The Film Daily (1934)

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iThursday, May 24, 1934 DAILY LOEW TO MAKE BID FOR FOX MET. HOUSES (Continued from Page 1) Mack of the U. S. District Court on June 20 when the bondholders' ■-committee reorganization plan will be submitted for approval. Warner, according to the latest reports, is prepared to bid $3,000,000 or more for the circuit. At I present the company's product is I played by Loew houses in the met(i ropolitan territory. In event the l court should approve the Warner > offer, a three-cornered fight between i RKO, Loew and Warner will de« velop in the zone. Loew is underi stood planning to keep out of the ; Fox Metropolitan situation in case I Judge Mack ratifies the bondholdt ers' recommendation that current ♦ deals be renewed with Skouras I Theaters and Randforce. Despite Si Fabian's denial that } he is acting solely for himself in ■ his deal to take over Fox Met. / houses now operated by Manhattan Playhouses, reports persisted yesterday that he is agenting for Warner interests. i£! Zoning Plans Halted For Instructions ( Continued from Page 1) thority executive secretary, was dispatched as the Authority recognized the confusion which might result as local boards made decisions which affected houses all along the line. Sinclair Bares Partiality In Review Board Hearings Telling what took place behind the scenes of the National Recovery Review Board code hearings in Washington, John F_. Sinclair, dissenting member of the board, in a talk at a luncheon given in his honor by Edward L. Bernays at the Bankers Club, said the hearings were conducted in such a way that adequate information from conflicting interests could not be obtained, and at least one member of the board was definitely opposed to NRA wage provisions before his appointment. The board's proceedings were marked throughout by unparliamentary conduct, ~ Sinclair stated. He also said all employes of the board and one of its members were selected by Clarence Darrow himself without consulting other members. New Silly Symphony at Roxy Walt Disney's "Funny Little Bunnies," Silly Symphony, will be on the program opening Friday at the JlRoxy. Theater Bills Its Seats For its gala opening, the Alden, newest of the Brandt houses, located at Broadway and 67th St., gave marquee display to its ulta modern seating arrangements, as follows: "Broadway's New Sensation — Regal Luxury with U-16 Floating Comfort Theater Chairs." The seating equipment was provided by International Seat Corp., of which I George Feinberg is vice-president. AflONG THE PHIL M. DALY • • • THOSE OF our readers who can go back a half dozen years or rather should we be more explicit and say those of our readers who have survived reading us for a half dozen years will recall Mysterious Mame there was a dame for you! Mame was unconventional nothing shy about her maybe a li'l bit shocking at times but a reg'lar gal just the same ... . . she uster be seen in speaks with prominent film men and was always horning in on film mugs at the most embarrassing moments so we in the interest of candid reporting would tell about her exploits no matter who it embarrassed then one day Mysterious Mame lit out for Hollywood some guy sold her the idea that he could get her in the pix we tried to dissuade her but Mame went • • • THAT WAS six years ago now Mame is back a sadder but wiser gal she told us she had exactly seven extra parts in all those years we asked her what she did in between for her doughnuts and coffee and Mame only gave us a lift of her left eyebrow and a sneery smile we inquired no further why should we? we welcomed her with open arms take that metaphorically and not literally we're not sap enough to let Mame get anything on us well, not in Public but we welcomed Mame joyously we had need for her most extraordinary talents thusly • • • WE EXPLAINED to Mame that some dirty work was on foot involving that AMPA Golf Team who will play the Empey Club Team for the championship at the coming tournament at Glen Oaks Country Club at Great Neck we learned that Billy Ferguson, the Scotch manager of the team was ringing in a "Masked Marvel" along with Captain Tom Gerety, Herb Fecke and Charlie Einfeld he claims that the Marvel is an AMPA member we doubt it we know this Fergie guy . so Mysterious Mame has a job between now and June 7 the Tournament date it is up to her to ferret out who this Masked Marvel is ..... watch Mame go! she's a wiz and doesn't give a hoot how she gets her man just so long as she gets him her adventures will appear exclusively in this kolyum that is the parts of her adventures that Good Taste allows us to print . .-. . Mame is a terror she'll stoop to anything to gain her point • • • THIS BEING a sort of sports column today we must report on the M. P. Baseball League which has organized for the current season by electing the following officers G. H. Woodward of Erpi as prexy N. S. Seckler of Warners, vice-pres H. S. McCarthy of N.B.C. as sec. and treasurer opening of the League is set for June 1 any teams in the industry are eligible to enter inquire at N.B.C. building, 2nd floor reception desk • • • TODAY'S AMPA luncheon will be Soviet-dominated with guests of honor including V. A. Usevich, prexy of Soyuzkino, the Soviet film trust V. I. Verlinsky, prexy of Amkino here and Esma Kuznetzova, vice-prexy of Amkino Boris Morros, managing director of the Paramount theater, will be guest chairman Hon. Edward Corsi, director of Public Welfare in New York, also is scheduled to speak Lou Goldberg has been made chairman of the membership committee of AMPA in recognition of the fine work he did in starting the membership drive a few weeks ago « « « » » » VITAPHONE-ERPI SUIT ENDING WITH DEGREE (Continued from Page 1) case will be filed simultaneously with the filing of a consent decree in the U. S. District Court here dismissing the anti-trust suit of Stanley Co. of America, Duovac Radio Corp. and General Talking Pictures against A. T. & T., Western Electric and Erpi. Six weeks ago it was forecast by The Film Daily that the Federal Court litigatios was in process of settlement. It is now learned that the terms of settlement have been agreed and will be made public when the consent decree is filed. Dismissal of these two suits will end the two most important pieces of litigation affecting the talking picture industry ever taken before the courts. In the Chancery Court action, Erpi was charged with violating three agreements with Vitaphone, providing for licensing of movie producers and exhibitors to use talkie apparatus developed by the two companies. The matters in dispute were in arbitration in New York for about three years. Columbia Speeds Up Completion of Lineup (Continued from Page 1) "Whom the Gods Destroy", "The Hell Cat", "Black Moon", "Special Agent", "The Defense Rests", "Blind Date" and "The Criminal Within." Being prepared for early production are "The Captain Hates the Sea," "Hello Big Boy," "Orchids and Onions" and "Excursion into Paradise." Three films are now awaiting release. They are "The Party's Over", "The Most Precious Thing in Life" and "Hell Bent for Love." Markert's First in New Post "Metropolitan Moods," a rhythmic conception of New York, is the first stage production to be put on by Russell Markert at the Music Hall since his appointment as associate producer. It opens today on the program with the feature, "Where Sinners Meet," adapted from "The Dover Road." Old Howard to Resume Boston — Though it had been reported slated to go out of existence, the Old Howard, operated by Lathrop Theaters, will reopen Labor Day with films and stage talent. Drop Dances in Musical West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Eddie Cantor's new musical picture, "Treasure Hunt," being made by Samuel Goldwyn for United Artists release, will be devoid of precision numbers. In their place, Seymour Felix has been signed to stage dramatized pantomime songs without resorting to the rhythmic routines. Aversion to elaborate dance numbers was expressed by the nation's film critics in the recent Forum conducted by FILM DAILY.