The Film Daily (1934)

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'L^T^ut The Da ly N ewspc iper Of M t i o n Pict ures Now Si> :teen Years Old VOL. LXV. NC. t&€) yCRI\,WEDNESDAy, M4Y 23, 193* J CEN1J RKO Maki it, the Receiver 's Report Shows JOHNSON FORMS ADVISORY COUNCIL FORALL CODES Committee Named to Map Future of Film Trade Boards ^gnew, Lichtman, Sears and Montague to Recommend Revised Setup Steps toward proposing a definite * Ian for reorganization of the Film loards of Trade were taken at a meeting of major and independent ompany sales managers at the Asar yesterday afternoon, when a ommittee of four was appointed o study the situation and recomlend a setup. On the committee re: Neil F. Agnew, Al Lichtman, (Continued on Page 6) IITAPHONE SETS FINAL RELEASES FOR 1933-34 Vitaphone has set 29 releases for une, July and August, completing ts current schedule, it is announcd by Norman H. Moray, in charge f shorts and trailers. Thirteen wo-reelers and 16 one-reel shorts re included in the schedule, to be eleased as follows : June — "Darling Enemy" with Gertrude (Continued on Page 6) lelease Dates to Aug. 10 Are Scheduled by RKO RKO has set release dates to Aug. 0. They are: May 25, "Stingaree"; June 1, Strictly Dynamite"; June 8, "Sour rrapes"; June 15, "Family Man"; une 22, "Cockeyed Cavaliers"; une 29. "Of Human Bondage"; uly 6, "The Life of Vergie Winers"; July 13, "Murder on the Jlackboard"; July 20, "Arabella"; ! uly 27, "Bachelor Bait"; Aug. 3, Hat, Coat and Glove"; Aug. 10, Afterwards." Duals at South Pole A report has reached New York concerning a house which plays 52 features in one night. It's the Penguin at Admiral Byrd's headquarters in Little America, where nights last six months. Tax Hampers Admission Increase, RKO Receivers Say "Prospects of increased admission prices at this time are not very bright," it is stated in the RKO receivers' report. "The 10 per cent Federal tax on admissions over 40 cents tends to deter price increases. Moreover it is believed that any incease to the higher bracket of prices will be offset by a reduction in attendance, as the purchasing power of a considerable number of moving picture theater patrons is still below normal." MORE PLAYERS ASK TIME OFF FOR STAGE At least 18 stars and featured players and one director will start the 1934-35 production season with provisions in their contracts permitting them to divide their time between stage and screen. Increased popularity through being identified with stage successes and the demands of stars to be permitted to s,pend several months each year in the east, whether or not they take part in a stage production, has brought about the new form of agreement. Although the list of (Continued on Page 8) Saal and Kelly Planning 12 Features for 1934-35 William Saal and Burt Kelly are planning to produce 12 features for release in 1934-35. Jimmy Kelly, connected with the company, has gone to England on business. SERVICE STRIKE'S FIZ IS BLOW TO EXPANSION Collapse of the strike of Local 118, service union, against the Loew and RKO circuits for recognition of the union is seen as a heavy blow to service union locals outside New York now campaigning for a closed shop. Cities where the service union is now seeking recognition include Akron, Detroit, Atlanta, Lancaster and San Francisco. Smalley Circuit to Get 10 Pictures from Schine Albany — In a local grievance board case that is of special interest because it involved one large independent circuit against another, a complaint filed by William C. Smalley of the Smalley Circuit against the Schine Circuit was dismissed with the recommendation that Schine release not more than (Continued on Page 8) RK O Receiver 's Report Shows Improvement in Operations New Dave Thomas Firm Making First in East Major Productions, Inc., newly formed by Dave M. Thomas, has arranged for the first of its schedule of six pictures to go in work in the east next month under the direction of Luther Reed. Picture is titled "Convention Girl", from the book by George Boyle, and involves (Continued on Page 6) RKO's losses were reduced $6,311,439 in 1933 compared with the previous year, it is shown in the report filed yesterday by Irving Trust Co., receiver, with Judge Bondy of the U. S. District Court. Results of operations of RKO for the year ending Dec. 31, 1933, show a loss of $4,438,064, compared with loss of $10,695,503 for 1932. Operations for the first quarter (Continued on Page 6) Probe of NRA is Asked in Congressional Measure By WILLIAM SILBERBERG FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Washington — Formation within the NRA of an advisory council to review and pass UDon all codes was announced yesterday by General Hugh S. Johnson. The council will be composed of three members each from the labor, consumer and industry advisory boards. This board will advise upon any amendments or extensions of existing codes. Meanwhile The Darrow-NRA fight flared up on Capitol Hill yesterday coincident with Congressman Britten of Illinois introducing a resolution requiring the maintain (Continued on Page 8) MOVE TO RECLAIM PARAMOUNT HOUSES Under the terms of Paramount's theater pooling and partnership agreements giving it an option to repurchase the properties at the end of a year of joint operation, Paramount trustee representatives have started surveys of each in (Continued on Page 8) W. J. Davis Appointed On Studio Labor Board Division Administrator Sol A. Rosenblatt yesterday announced via the Code Authority appointment of W. Jefferson Davis, Los Angeles attorney and counsel identified with the TWA air service, as impartial member of the studio labor commit (Continued on Page 8) No Changes in Shea Circuit Buffalo — Death of Michael Shea last week will not cause any changes in policy, personnel or methods of operation of Shea Theater Corp., says Vincent R. McFaul, general manager.