The Film Daily (1934)

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Intimate in Charac t^e-f International in Scape Independent in Thought The Daily N Of Motion Now Sixteen ewspe Dict years iper ures Old /CL. LXV. NO. 124 NEW YCCr, MCNDAy, MAY 28, 1934 <5 CENTS Little Hope Seen for Early Admission Increase 1 1 5 NONASSENTERS TAKf CANCELLATIOPRIVILEGE Commercial Television Plans Are at a Standstill urvey Shows Competition from New Entertainment Is Still Far Off By DON HANCOCK Plans for commercial television re practically at a standstill with ttle confidence in the minds of lectrical engineers that the new ?ience will soon reach any point lat might be considered as vital to le motion picture industry. In a irvey of the subject during which ;veral television experts were conjited by this writer, the definite mclusion was reached that proucers and exhibitors have little to {Continued on Page 4) INAL 8 PICTURES IN WORK AT M-G-M e" Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — M-G-M now has eight ictures in production to wind up le season's program, with releases it to July 13. In June only three matures will be released nationally, hey are "Hollywood Party," "Opiator 13" and "Rear Car," now in roduction. Also in work are "100% ure," "Barretts of Wimpole St.," Merry Widow," "Stamboul Quest," Treasure Island," "Sacred and Proane Love" and an adaptation of The Green Hat." M win C. Hill to Provide Voice for Metrotone News Edwin C. Hill, news writer and adio commentator, has been enaged by E. B. Hatrick, motion picure representative for William R. fearst, to write and deliver the acompanying dialogue in all issues of he Hearst Metrotone newsreel. The creen-voice of the newsreel is (.Continued on Page 7) Exiles Plan Studio in France Paris — A group of exiled GermanJewish capitalists have bought land at Etampes, where large modern studios will be erected for film production. Sees Bankruptcy Bill Speeding Reorganization Passage of the bankruptcy reorganization bill now in conference between Senate and House committee in Washington is expected to hasten the Paramount reorganization. Under the bill, minority creditors could not retard a reorganization by legal action, but would have to submit their claims and accept the compensation fixed by the court. Warner-F. N. Studios Preparing 14 Fourth Warner Regional In 'Frisco on June 18-19 Fourth and last of the WarnerFirst National regional sales meetings will be held June 18-19 in San Francisco, with Grad Sears presiding. Others who are to attend include: Carl Leserman, S. C. Einfeld, Norman Moray, A. W. Schwalberg, H. S. Bareford, Earl Bell, E. Gerbase, W. A. Haefiiger, A. Flanders, Harry Lustig, J. K. Burden, A. S. (Continued on Page 7) West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — In addition to having 21 completed pictures awaiting release and six others in work, the Warner-First National studios now have 14 features in preparation. Among them are: "Anthony Adverse," "Big Hearted Herbert," "Border Town," ''The Firebird," "Flirtation Walk," "Miss Pacific Fleet," "Mr. Pickwick," "Oil for the Lamps of China," "Perfect Weekend," "Roadhouse," "Shanghai Or (Continued on Page 7) Six United Artists Releases Now Under Way Three producing units releasing Interstate Circuit Name through United Artists now have a total of six features either in work or about to start. King Vidor's production, "Our Daily Bread," is practically ready for showing. Reliance is nearing completion on "Count of (Continued on Page 7) Being Changed to Famous San Antonio — The 90 Interstate theaters in Texas, including the Aztec, Majestic, State and Texas here, will soon be known as the Famous Theaters, Inc., it is learned here. General Increase in B. O. Prices Is Seen as Some Distance Away Upstate Theater Owners Denounce Research Council Buffalo — A resolution condemning the activities of the Motion Picture Research Council was adopted last week by the Buffalo Zone M.P.T.O. The Council's efforts are denounced as destructive and misleading, the resolution stating that "while the Council is pretending to aid the independent exhibitor, it is making every effort to destroy him by encouraging and demanding nontheatrical competition." Admission prices will not be advanced until a stabilization in costs of all essential commodities has been reached, is the consensus of opinion of several theater executives interviewed by Film Daily. Although food, clothes and other daily necessities have greatly advanced in price, o,pinion is that movies are still looked upon by the majority of people as being in the "luxury class" and will be one of the last industries to command increased prices. "Federal tax of 10 per cent is an (Continued on Page 4) Assessments to Be Made on Theaters Asking Eliminations Two hundred and fifteen houses which have not assented to the code have taken advantage of its cancellation provision and are therefore subject to assessment for its financing, it was announced by the Code Authority on Saturday. Payment of assessments does not give these theaters the right to file protests and complaints, which is reserved exclusively to houses which signed assents. Following is the list of theaters which have exer (Continued on Page 7) CODE AUTHORITY SEES COMPLAINTS DECLINE Code Authority members expect that as various precedents are established, both through local board and Authority decisions, volume of complaints filed will be substantially reduced. Although Division Administrator Sol A. Rosenblatt exclusively told The Film Daily last Friday that each case will be consid (Continued on Page 7) Rosenblatt Assigns Men To Study Union Situation Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Sol A. Rosenblatt has appointed Donald K. Wallace and Daniel Bertrand of the NRA economic research and planning division to a special committee to collect data on operators and stagehands' employment and working conditions in New York. They will go to New York in June. 55 of 343 Films Called N. G. Hot Springs, Ark. — Of 343 pictures viewed last year by the General Federation of Women's Clubs, 55 were considered unsuitable for the public, according to a report by Mrs. R. R. McClure at the organization's convention here.