The Film Daily (1934)

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^ DAILY Wednesday, May 23, 193 Vol. LXV, No. 120 Wed., May 23, 1934 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holiday at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher ; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasure! and General Manager ; Arthur W. Eddy, Asso ciate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managinp Editor. Entered as second class matter May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879 Terms (Postage free) United States outsidi of Greater New York $10.00 one year; ( months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739 Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Holly wood, California— Ralph Wilk. 6425 Holly wood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LondonErnest W. Fredman, The Film Renter. 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichthildhuehne. Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographie Francaise, Rue de la Courles-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chs Am. Seat 4'/2 4 4 — Vi Columbia Picts. vtc. 32 30 30'/i + V: Con. Fm. Ind. 3% 3% 3% Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 16l/2 16y4 16'/4 + Va East. Kodak 96 93 93 1/4 — 3 1/4 Loew's, Inc 315/8 30'/2 30%— % Metro-Goldwyn. pfd. 26% 263/i 26% + V' Paramount ctfs. . . . 4'/2 4'/4 43/g -f Vl Pathe Exch 1% 2% 2% do "A" 21 20 203/4 + % RKO 3 27/8 27/8 Warner Bros 6 5% 5% — % do pfd 23 23 23 + 1 1/4 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Technicolor 10y8 9V4 10 + 3/ Trans-Lux 1 % ' % ' 7/s ■••••' NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40.. 9</4 9V4 9 1/4 — Vi Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctfs. 9 9 9 + \ Keith A-0 6s46 . . . 6734 67% 67% — 1/ Loew 6s 41 ww 100Vi lOOVs lOOVs + Vr Paramount 6s47 ctts. 47 Vi 47 Vi 47 Vi — 1 Vi Par. By. 5'/2s51 . . . . 46 46 46 + Vi Par. 5V2s50 ctfs... 47l/2 47 47—2 Pathe 7s37 95 Vi 95 Vi 95 Vi + ' Vi Warner's 6s39 593/4 58% 583/i N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE SECURITIES Para. Publix 4Vi 43'8 4% + 1/4 Ampa Golfers Accept 'M. P. Club Challenge The war correspondent of The Film Daily drew a hot four hours for himself when he cornered Bill Ferguson, Manager of the A.M.P.A. Golf Team, for a private interview in a quiet corner of Times Square yesterday. The canny Scot whose progenitors perpetrated the game of golf was fondling a toothpick in front of the Astor Hotel after having lunched at the Brass Rail when informed of Capt. Ted Curtis' "betyour-shirt" challenge in behalf of the M. P. Club golf team. "You can take it from me," said Manager Ferguson, "that Captain Tom Gerety and the rest of his team will bet their shirts on the outcome of this match ! Considering the fact that our boys will wear shirts especially selected from the choice assortments at De Pinna's, Tripler's and Abercrombie & Finchley's, it's just like giving them odds to spot them against the M. P. Club's Nat Lewis creations." "Fergie" said nothing about betting his own shirt, however. "Furthermore, we are wise to the fact," continued Manager and Trainer Ferguson, "that the M. P. Club Team has thousands of spies covering the entire Atlantic Seaboard to spot our team in training. What do we care if they caught us playing around at Long Beach last week-end? Blondes in bathing suits — I mean, ahem!, shots in sand traps — have no terrors for us now." The complete line-up of the Ampa Team is still a deep, dark mystery. Pressed for information on this point, Manager Ferguson promised your correspondent that a colossal, titanic announcement, designed) to shock the entire industry would be 'oosed upon a breath-less world in time for tomorrow's edition. Frank Buck in Big Tieup Embracing 1,300 Papers In a tieup made by RKO Radio Pictures with Camel cigarettes, Frank Buck is receiving publicity ;n approximately 1,300 newspapers with an aggregate circulation of 37.000.000. The "Wild Cargo" star tells in the Camel ads how it takes steady nerves to bring 'em back alive. Indie Exhibs Delay Meeting A last-minute postponement occurred vesterdav in connection with a conference of Eastern exhibitor 'eader= nlanned for the Hotel As*"or under joint ausoices of the I. T. O. A. and the M. P. T. O. of Eastern Pennsylvania. Gathering: ■nay be held later this week, with "o definite date set up to last night. Purposes of meeting included discussion of sales policies for new season. Bryne Joins Screen Advertisers Andrew Bryne has resigned as director of sales for H. R. Doughty "nd Associates to become associate^ with thp eastern office of Genera1 Screen Advertisers. He will be special representative in the development of motion picture advertising to national advertisers. Big Turnout for Joseph New Haven — Practically everv film man in this territory, as well as delegations from New York and other cities, attended last night's testimonial at the Taft Hotel to Morris Joseph. Universal exchange manager, on his completion of 20 years with the company. Executives who came up from the home office included R. H. Cochrane, F. J. A. McCarthy. S. Whittman, Eddie Bonns. S. Singerman, Sam Sedran and James Dermody. "Sorrell" at Mayfair June 4 "Sorrell and Son" will open at the Mayfair on June 4 instead of May 28 as previously announced. No Counter Plans Offered In Fox Met. Reorganization No counter propositions to the reorganization plan for Fox Metropolitan Playhouses endorsed by the bondholders' committee have been filed with the U. S. District Court, where a hearing on the reorganization will be held June 20 before Judge Mack. Notices of the plan apnroved by the bondholders' committee go into the mail to bondholders late this week. Under the proposed arrangement Fox film obfains a 10 per cent interest in the reorganized company, plus $25,000 ■ash, with management of the com'anv vested in three trustees, Sidney" R. Kent, Herbert P. Howell of fhe Commercial National Bank & Trust and Richard C. Hunt, attorney. The plan, which proposes foreclosure of the mortgage securing he Presently outstanding notes and 'he issuance of new 5 per cent debentures due 1944 in the amount of $6,880,350. plus 276,214 shares of "«wmon stock to be represented by voting trust certificates, does not "all for any assessment upon bondholders. Rinzler and Frisch (Randcnrce) and Skouras Bros, will continue to operate the Metropolitan houses. Si Fabian, co-receiver for Fox Metropolitan, yesterday, personally denied reports he is acting for Warner Bros, in his deal for 18 theaters eirb-aced in Manhattan Playhouses. "*f the deal materializes, I'll on"'•af(> fhem myself," he told The Film Daily. Auto Industry Film at Globe "These Thirty Years," dramatic storv depicting the rise of the automobile industry, will be presented at the Globe, Brandt house, starting today. Picture has a cast of Broadway players. On the same bill will be "The Public Be Damned," with Pat O'Brien and Mary Brian, released last year under the title of "World Gone Mad." .ommg an dG omg JOE HORNSTEIN left yesterday for Chicagi LOUIS COHEN of Fanchon & Marco returr to New York this week from Los Angele., JOHN D. CLARK returns to New York to morrow from the Coast. ELMER RICE and WILLIAM HAINES ?r rived in New York yesterday from abroa on the lie de France. FRANZ WAXMAN vho is writing the musical adaptation c 'erome Kern's "Music in the Air" for Fo) also came over on the same boat. GEORGE C. COOGAN of Fox and L. C WISWELL. theatrical agent, sail today on th Manhattan for Europe. JOHN M. CRINNION. Amity chief, has re turned to New York after a two-week so ourn in the midwest. ETIENNE PALLOS, general sales manager to London Films who is now in New York, hi been invited to inspect the Eastman Koda' olant ?nd leaves tonight for Rochester. H also will visit Toronto and Chicago, returnin o New York on Monday. ROBERT RISKIN, Columbia writer, Ins arrive n New York from the coast and sails Satur day on the lie de France for a vacation abroad Rian James Associate Producer West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAI!.) Hollywood — Rian James, forme Brooklyn newspaper columnist, ha been made an associate producer a Universal. Carl Laemmle, Jr., ii announcing the appointment, sail James' first production would h "It Happened in New York," whicl he helped Ward Morehouse and Jeai Dalrymple to write. The only play er cast so far is Heather Angel Richard Thorpe, who has just signe< a long-term contract with Universal will direct. M-G-M to Star Loretta Young West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAin Hollywood — Loretta Young wil be starred by M-G-M in "Forsakinf All Others," the Frank Cavett-Ed ward Roberts stage play in whicl Tallulah Bankhead appeared or Broadway. Joseph Mankiewicz i; adapting' it. Frank Davis and Irv ing Rapper will direct, with Bern art! Hyman as producing supervisor COVERS EVERYTHING I know it is going to be most helpful to me and my work and I shall avail myself of it. I note it is the 16th edition and during these years it has become a vital part of this industry. Your organization have been untiring in your efforts to make it really worthwhile contribution to the MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY, and in this you have been most successful. /:</ Kuykendall, President Motion Picture Theatre Owners of America 1.000 Puacs — Free to Film Daily Subscribers.