournament ... that occurs on Thursday, June 7 ••;■•• these golf committees have been doin' this tough and tiring inspection work ever since we can remember but did they ever make a report? did they ever come back and ffive any concrete proof that they had done some CONSTRUCTIVE work? no, never! so we're here to state that it's just a racket the guys who get themselves appointed to the Golf Committee only want an excuse to loaf for a day if we're wrong then let 'em come back 1 his time with PROOF that they really did something besides havin' a nice round of golf for themselves guess that's tellin 'em that goes for our Boss, too he happens to be chairman of this alleged Golf Committee • • • TALKING ABOUT golf reminds us of a good Polo story Bill Gargan of RKO Radio pix has evolved a stunt calculated to make a 9-goal player out of any mediocre polo player in the world Gargan, who began the game some time ago with Leslie Howard and other players on a cactus studded field at Palm Springs found himself a bear in every branch of the sport except hitting the willow (the ball, ya gump, the ball!) last Sunday, however, he startled everybody by walking off with high-goal honors he just couldn't miss then he revealed his li'l secret he had been practicing with a golf ball Bill sez it makes the polo ball look as big as a house now they say that Will Rogers, jealous of Gargan, plans practicing with a pea. • • • GOOD NEWS the famous Frank Merriwell hero of Young America in the days when we were a lad ... is to be brought to the screen at last why the Ion? delay is a mystery Burt L. Standish Gilbert Patten in real life has written over 1,000 of these Merriwell novels he started 40 years ago Street & Smith hav»» constantly renrinted them since we're tickled silly to welcome Frank Merriwell to the screen in a series of 3-reelers Mo Wax and Ronald Bank have arranged to do the series of scripts Frank's exploits thrilled us till we were out of our 'teens and millions of other American youths and grown-ups, too a fine, clean, upstanding hero such as our Boy Scouts of today emulate the screen can stand this injection of Youth and Wholesomeness • • • LOOKS AS if the Roxy theater is going ahead under Howard S. Cullman . . in suite of all the conflicting rumors one hears about the eventual disposition of the house this chap Cullman is an indomitable fighter he just goes his own serene way regardless four fine films will be shown in the next four weeks "Glamour," "The Black Cat." "Now I'll Tell," "Such Women Are Dangerous" Bill Brenner will be (riven a stag supper tonite at the Caucasian Inn by a bunch of Russian Cossacks who work with him aU National Screen they're gonna take Bill for a ride over the Steppes before he sails for England T T ▼ • • • NOW BLURBING for the Roosevelt hotel is Sid Weiss he will also ballyhoo the Reggie Childs orch which opens there May 21 Duke Ellington and his orch returned to Hollywood yesterday for retakes on Paramount's "It Ain't No Sin" following their film work they will hit the road, opening at the Music Box, Portland, Oregon, May 12 Emil K. Ellis has moved his law offices to the RKO building. « « « » » » STUDIOS CAN'T STAND PAY HIKE, IS FINDING (Continued from Page 1) Authority at its meeting Friday and later transmitted to Washington. The committee which handled the matter consists of George J. Schaefer, H. S. Bareford and Charles L. O'Reilly. First Overbuying Case Heard by New York Board (Continued from Page 1) bassy in the same township, Herbert Rogowsky, one of the operators of the Embassy, formally voiced his complaint yesterday at the first meeting of the local grievance board. Robert R. Rosan, Port Chester attorney, represented Rogowsky. In direct examination Rosan had Rogowsky outline the past and present methods of operation of the Embassy. Conversations with sales executives concerning the purchase of first-run films were also entered in the testimony. Rogowsky claimed that under present conditions he is prevented from acquiring from the seven defending major distributors a sufficient supply of first-run product to permit him to operate his house. He was cross-examined by Louis Nizer for the distributors and also by other attorneys acting for Skouras and Vitaphone. With Edward Peskay of Skouras on the stand, adjournment to Thursday morning was taken. The board is composed of Harry Thomas, chairman, Senator G. F. Thompson, J. L. Geller, Milton Kusel and Johnny O'Connor. Opening DeBrie Coast Office George Noffka leaves tomorrow for the coast, where he will establish a coast office and appoint a western representative for Andre DeBrie, Inc., manufacturers of the Super Parvo Camera and laboratory equipment. A new and improved camera is being taken to the coast by Noffka for demonstration. 'Manhattan Melodrama' Holds Over M-G-M's "Manhattan Melodrama" is being held a second week at the Capitol, along with the stage show headed by Jack Benny and Lanny Ross. Snapper to Rebuild Jersey House Dave Snapper plans to rebuild the Empire at South Amboy, N. J., which was badly damaged by fire, and reopen the house next Fall. It seats 600. Testing New Color Process Keller-Dorian Co. will start production next week at Eastern Service Studio on a test short to demonstrate the perfecting of its three-color additive process. Paramount and Eastman Kodak are interested in the color process.