The Film Daily (1934)

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THE j^S DAILY Friday, June 1, 1934 TEST SUIT ON CODE FILED IN BUFFALO (Continued from Page 1) vision, seeking to restrain them from carrying out a local board order. Hearing is scheduled for this morning, but indications last night were that an adjournment, possibly for one week, would be asked by defendants. If this course is followed, the order to distributors instructing them to cease delivery of film to Wick, scheduled to have become effective today, will probably be suspended temporarily. The local board ruled that Wick was guilty of price-cutting in violation of the code. Territory Extended In New K. C. Zoning (Continued from Page 1) will have an open hearing to determine St. Joseph and Wichita clearance. As soon as possible the board will get to clearance and zoning for Joplin, Springfield and Topeka, which will clear up the zoning problem in this territory. Finish Liberty Lineup Before Selling Season (Continued from Page 1) of the selling season, it is announced by Budd Rogers, sales manager. The complete pictures include one special, "No Ransom", for release Oct. 26, and "Cheaters", being released today; "When Strangers Meet", July 20; "Take the Stand", Sept. 7; "Once to Every Bachelor", Dec. 14, and "School for Girls", March 22, 1935. Another special, "Two Heads on a Pillow", and Children" are under way. Fox Uptown Goes to 25 Cents Kansas City — The Fox Uptown will go to 25c today. House offers free parking. This brings all Kansas City first-runs to a 25-cent policy. The Newman and Mainstreet have double bills, while the Tower has vaudeville plus picture. Celebrate Sunday Opening Atlantic City — Pleasantville celebrated abolishment of blue laws with the Rialto open Sunday to S.R.O. on "Viva Villa." Whole town turned out. Montreal Meet a Success Reports of an enthusiastic Canadian convention attended by Warner-First National branch managers and salesmen were brought back to New York yesterday by A. W. Smith, divisional sales manager. Meetings were held at the Mt. Royal Hotel, Montreal. Harry Paynter, Canadian general manager, will make two trips a year to each exchange, instead of remaining at his headquarters in Toronto. Returning to New York with Smith was Norman Moray, Vitaphone sales head. • • • THEY PLANNED it as a Gala All-Sports Luncheon at the AMPA yesterday starting off with Barney Ross, the new welterweight champion, as the principal guest and with a slew of other champs in various athletic fields AND Romola Ribera an Indoor Athletic Champ a Violin Virtuoso Romola was T-E-R-R-I-F-F-I-C he almost had even Champ Ross down for the count T T T • • • THE VERY Estimable gent who acts as prexy of AMPA his first name is Bill he works for Metro as their exploitation chief we didn't catch his last name we think he's Scotch wears glasses and has a cheery smile and a genial manner that is infectious well, it seems he staged the entire affair with the assistance of his very capable staff of expert showmen well, this guy Bill introduced Bruce Gallup as the Guest Chairman and gave him a big sendoff as a former AMPA prexy and an old film alumnus and did the gang give Bruce a hand! one of the most pop mugs this biz has ever known Bruce introduced Major Bowes who acted as Master of the Revels T ▼ T • • • THE MAJOR introduced Johnny Weissmuller . . . who explained that famous Jungle Call he gives in "Tarzan's Mate" he claims the sound dep't made a tenor out of him Sam Liebowitz, the celebrated "Scottsboro Case" attorney was forced to speak instead of taking a bow . they wouldn't let him sit down till he did a li'l orating he offered the Nine Scottsboro Boys to Major Bowes for the Capitol for a week at 50 grand the Major said "I'm always interested in these cut-rates." T T T • • • THEN THEY called on Benny Leonard to act as Vocal Ballyhooer for the fight celebs Benny introduced Barney Ross and Barney gave Leonard credit for his expert coaching that aided him to win the welterweight championship then Barney slipped in a personal plug for himself for pix directed right at Major Bowes alongside the lad can talk as well as fight he made a swell impression then Benny Leonard told a lot of ring anecdotes T T T • • • SO MANY important names there we have room for little comment Willie Ritchie, Tommy Murphy, Jim Savage, Tony Canzoneri Joe Ruddy introduced the swim champs Ray Ruddy, Angelo Trulio, Leonard Spence, Wallace Spence, Eddie Lee Silvio Ricci, well known operatic tenor and vocal instructor to some of the big singers did an Italian aria and an Irish song grand voice Edith Murray also sang two songs delightfully 153 guests a Knockout Luncheon must make a note to get the name of that AMPA prexy he really deserves mention T T T • • • INTERESTING ITEMS Walt Reichen bach has fixed up a swell exploitation tie-up between four major companies and the International Silk Guild Gen. Pisano, former vaudeville crack-shot and now prop, of a likker store catering to the profession, wisecracks that the folks should send out Frank Buck to bring Dillinger back alive Congrats to Ken Aneser of the Warner ad department he's getting wed Sunday to that sweet Lucille Roder.... Listeners-in last night over WOR heard Helen Westley, featured player in "The House of Rothschild", being interviewed by radiant Radie Harris another broadcast last night had Lee Wiley singing three numbers from Marion Davies new pix "Operator 13" over WEAF and we're glad to hear that Charles Ryder who has been McClelland Barclay's model, is set for a screen test. « « « » » » RULING DOESN'T APPLY TO THEATER PREMIUMS (Continued from Page 1) that the code clauses, which they consider oppressive, were nullified by the Johnson ruling. The code provides that the policy can be eliminated from any territory in which 75 per cent of the affiliated and unaffiliated houses vote disapproval of it. Decision Reserved In 8 Code Appeals (Continued from Page 1) Durkee house, to give him a "sufficient number" of its pictures. He sought clarification of the decision as to an exact number of pictures he is to receive and what distributors they are to come from. Durkee denied Rome's allegation that he is planning to build another house in the neighborhood to "spite" him and that he has overbought to deprive Rome of product. Consolidated Circuit brought in its up peal from a New York zoning board decision dismissing its complaint against the amount of protection taken by Loew's Grand over its Luxor in New York City on Paramount product split between KKO and I.oew's. Al Suchmann appeared for Consolidated while Loew's representatives included David Loew. Robert Wilby and H. F. Kincey, operators of the Strand, Anderson. N. C, appealed from a Charlotte grievance board decision allowing L. C. Sipe of the Criterion to reduce his admission prices to 10 cents on Fridays and Saturdays from the present 15-cent scale. The Strand, a first run, while the Criterion is a second run house, is charging 15 cents on these nights. The Strand operators declared that a local board does not have the right to order changes in admission scale; £nd order distributors to ignore contract clauses fixing minimum prices at which the pictures must be played. Five other appeals, heard without witnesses being present were as follows: Wisconsin Amusement Enterprise vs. George Hannon, Gieen Bay, from a Milwaukee grievance board decision on premature advertising; La Crosse Theater Co. and Kayess Theater Co. vs. L. A. Burkitt of Sparta, Wis., from a Milwaukee grievance board decision on "educed admissions, H. A. Popkin vs. A. Levy from a Los Angeles grievance board decision on reduced admissions', John T. Rennie vs. M. Feldstein from a Los Angeles grievance board decision on a complaint of interfering in a leasing deal; Roxy Theater vs. Mayfair from a New York grievance hoard decision on reduced admissions. Nathan Y;mins presided at the meeting, which was attended by Ed Kuykendall, Jack Cohn, W. Ray Tohnston, W. C. Michel, Charles L. O'Reilly. J. Robert Rubin, C. C. Moskowitz, Major L. E. Thompson, Neil F. Agnew and Harold S. Bareford. Clare Boothe Brokaw, new impartial member, and Division Administrator Sol A. Rosenblatt were also present. Drive to License Agents License Commissioner Paul Moss moved yesterday to enforce his demand that all Broadway theatrical agents take out licenses when five well-known agents were served with summonses returnable Monday in West Side Court charging them with operating without a license. Those who received summonses were Harry Romm, Marty Forkins, Jack Curtis. Chas. H. Allen and Ferdie Simon. Maurice Goodman, former RKO general counsel, has been engaged by the agents to defend the action. Ijirri Vict Br, » i "Hi iscl mm :- K live: i,ro litre mid [oe if, Bunt liar id n X s « tote ir"P He] Hal tali' Cob lias Fre< ,11.; -iil-l Win Hi it, I fet