The Film Daily (1934)

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Vednesday, June 6, 1934 NDIE BUYING GROUP SEEKS MAJOR TIEUP (.Continued from Page 1) Uroup, embracing various members if the I. T. O. A. Lou Blumenthal .eads the committee of five han* ilmg the matter. A meeting of the 'roup may be held in New York this eek. Jlied to Reconsider Policy on Code Assent (Continued f om Pane 1) >de from the viewpoint of comiliance. More than 15 Allied leaders (Throughout the country are expected to gather in New York for the board [neeting. Attendance is expected to include Abram F. Myers, Sidney E. Umuelson, Al Steffes, H. M. Richey, ilay Branch, Charles Metzger, John Piller, Herman Blum, H. A. Cole, t7red Herrington, Abe Stone, Wiliam Cutts, Nathan Yamins Waler Littlefield, Aaron Saperstein. Goldsmith Sets First Two Ken Goldsmith has set his first two stories for next season. They are "Born To Hang," novel by i George Bruce, and "I Take This I Man," original by Frances Hyland. I Aubrey Scotto will direct "Born To !>|Hang," which is slated to go into ■(production in about a month. 4 Code Committees to Meet Meetings of four Code Authority | committees are scheduled for today If find tomorrow. Committees on finance, code compliance and pro yduction will meet today while the committee on administration of local boards holds a session tomorrow. 2 Films Extend Runs in Canton Canton, 0.— Warner's "20 Million Sweethearts, " originally scheduled or four days at the Alhambra, was ie\d a full week. At Loew's "Viva ilia" ran the full week after being enciled in for four days. Samoan Short for Rivoli The Rivoli has booked a short of Samoan life produced by Philip Brown. FACTS ABOUT FILMS Films shown in Japan arc approximately 85% of native origin, 12% American and 3% European. Jm THE ■a&n DAILY MOMGthe PHIL M DALY • • • THE SPRIGHTLY story of a Russian gent named Boris Morros Managing Director of the Paramount theater who came to this country 11 years ago as an exponent of the classic in music and wound up by helping to make the country jazz-conscious . . and then crooner-conscious • • • AFTER LANDING in this country with the Chauve Souris company from Russia he broke into the motion picture theater field via Paramount Adolph Zukor sending him 10 years ago to Memphis, Tenn to take the place of a musical director in a theater there who had been bounced for being too classical Boris inquired of the manager what classical stuff the other gent played "Oh, pieces like William Tell," sez the manager right there Boris got busy brushing up on jazz for his first overture he presented what he called "Mr. Jazz In Person". .... containing bits from all the pop jazz numbers he could lay his hands on the overture was Sen-say-shu-nal right there Boris forgot all about his Classical Background and started out to Outjazz the Jazziest • • • A FEW weeks later Milton Feld, personal representative of the Paramount home office ."..,. was commissioned by Sam Katz to visit all the Publix theaters and replace the classical type musical directors with modern jazz exponents Boris Morros was on his list to be canned for Milton pictured a guy with a name like that to be a long-haired, old-fashioned musicker he sat out front and listened to Boris take his boys through a jazz jamboree and then rushed out and wired Sam Katz that this guy Boris was being wasted on ONE theater they should send him around all the southern circuit to do the same Jazz Job in other spots and Katz acted on the tip • • • SOME TIME later the home office shifted Mister Morros to Des Moines to make that his central headquarters to build up musical programs try 'em out on Des Moines and then shoot 'em around to all the neighboring territory so Boris found himself a one-man organization . he was booker — producer — scenic designer — musical director — arranger— librarian — electrician — carpenter turning out these weekly musical units on a budget of 1,100 berries no more, no less. ..... • • • ABOUT THIS time the master-of -ceremonies vogue struck the nation there weren't enough good personality musical directors to go around all the theaters so Maestro Morros started building up emcees from good looking pop local lads who didn't know a baton from a baseball bat the femmes liked the "personality boys" then Sam Dembow decided that what Boris was doing for the hinterland, he could do for New York so that's how he came to the Broadway Paramount T T T • • • IT WAS being impressed on Boris that the public was tiring of jazz in the theater looking around for a substitute he caught Rudy Vallee singing in Ben Bernie's band at a Jewish Theatrical Guild benefit Boris had discovered his substitute for jazz incidentally the Crooner Vogue was discovered right there Rudy was a sensation 135 weeks at the Broadway and Brooklyn Paramounts he started at $40 per, and finished at $4,500 so by and large Mister Morros has left his imprint large and legible on the history of the contemporary motion picture theater and the gent is still pioneering and innovating NON-ASSENTERS SUE CODE AUTH'Y, BOARDS (Continued from Pane i ) paragraph 8 of the code, denying to non-signers of the code the right to file complaints against any article of the code, is unconstitutional is made by the complainants, who have not assented to the Code. Nu Ideal Amusement Corp., operator of the Mineola Theater, Mineola, and Garden City Amusement Co., operator of the Williston Theater, Mineola, allege that the refusal of the Code Authority and the local grievance and clearance and zoning boards to entertain joint complaints submitted by them on April 17, while the three boards have accepted and acted on complaints against other ITOA members, constitutes a violation of the Fifth Amendment in that it deprives the complainants of their property without due process and denies them the equal protection and security of the law. All members of the three Code boards were served in the suit. The members are: Code Authority, Merlin H. Aylesworth, Sidney R. Kent George J. Schaefer, Nicholas M. Schenck, Harry M. Warner, Robert A. Cochran, W. Ray Johnston, Ed Kuykendall, Chas. L. O'Reilly and Nathan Yamins; Grievance Board, Harry Thomas, Milton Kusell, John O'Connor, Louis Geller and George F. Thompson; Clearance and Zoning Board, Robert Wolf, Leo Abrams, Leo Loew, Harry Shiffman, Edward Ruboff, Morris Bolognino and Alfred E. Stears. « «€ « » » » Part Settlement Reached In Consolidated Dispute (Continued from Pane ]) settlement, it was learned yesterday. The two remaining points are to be submitted to the Consolidated board of directors and a report is to be made back to the Labor Board in two days. Case involves a wage dispute and refusal to adhere to a ruling of the regional labor board. Closes "Bengal" Deals Dave Mountan, president of Showmen's Pictures, has closed contracts for distribution of "Beyond Bengal" by Phil Meyer for the metropolitan district, Harry Asher for Boston, and Berkowitz & Mills for Albany. SHOWMAN'S REMINDER Check up periodically on consumption of electricity, fuel and water.