The Film Daily (1934)

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THE J^ DAILY Thursday, May 24, l] Vol. LXV, No. 121 Thurs., May 24, 1934 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher ; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter. May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, Subscriber should remit with order, all communications to THE FILM 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Couries-Noues, 19. $15.00. Address DAILY, FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Columbia Picts. vtc. 3iy4 30Vi 31 + Vi Con. Fm. Ind 3% 3% 3S/8 — 'A Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. 16'/4 16% 16% — % East. Kodak 93 92 93 — 'A East. Kodak pfd.... 138 138 138 + 1 Fox Fm. "A" 14% 14 14 — % Loew's, Inc 30% 30% 30% — % Metro-Goldwyn, pfd. 26% 26% 26i/2 — y4 Paramount ctfs. ... 4% 4% 4% Pathe Exch 2% 2% 2% do "A" 21 3/4 20 Vi 20'/2 — i/4 RKO 2% 23/4 23/4 — i/a Univ. Pict. pfd 38 38 38—2 Warner Bros 5% 5Vi 5Vi — Vb NEW YORK CURB MARKET Technicolor 10^ 9% 9% — y4 Trans-Lux 1% 1% 1% NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. 93/8 9 9 — Vi Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctfs. 9 83^ 83^ — % Keith A-0 6s46... 67l/4 67 1/4 67% — Vi Loew 6s 41ww 100y4 100% lOO'/a Paramount 6s47 ctfs. 47 % 47 y8 47 Vs — Va Par. By. 5Vis51 . . . 48% 48% 48% — % Par. 5%s50 ctfs.... 47% 47 47 Pathe 7s37 97 97 97 + 1 Vi Warner's 6s39 ....58% 57'/4 573/4 — 1 N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE SECURITIES Para. Publix 43/8 4% 43/8 Creighton Hale Al Feinman Johnson and Darrow Seen in Peace Move (Continued from Page 1) meeting yesterday. Darrow's office admitted having called Johnson's office and being informed Darrow would be welcomed at any time for a social visit. Meanwhile the attacks and counter-attacks over the NRA continued yesterday. At the some time a split in the Review Board itself occurred over the examination of a witness of the cotton textile code. M.P.T.O. in Washington Assails Darrow Report Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Branding the Darrow report as "hastily drawn without due consideration and competent witnesses and competent testimony from all angles, and erroneous in its conclusions," the M. P. T. O. of the District of Columbia, has adopted a resolution expressing confidence in the code, the code authority, local boards and the NRA in general. A. J. Brylawski is .president of the organization and Nat B. Browne is secretary. Mail Agreement on Release Dates Copies of a distributor agreement concerning publicizing of release dates, defined by the optional standard contract incorporated in the code and embraced in minutes of the last Code Authority meeting, are being mailed today by Executive Secretary John C. Flinn to exhibitor associations, distributors and local boards, both grievance and zoning. No Exchanges for G-B Gaumont-British will not open exchanges throughout the country, Arthur Lee stated in an announcement issued yesterday. "Contrary to reports, the company will continue to distribute through our own facilities and not through independent exchanges or state rights offices," said Lee. Kleinerman Opening Exchange M. Kleinerman will open his own exchange, to be known as Screen Attractions Corp., at 630 Ninth Avenue, next week. Dave Somers will be in charge. Exchange will handle three color series, which Kleinerman is producing, besides other product. Sam Krellberg Back on Job Completely recovered from his recent accident, Samuel Krellberg, president of Amusement Securities Corp., returned to his office yesterday. Open Publicity Office H. A. Bruno and R. R. Blythe have opened a publicity office at 220 West 42nd St. Belle Levy is connected with the firm. Tentative Clearance Plan Proposed in Kansas City Kansas City — Adoption of a zoning plan to be put in effect and revised later as required, rather than having no plan at all, was urged by C. A. Schultz following lengthy argument on local clearance proposals at Tuesday's open hearing, attended by about 75. Lawrence Lehman of the Mainstreet protested because the proposed plan does not offer enough protection for downtown first-runs. George Baker of the Newman also advocated longer firstrun protection. Ed Dubinsky said ihe first and last runs create the clearance problems. He repeated his advocacy of longer protection for first runs, declaring the 10-cent theater has no place in the picture. He added that the present schedule would not cure the situation and suggested a committee of five exhibitors be appointed to work out a plan with the zoning board. Numerous others gave varying views on the situation. Loew Grievance is Upheld Grievance board yesterday upheld the complaint of Loew's Burnside, Paradise and Grand theaters charging premature advertising against the Consolidated Circuit's Mosholu Theater and ordered discontinuance of the practice, and dismissed the complaint of the Gilrose Amusement Co. vs. Aryan Theater, Inc., and the Cantarian Realty Corp., charging a violation of the code in the dispossess of the Gilrose Co. from the Aryan Theater, Middle Village, and rental to another party while the Gilrose Co. was operating the theater. To Clarify Rogowsky Ruling Grievance board yesterday requested Jacob Rogowsky, operator of the Embassy Theater, Port Chester, and representatives of Skouras Theaters and the Fox, MG-M, Columbia, United Artists and Universal exchanges to appear next Tuesday in response to the Skouras request for clarification of the decision awarding Rogowsky 22 films. Fight Sunday Shows Washington, Pa. — After four consecutive Sundays of movies at Warner's State, with management and employes paying a $60 fine each time, the churches here have combined in a campaign against the Sabbath shows. A postcard campaign is in progress denouncing the Sunday shows as a violation of the laws of the commonwealth. "Villa" Big in Fort Worth Fort Worth— "Viva Villa," in its week's engagement at the Hollywood, drew the largest crowds to this house since "Flying Down to Rio." Celia Villa, daughter of Pancho Villa, made personal appearances. .oming an d G omg SIDNEY HOWARD, playwright, returns abroad today on the Rex. PHIL DESCO, art director at the mount studios in France for the last years, has arrived in New York. WALTER WANGER, who plans to prl independently following his recent resigrl from M-G-M, sails from New York on " urday aboard the lie de France for a ness trip to Europe. He is now in New | headquartering at the Waldorf-Astoria. JOS BURSTYN and EDWARD KAHN of || kino left bv auto yesterdav on a ten-day ness trip that will take them to Canada I FRED KEATING, stage player and f| magician placed under a long-term coil by Columbia, will leave for the Coa;" the next few days. STEPIN FETCH IT, Fox star, arrive! Newark Airport this noon from Los An| TED CURTIS oil Eastman Kodak is in HARRY REVEL and MACK GORDON, mount song writers, have returned to wood to start work on tunes for "The Broadcast of 1934." Eastern Exhib Meeting Set for Next Tuescl Eastern exhibitor leaders' corl ence which was scheduled for [ Hotel Astor, New York, last T| day has now been set for Tue| of next week at the same place, addition to sales policies for new season, the conference, heldl der joint auspices of the I. Tl A. and the M. P. T. O. of Easl Pennsylvania, will consider m<| of participating in the Allied duction-distribution plan "Madame DuBarry" Premier First public performance "Madame Du Barry," new Wa feature starring Dolores Del will be given June 4 at the E Waldorf-Astoria as part of the tertainment in connection with June Ball for the benefit of | Franklin D. Roosevelt's Clubs Unemployed Girls in New York Sheldon to Make Eight E. Lloyd Sheldon, Paranv producer, is expected to make e features for the company's 193 program. Sheldon, who is nov New York, sails Saturday on He de France for a vacation abr Upon his return to the Coast about six weeks his first produc will probably be "20 Hours by A Ed Schnitzer Laid Up Ed Schnitzer, Columbia excha manager, is laid up with the flu Survey of Zoning Cases As a preliminary to expediting han dling of clearance schedules by loca zoning boards, the Code Authority' committee on zoning is making a na tional survey collecting data to de termine the number of cases of thi class now pending. The zoning com mittee met yesterday at the Cod Authority office to discuss procedur to speed up settlement of pending com plaints. Present were: Charles L O'Reilly. Neil F. Agnew and Haroli S. Bareford. The committee continue its work at another session today.