The Film Daily (1934)

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i,l« THE Tuesday, June 5, 1934 « Tre * :ion, CODE CASES Activities of Local Grievance and Zoning and Clearance Boards resiiti ^ayJvOULD NULLIFY RULING Cleveland — On the ground that the per. onnel of the clearance board that heard the « iase was not in accordance with the manual iff U| /f the board as ruled by John C. Flinn, exicutive secretary of the Code Authority, enry Greenberger of the Cedar Lee Theater To. has appealed for nullification of the j uling which dismissed the Cedar Lee comilaint against Loew's Ohio Theaters over the 3-day protection on first-run pictures which Uayed on dual bills. Nullification is asked lecause it has been found that Harry Horvitz, who served as a substitute member of he board that heard the case, did not assent Omorro l° t'ie c°de A ruling is being sought on vhether a member who has not signed a J 'ode assent can serve on the board in any for N( tapacity. TND F.W.C. DID NOT OVERBUY Omaha — Fox West Coast, represented by Ben Harding of the Liberty Theater and Horrie Cohn of the Strand, did not overbuy s charged by Ray Selker, managing the iroadway, all in Council Bluffs. la., the ocal grievance board found. The board uled it is without legal right from the code fo adjust complainant's right to buy more jictures and that the board recognized the I)', Sol fomplainant's problem as one of scarcity of nictures available. Selker plans appeal to .. he Code Authority. inaJi ! 'Masked Marvel9 of Ampa Team Has Golf Contingent Guessing term ayloi 14 COMPLAINTS IN NEW ORLEANS New Orleans — Fourteen complaints, mostly against the present clearance granted the 18 United Theaters subsequent runs, have been filed with the local zoning board for hearing this week. YAFFA FILES TWO APPEALS Harmon Yaffa has appealed to the Code Authority from two grievance board decisions. In one case involving his Gem and Majestic theaters, Yaffa charged overbuying against the Lane and Empress theaters and the Vitagraph, Paramount, Fox, Universal and RKO exchanges. In the second case Yaffa sought a refund for an alleged overcharge by the Vitagraph exchange. TWO APPEALS TO BE DECIDED Decisions on two cases which have been heard on appeal are expected to be announced at a meeting of the Code Authority Friday. One is the appeal of the Sedgewick Amusement Co., operator of the Luxor, New York, against clearance granted Loew's Grand in Fordham Road and Jerome Avenue. The other is the complaint of LaCrosse Amusement Co., operator of the Rivoli, LaCrosse, Wis., and the Kayess Theaters Co., operator of the State at Tomah, Wis., against L. J. Burkitt of the Classic, Sparta, charging violation of the reduced admissions clause of the code. Who is the "Masked Marvel"? ft !\11 Broadway is asking. Every '■ nember of the Motion Picture Club jolf team is wondering. Who is he mysterious un-named player ,»vho has been included in the A. M. P. A. team that will vie for the Aljee Memorial Cup at the 22nd Film iolf Tournament on Thursday at he Glen Oaks Golf and Country "lub, Great Neck, L. I. Tom Gerety, harlie Einfeld and Herbe Fecke, Dther members of the A. M. P. A. team, don't even know. According ;o Ted Curtis, captain of the Empey :eam, his players will wear the best I "Mat Lewis shirts, so sure are they to win the Albee cup and retain their haberdashery. Gerety likewise will have his players defy the 'lose your shirt" edict, by wearing the latest creations from Budd's. Yesterday the committee reported . ?n its visit to the club Sunday, when ;the beer was tested. Reports on the quality varied, necessitating another visit tomorrow for some last minute quaffs. Four beautiful gold medals, the gift of Jules Brulatour '; for the winners of the team play, were received yesterday. The medals are the latest design and will be most welcome and valuable prizes. Twenty-five cocktail shakers with "make your own" recipes embossed on the sides were donated yesterday by General Register Corp. as runner-up prizes. Don't forget, every contestant will go home laden with souvenirs of real worth. Included in the hand-out will be Max Fleischer's donation of "Betty Boop" soap dolls — one box to each player 200 "Big Bad : St* an: ateri Sit :es Wolf" watches from the IngersollWaterbury Co., and a host of other novelties. A special newsreel is being compiled by National Screen Service for the evening's festivities. Early-birds will be rewarded. W. Ray Johnston of Monogram has donated 100 golfball lighters to be given to the first 100 players arriving at the course Thursday. The dues are $10 if your application is mailed by Wednesday. It will cost the delinquents $12 at the clubhouse. British Pictures Gain In Australian Market (Continued from Page 1) and 119 from other countries. The U. S. supplied 332 features, Great Britain 108. Eliminations had to be made in 52.1 per cent of the American product and in 27.7 per cent of the British pictures. Gcldwyn Signs British Actress West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Jane Baxter, young star of the English stage and screen, has been signed as the second feminine lead in "We Live Again," Samuel Goldwyn production starring Anna Sten and Fredric March. Miss Baxter, who will come to America shortly to assume her role, was recently seen in "The Constant Nymjph." "Sweetheart" Holdovers Warner's "20 Million Sweethearts" is being held a third week at the Mary Anderson Theater, Louisville, and a second week at the Orpheum, Denver. Laugh Riot! Last Call • WHERE • GLEN OAKS GOLF CLUB • WHEN • THURSDAY— THIS WEEK • WHAT • 22nd FILM GOLF TOURNAMENT • WHY • FILMDOM'S BIGGEST PARTY I'll Be There ! The 22nd Film Golf Tournament Here is my entry and $10.00 for the Film Golf Tournament to be held Thursday, June 7th, at Glen Oaks Golf and Country Club, Great Neck, Long Island. Name Address THE COMMITTEE: Jack Alicoate, Chairman, Film Daily; Al Lichtman, United Artists; Lee Ochs, Motion Picture Club; William Fergnson, A. M. P. A.; Louis Nizer, N. Y. Film Board ot Trade; William Brandt, Brandt Enterprises; Don M. Mersereau. Film Daily. (ENTRY FEE WILL BE $12.00 IF PAID AT TOURNAMENT) Fill In And Mail To THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. ECONOMY NOTE— LAST CHANCE TO SAVE $2.