The Film Daily (1934)

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. Four stars * • * * from Liberty I Magazine means "Extraordinary!" | I And tin's comedy smash is all that j I Liberty says it is ! John Barrymore in "20th Century" with Carole | I Lombard.Walter Connolly, Roscoe j I Karri's. A Howard Hawks Production from the notable New York | ' stage success by Ben Hecht, Charles j I MacArthur and Charles Bruce Mil • ■ holland. •■-■■ i ■ Date this outstanding dramatic I smash! Greatcast.greatstory.great | , direction ! Coming soon to Radio i I City Music Hall! Elissa Landi in ' 1 "Sisters Under the Skin" with j : i Liu. i ..-u c,u;ui,rn.„ * Directed by David Burton. I you've ever played — packed with laughs, roars and thrills! "The Hell Cat" with Robert Armstrong, Ann Sothern, Minna Gombell. Directed by Albert Rogell. Date it now — it's a sure thing at the box-oflice! THE « « REVIEWS of the NEW FEATURES » » "CHANNEL CROSSING" with Matheson Lang, Constance Cummings Gaumont-British 70 mins. NICE ATMOSPHERIC FILM OF ENGLISH CHANNEL STEAMER HAS SUSPENSEFUL PLOT WELL ACTED. This is a very authentic and painstaking production depicting events on an English channel steamer as it follows the dramatic developments in the career of a big financier. The plot has been obviously modeled on the mysterious disappearance of a prominent Continental financier during a recent channel crossing. Matheson Lang plays the part of the financier who is crossing with his secretary, and it is imperative that he arrive in Paris as quickly as possible as events have so shaped themselves as to threaten the crash of his financial empire. A youth, played by Anthony Bushell, who is in love with the girl, crosses on the steamer in a jealous rage, questioning her motives in her close association with her employer. It works out into a very dramatic situation with the two men in a struggle during a fog, and the youth being thrown overboard. The rescue and events that follow form a very dramatic climax. Cast: Matheson Lang, Constance Cummings, Anthony Bushell, Nigel Bruce, Dorothy Dickson, Edmund Gwenn, Douglas Jeffries, H. G. Stoker, Max Miller. Director, Milton Rcsmer; Authors, Angus Macphaii, W. P. Lipscomb. Direction, Good. Photography, Good. "THESE THIRTY YEARS" (Industrial) Al Bondy 60 mins. INTERESTING AND WELL ACTED STORY WOVEN AROUND EVOLUTION OF FORD AUTOMOBILE. Although this film is obviously a plug for the Ford car, it has been so well directed and acted that it should be acceptable film-fare for certain classes of pop houses. The story starts some 30 years ago when the first Ford automobile was looked upon as a freak and shunned by the majority of farmers. Dave, a farmer lad, is much impressed with the contraption. He goes to Detroit and returns with the local agency permit. He interests a neighbor and they open the first Ford sales office in the community. As years pass the Ford models improve, as does their business. Dave has to go abroad for his health, leaving his son Robert in charge of his share of the company. The son dissipates his earnings and also the money sent him by his father to pay off the mortgage on the farm. Finally the partner discovers the plight of the lad and fixes things up. There is a romance between the boy and the banker's daughter. The story is reminiscent of many old melodramas but may click if properly spotted. Caravel Films made the production. Cast: Robert Strange, K. Elmo Lcwe, Frederick Forrester, Alice John, Arthur Hopkins, Donald McDonald. Director, Dave Pincus; Author, Phil Strong; Adaptor, Dave Pincus; Cameraman, Jules Sindic; Recording Engineers, Daniel Blumberg, Harry Jones. Direction, Okay. Photography, Good. Midwest Sales Meet Is Set by Warners (Continued from Page 1) and June 4-5 in Atlantic City, with the final confab to be held in San Francisco at a date not yet set. Attending the midwest meeting, besides Sears, will be: S. Charles Einfeld, Carl Leserman, Norman Moray, A. W. Schwalberg, C. E. Peppiatt, H. D. Parks, R. R. Bryan, F. T. Sands, W. G. Carmichael, F. P. Bran, P. Sasseen, D. House, E. Grossman, T. R. Gilliam, W. J. Kahl, R. C. Herman, G. Weinberg, E. J. Tilton, C. A. Pratt, H. Herman, Wm. Warner, W. B. Adams, F. Greenberg, R. H. McConnell, J. E. Woodward, Gus Diamond, R. T. Smith, S. G. Honeck, N. S. Bieringer, H. Ochs, M. W. Davis, B. Adams, Leo Blank, R. Lohrenz, A. W. Anderson, E. D. Perkins, H. B. Johnson, J. P. Shea, C. K. Olson, F. J. Hannon, L. Mendelson, B. Y. Cammack, Hall Walsh, J. Hill, L. J. Bona, J. Winn, Fred M. Jack. Vidor Finishes 'Daily Bread" West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — "Our Daily Bread," King Vidor's first independent production for release through United Artists, has been completed. Karen Morley and Tom Keene play the star roles. The picture is being rushed through the cutting and editing stages in order to enable Vidor to leave for New York on June 15 with the first print. "Our Daily Bread" is an original by Vidor who also directed from the screen play by Elizabeth Hill. 175 Will Attend Monogram Confabs (Continued from Page 1) Goldman, Matt Aparton, Joe Cooper, James R. Keitz, Dave Frazer, Al Seal and others. The complete Monogram program of 20 features and 8 John Wayne westerns will be outlined at these meetings. Three Wheeling Houses Disposed of by Warner (Continued from Page 11 were acquired by Warner, has been made city manager of the three houses and will be in operating charge. Only change in setup will be at the Court, where Tony Stern, former manager, has resigned. Frances X. Linn remains as manager at the Liberty and Earl Oschenbein at the Victoria. War Film at Mayfair Today A short produced by Lincoln Productions showing scenes in the "No More War" parade held last Saturday on Fifth Avenue, with an accompanying narrative by Frank Olmstead of the War Resisters' League, will be presented today at the Mayfair in conjunction with the premiere of "The Unknown Soldier Speaks." SHORT SHOTS from EASTERN STUDIOS By CHAS. ALICOATE B EN BLUE completed work thi week on "Holy Mackerel," hi seventh "Big V" comedy for Vita phone. Supporting Blue in the cas of this two-reel subject are "Chai lie," famous trained seal, Fred Hai per, Harry T. Morey, Kenneth Dei by, Mady Carrell, Joe Caits an Lionel Stander. Lloyd French di, rected. Jii ami a uorl [reset art "Crime Without Passion" wh -a< mark the screen debut of Whitne Bourne New York Socialite stag actress, and Margo, Mexican danc ing beauty, playing the two prin cipal feminine roles in the Be Hecht-Charles MacArthur produc tion now in work at the Eastern ™8 Service studio in Astoria. Botl ■''■ girls play opposite Claude Raint who was last seen on the screen ii s 's "The Invisible Man." ^ * loose M Royal King Cole, recent additioi to the scenario staff at the Brooklyi Vitaphone studio, comes from th coast, where he has been writinj shorts for Radio Pictures in addi tion to preparing radio pragram: for Bert Lahr. Cole was once i child actor working at the old Bio graph studios in the Bronx, in th( aays of the silent films. !oni Charles Ahearn, well-known enter tainer, starts work today at th Brooklyn Vitaphone studio in a one reel Vitaphone short entitled "Char lie Ahearn and His Millionaires' Supporting the star and his boy. are Eddie Miller, popular tenor, ant The Three Aristocrats, well-knowi dance team. The short will be di rected by Joseph Henabery. Due to improvements being mad( on the camera, the first of the series of Kodacolor shorts, tentativelj titled "Paree" and being producec by Eastern Productions, Inc., has been postponed for about ten days when work will get under way un der the supervision of Arthur Co zine. Jack Shalitt has been engaged at still cameraman on the Hecht-MacArthur production, "Crime Without Passion." \ With production of the all-Span ish talking feature, tentatively titled "The Downfall," now in progress at the Eastern Service studio in As toria under the direction of LouisGasnier, Jimmie Rinaldi, property Itij, man, is the only one who is able tc ' converse fluently in the several different languages used and which include Spanish, French, English and Italian. Shooting on "Gra>id Dutchess,' the first of the series of scenic short) to be produced by Artcrest Picture) Inc., will get under way Friday in Dutchess County, New York, under the direction of Ray Cozine. ^