The Film Daily (1934)

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DAILY Friday, June 1, 193 : EDUCATIONAL MAKING 100 FOR FOX LINEUP (Continued from Page 1) Studios, which also will turn out the 104 issues of Fox Movietone News. E. W. Hammons has set six new series for the two-reelers to be made by Educational. They include Star Personality Comedies, Musical Comedies, Frolics of Youth, Coronet Comedies, Marriage Wows and Young Romance Comedies. Star Personality Comedies will offer 12 two-reel featurettes, each with a name of marquee importance. The six comedies starring Ernest Truex will be released in this series. Frolics of Youth series, which this season featured Junior Coghlan and Shirley Temple, will offer 6 two-reel comedies with the human interest appeal again centering around a group of lovable youngsters. Musical Comedy series will have 12 short extravaganzas in which novelty features will be introduced. Coronet series will include 8 two-reelers with comedy stars from radio, stage and screen. Marriage Wows will offer 8 two-reel comedies based on humor-filled inc'dents occurring in the home of the typical young American married couple. Young Romance series in 6 two-reel episodes, will present beautiful girls and handsome young men at the laughing and loving age. Besides these 52 new two-reel comedies, Fox will also have from Educational tour two-reel Bing Crosby Specials, reissues, produced by Mack Sennett, including "I Surrender, Dear," "One More Chance," ' Billboard Girl," and "Dream House." The single-reelers, besides Fox Movietone News, include 26 Terry-Toons, 6 episode i Along the Road to Romance I'pon the Magic Carpet. 6 Adventures of a Newsreel Cameraman, 8 gems from the Treasure Chest and 10 Song Hit Stories. Terry-Toons will continue to lie produced by Frank Moser, Paul Terry and Philip A. Scheib. Adventures of a Newsreel Cameraman are a continuation of the series begun last year. Magic Carpet series consist i of 6 one-reelers, Along the Road to Romance, photographed by cameramen in all parts of the world. ....„„ i Treasure Chest series will off<-r 8 one-reel novelties which Educational will pick from the world market. Song Hit Stories will present well-known singers in unique dramatization of famous songs. Johnson Says Code Gives Indie First Real Chance (Continued from Page 1) tional Catholic Alumni Federation at the Willard Hotel here and broadcast over a nationwide network. The General was referring to charges that NRA promotes monopoly in codes to various industries. Isman for Warner Canadian Branch Mickey Isman, former exhibitor in the Winnipeg territory and formerly connected with various major distributors, has been appointed branch manager for WarnerFirst National in St. John, succeeding Jack Butler, who has resigned. Equity Annual Meet Today Actors' Equity will hold its 22nd annual meeting at 2:30 P.M. today in the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Astor. Election of officers and other business will be transacted. For Convention Sidelights u = By DON HANCOCK IT'S a real "working" convention. Two pitchers of ice water were the only accessories left in the press rooms for the reporters who waited. • # * /_. Prouse Knox, of India, claimed the record for covering the greatest distance to attend the confab. Next in line for longdistance honors was W . W. Sullivan of Colon, Panama. » • • Doors to the convention hall were guarded by relays of very suspicious young men. You almost had to show a birth certificate to crash the gates. • • • Surpiise visitors to the assembly were Julian Johnson, head of the Fox story department, and the stairs Alice Faye, Jimmy Dunn, Harold Lloyd and Stepin Fetchit. Fetchit returned to the coast yesterday via the air route, • « * Bellhops reaped a harvest of dimes for carrying the huge Fox Announcement books for the delegates. The books measure about 2x4 feet and weigh more than you imagine. • » • Benny Reingold of St. Louis changed his suit between each speech and three times during the evening. Benny never wears the same suit twice. His excess baggage expense from St. Louis is now being checked by the audit department. • » * George Dickman of the Buffalo office ran over to the Newark ball game on Tuesday. Dickman was formerly pitcher for the Buffalo and Newark International League teams. Get this one. Within the Fox sales organisation there are five Simons, five Sullivans, four Murphys and four Scotts — and, they're not related to each other. It's a clean sweep for the Irish. * * # It being their first visit to New York, stiff necks are being suffered by Booker Broggi of New Orleans, McCleaster of Indianapolis, Flanagan of San Francisco, Robinette of Portland, Dunlap of New Orleans, Gribble of Charlotte, Hallswachs of Chicago. O'Neill of Des Moines and Michael of Milwaukee. • • * Oldest in point of years among the salesmen at the convention is Jules Schwartz of the New York exchange. # * • Oscar of the Waldorf had his latest and most tempting menu all set before he learned that the banquet is being passed up this year, so he's saving it for the next W.C.T.U. gettogether. * # * It was no place for a hungry newspaperman. All we got was a club sandwich and some food for thought from Earl Wingart. # » # Salesmen attending their first Fox Film sales convention: H. Longdon of Atlanta, M. Simon of Boston, W. Crystal of Minneapolis, C. R. Robinette of Portland, O. F. Lessing of St. Louis, John Skillman of Washington, T. Flanagan of San Francisco, L. C. Baxley 'and D. P. Rathbone of Dallas, T. McCleaster of Indianapolis, E. Michael and G. Edgerton of Milwaukee. Most of them are former bookers promoted to salesmanships during the past year. J. E. Robin Re-elected Head of Supply Dealers (Continued from Page 1) retary-treasurer. The officers and Ben Shearer, Seattle; Harry Graham, Denver; R. K. Douglas, Boston: Max Rubin, Detroit, and Ray Smith, Milwaukee, constitute the board of directors for 1934. The NRA code and other matters affecting the association were discussed. Fix $75,000 as Deposits In St. Louis Theaters Sale St. Louis — In connection with the foreclosure sale of the Ambassador, Grand Central and Missouri theaters on June 7, U. S. District Judge Charles B. Davis has stipulated that the bidders for the Ambassador and Grand Central must post either $50,000 in cash or $100,000 of the bonds against the property, while those seeking to bid for the Missouri must post $25,000 in cash or $50,000 of the bonds. Bondholders protective committees have worked out a reorganization plan and, if successful at the auction sale, plan to lease the properties to the Allen L. Synder and Harry Koplar group, who in turn hope to retain the management services of Fanchon & Marco. Warner, Skouras and other interests also may figure :n the bidding. "Change of Heart" Extended St. Louis — "Change of Heart," Fox film with Gaynor and Farrell, was held over for five days at the Fox. Harold Lloyd to Continue Individual Picture Deals (Continued from Page 1) made distribution arrangements for his next production, but indications are that Fox will handle it. The latest Lloyd picture will be generally released late in August or early in September. The producer-star is now looking for his next story. He returns Sunday to the Coast. Canada Eases British Film Entries Toronto — Canadian customs department has given the British producer a concession by allowing British films to be brought into Canada for inspection. Hereafter, any British positives brought into Canada may be returned at any time and the duty refunded, if the importer certifies "that the films were not projected, except for inspection purposes." Australian Studying U. S. Theaters Chicago— Charles Francis Scarf, connected with a circuit in Sidney, Australia, is spending some time here studying the movie theater situation. He is on a world tour to get data on film economics. "Villa" Holds in Detroit Detroit — "Viva Villa" has moved from the Michigan to the Fisher for a second week, making it the first picture in months to hold over after a week at the largest Paramount house here. ADVERTISING OGGUPIE FOX MEET SECOND DA (Continued from Page 1) vertising, publicity and exploit tion; Arch Reeve, head of eastei advertising; Earl Wingart, pu licity director; A. O. Dillenbeck the Hanff Metzger advertisii agency; Gabe Yorke, head of coa advertising and publicity; Rog Ferri and J. A. Clark, head of j sales. Edward Grainger, eastern dh sion sales manager and Louis Niz also addressed the meeting. Priz for the last sales drive were a nounced by Herman Wobber. Thi were awarded to J. J. Grady, Cha lotte; G. M. Ballentine, San Fra cisco; E. V. Landaiche, New 0 leans, and E. X. Callahan, Bosto in the order named. In the afternoon "The Cat's Pav! was shown at the home office, ai at night, "The World Moves Oi was shown in the Waldorf-Astori Activities this morning will inclui meetings of the division managei bookers and ad sales managei This afternoon Spyros Skouras, Ti C. Michel, executive vice-presider Sidney Towell, treasurer, and Si ney R. Kent, president, will spei to the members, after which tl convention will adjourn. y \a k Wanger Considering Indep't Franchise (Continued from Page 1) circuits, including Jensen & Vc Herberg of Seattle, in order to g their reaction. Wanger is now New York. &be riven ten oteci Ipecl Fight Showing of "Mann-Brand Campaigning against the showii of "S. A. Mann-Brand" on I ground that it is pro-Nazi and u fair to working-class leaders Jews, the Film and Photo League | Wednesday held a mass demonstr ■ tion in front of the Yorkville the ter, where the German picture being shown. The League also i vited New York movie reviewers attend an open protest meeting its headquarters. 1 "Cheaters" Over Loew Circuit "Cheaters," Liberty productio with Bill Boyd, Dorothy Macka and June Collyer, has been book over the Loew metropolitan circt starting the end of June in a de closed by Budd Rogers, Liber sales manager, and Jack Bellmi of Hollywood Film Exchange itei dir rn:. yet Not Reopening Code Contradicting reports from Washington, Division Administrator Sol A. Rosenblatt yesterday stated that the NRA has no plans for reopening the labor provisions of the motion picture code. Rosenblatt was in New York yesterday attending a Motion Picture Cod: Authority meeting. .foil