The Film Daily (1934)

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THE DAILY Saturday, June 2, 1934 i*"1 * THE IK MWSUHfc Ct HUH DOM Vol. LXV, No. 128 Sat, June 2, 1934 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher ; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur VV. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinemntographie Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Low Close Am. Seat 4S/a 4S/8 4S/8 Columbia Picts. vtc. 33 1/2 33 33 1/4 Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 16'/8 15V4 15% East. Kodak 953/4 93'/2 93% Fox Fm. "A" 13V2 '3% 13% Loew's, Inc 31% 30% 31 do pfd 94 94 94 M-G-M pfd 26% 26% 26% Paramount ctfs 4% 4% 43/8 ■ Pathe Exch 2% 2% 2% do "A" 21% 20% 20% • RKO "A" 3 2% 2% Warner Bros 5% 55/8 5% ■ NEW YORK CURB MARKET Technicolor 10% 10% 10% Trans-Lux 1 % 1 % 1 % NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 8% 8 8 Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctfs. 8% 8% 8% Loew 6s 41ww 99% 98% 99% Par. 5%s50 filed .50 50 50 Warner's 6s39 58% 57% 57% N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE SECURITI Para. Publix 4% 4% 4% Net Chg. ■ % ■ % % 25/8 ■ % ■ % % • % ■ % ■ 1% — % ES Johnny Weissmuller Benjamin Goetz Hedda Hopper Harry C. Arthur, Jr. Frank Melford M. Orowitz Dick Pritchard Francis E. Nesse Schenck to Outline U. A. Lineup in Chi. (Continued from Page 1) branch managers. Those attending from the home office are: Al Lichtman, Joseph Moskowitz, Harry L. Gold, Charles Stern. Jack Goldhar, Paul Burger. Earl Kramer. Manny Silver/stone, Etienne Pallos and C. Ericksen of London Films. Branch managers present include C. Eisenian, Atlanta; John J. Dervin, Boston; Jack Kapian, Buffalo; Fred A. Rohrs. Charlotte; William Mack, Cincinnati; A. M. Goodman, Cleveland; Arthur Horn. New Haven; G. P. Frank, New Orleans; Moe Streimer, New York; H. G. Bodkin, Philadelphia; Bert M. Steam, Pittsburgh; Charles Kranz, Washington; Sam Horowitz. Chicago; Al Hoffman. Denver; M. Dudelson. Detroit; Joseph Cantor, Indianapolis; William E. Truog, Kansas City; H. E. Lotz, Milwaukee; Max Stahl, Minneapolis; D. V. McLucas. Omaha; Harry Scott. St. Louis: Doak Ro!>erts, Dallas; Ewen MacLean, Los Angeles; Irving Schlank, Salt Lake; D. J. McNerney, San Francisco; Guy F. Navarre, Seattle. Canadian delegates are: H. M. Masters, district manager, Toronto; A. Feinstein, Calgary; A. J. Jeffrey, Montreal; Gerald M. Hoyt. St. John; S. Glazer, Toronto; David Griesdorf, Vancouver, and Philip Sherman. Winnipeg. Educat'l Starting Lineup by July 1 (Continued from Pane 1) charge of the 1934-35 shorts, Hammons declared. As a result of the success in producing here the past season, a greater amount of the new product will be made in the east, where a wide variety of star talent especially suitable for shorts is available, said Hammons. 75 At Monogram Meet Cincinnati — An attendance of 75 will be on hand for the Monogram regional convention here starting today. In addition to W. Ray Johnston, Eddie Golden, J. P. Friedhoff and other Monogram men already mentioned, the following are here: Joe Smith, Howard Gould, L. F. Durland, L. O. Ringler. Fred Strubank, Harry Hon dorf, Clair Townsend, E. Mandel, M. Dreifuss, J. Schwartz, S. Decker. J. Frackman, T. MacEvoy. L. W. Marriott. E. A. Sipe Bill Weiss, F. E. Belles, R. O. Flemm. R. A. Novish, S. P. Gorrel. C. Weinberg. G. H. Kirby, M. Margolies, Lloyd Rust, H. R. Bisby and Roy V. Starling. End St. Louis Litigation St. Louis — Litigation in the receivership suit by the Harry Koplar group against St. Louis Amusement Co., Warner controlled circuit, has been finally terminated through a stipulation of counsel approved by the Circuit Court, whose decreof last Augoist dismissing the suit has been adopted as the final order n the case. Ferraro to Run Summer Resort Al Ferraro, for years a Warner salesman covering Jersey territory, has resigned to devote all his time to running his Sunshine Villa, summer resort at Hunter, Greene County, N. Y. Ferraro has developed the spot to accommodate 100 guests. Ben Giroux Dead San Francisco — Ben M. Giroux, veteran theatrical man, died here this week. In late years he had been managing a theater in Marysville. His son, George, is a film salesman, while a brother, Edward V., is a press representative, and a sister, Marion, was on the stage. Boards Can't Stop Building of Houses (Continued from Page 1 ) Durkee. At the hearing on the appeal from a Washington board decision, J. Lewis Rome, operator of the Gwynn, had contended that Durkee was planning a theater to "spite" him and that this was a violation of the code clauses prohibiting the buying of film to deprive a competitor from getting pictures. The Authority affirmed the Washington board decision giving Rome a "sufficient" number of pictures from Durkee but did not clarify the ruling as to the exact number, as the complainant had requested. Foreign Business Better, Joseph Hummel Reports f| ont:nued from Pane 1 ) bia, India, Japan, Manchuko, Java. Australia, New Zealand and South America. Four new branches abroad have been opened by Warners, as follows: Harbin, Manchuko, under supervision of Harold Dunn, Japan manager; Shanghai, under Ralph Binns; Manila, under Cliff Almy, and Java, under J. Lambert. Hummel was tendered a welcome home party Thursday night at the M. P. Club. Intermountain Changes Denver — Fox West Coast is making the following changes in the Intermountain division, according to Manager Rick Ricketson: Dan McAuliffe, retiring as manager of the Mayan on doctor's orders to spend several months on his father's ranch, is succeeded by Gerald Whitney, who was sent to Sheridan, Wyo.. to relieve Fred Bezold, still ill, as city manager. Wm. Fowers goes from Trinidad to Sheridan as city manager of the Lotus and Orpheum. Don Sheedy is moved from manager of the Rio Grande, Las Cruces, N. M.. to Trinidad as city manager of the West and Rialto. Henry Westerfeld rejoins the circuit as manager of the Rio Grande. Las Cruces. Ewart Boyd, manager of the Fox, Sidney, Neb., has resigned and is succeeded by Harold Jones, formerly of Boulder. "M" Suit is Settled Breach of contract suit brought by Forenco Co. against Paramount over distribution of the feature, "M", has been settled, with a cash payment understood involved in the deal. Identified with Porenco are: Joe Plunkett. Walter Reade, Larry Green and Myron Robinson. The olaintiffs get back the picture. Case was pending in the New York State Supreme Court, with Saul Rogers as counsel for the Plunkett group. Herbert T. Silverberg Moves Buffalo — Herbert T. Silverberg, film attorney, has moved his law offices to the Liberty Bank Bldg. Lesser Plans "Prince and Pauper" Wc" ' "i<t Bu-eav of THE FILM n.Uf.Y Hollywood — Sol Lesser will star Dickie Moore in Mark Twain's "The Prince and the Pauper." .ommg an d G oing MAURY COHEN and GEORGE BATCHELLER plan to sail for England about June 15 with a print of Invincible's "House of Strangers" and Chesterfield's "Green Eyes" to line up a program for British distribution next season. JANICE JARRETT, New York model, has been signed by Samuel Goldwyn for Eddie Cantor's "Treasure Hunt" and is now en route to the coast. JOSEPH M SCHENCK leaves the coast today by plane for the United Artists sales convention in Chicago. ANDRE BERLET, French film actor, and JOAN CARR, British actress, sail today on the Champlain for Europe. MERIAN C. COOPER and DOROTHY JORDAN, who are back in Hollywood from Hawaii leave shortly for Naples, where Cooper will do research for "Last Days of Pompeii," RKO release. it pre MARY BRIAN opens a five-week vaudeville pr i» tour on June 8 in Buffalo prior to starting rehearsals in the new Lew Brown musical. kent jnour leech was at K gatio her ' K 25 ike Then :cii ..■ lo ll tse el ion i ned ■i thei ;: IIW Hint! RALPH WHITEHEAD, executive secretary of the Actors' Federation of America, vaudeville actors' union, leaves today for Boston to con duct a meeting and open offices there. Lilian Harvey Film at 55th St. "Heart Song," continental film starring Lilian Harvey, will have its American premiere Wednesdaj at the 55th St. Playhouse. Charles Boyer appears opposite Miss Har vey. Ready Reference Directo With Addresses and Phone Number] Recognized Industry Concerns What To Buy And Where To Buy It Engravers CALL— "CITY" PHOTO ENGRAVING (Day and Night Service) 250 W. 54th St., N. Y. Tel. COIumbus 5-6741 Foreign 3 i in Dtliei I MS Skci I Mi. foil yen Fr w im mel |Sll an der. II s ling ,y tf jseq AMERANGLO CORPORATION EXPORTERS— IMPORTERS Cable: Chronophon 226 WEST 42ND STREET NEW YORK CITY LONDON PARIS IERLIN Hotels "Sweethearts" Holds in MemDhis Memphis — Warner's "20 Million Sweethearts" is being held a second week at the Warner Theater. Technicolor May Resume in Boston Boston — Report has it that Technicolor may resume laboratory operations here. PRESIDENT HOTEL Atlantic City's Newest Boardwalk Hotel SEA WATER SWIMMING POOL MARINE SUN DECK TURKISH BATHS