The Film Daily (1934)

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!ndi IDtjt THE Vednesday, June 6, 1934 -3Z0*l DA1LV 11 NEWS of the DAY Petoskey, Mich. — The Temple, etoskey has been reopened by John :ralster and Mrs. Clara McCabe. \ fhe house was completely remodelled. I ■ ' Cincinnati — The Arcade and Mar r, el, suburban houses have closed. jf; 'he latter, at Elmwood place, will be imjj orn down. etsS Onset, Mass. — The New Onset ^heater has been opened by Al Vorral and William Warr. Roxbury, Mass. — Lewis Newman m i s now managing the M. & P. Dud;tt sy Theater. Arctic, R. I. — Kent Theater Co. fas been incorporated here by Mrs. »ora G. Rabinovitz, C. Leo McKenla and Daniel Shearer. Akron, O. — ■ Florian De Nardle, assistant manager at the Palace in Cleveland for several seasons, has >een named manager of the outdoor heater at Geauga Lake Park, 0., flaying light opera. istfl Boston — John O'Brien has been ppointed assistant manager at the Metropolitan. The position of chief f-service which he left vacant is leing filled by Arthur Gallery. Hillsdale, Mich. — Howard lane, orcner operator at Jonesville, is milding a new house here. It will »eat 400 and is expected to open text month. Philadelphia — The Aldine closes ,i f Saturday with plans for reopening ate in August with "Affairs of Celini." Pittsburgh — "Forgotten Men" has een booked by Feiber & Shea for a repeat date at the Fulton. COVERS EVERYTHING It sure is a pip and I know a lot of people who would be lost without it. You deserve a lot of credit for the amount of work necessary in compiling this very important encyclopedia of the MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY. Jay Emanuel, Publisher, Jay Emanuel Publications A LITTLE from "LOTS ►// By RALPH WILK 1.000 Pages - Free to Film Daily Subscribers. HOLLYWOOD J^ALPH BUSHMAN, son of Francis X. Bushman, has signed a new long-term M-G-M contract. He appeared as the American reporter in "Viva Villa." Philip Dunne, son of Finley Peter Dunne who created "Mister Dooley," is co-author with Dan Totheroh of the screen play for "Count of Monte Cristo," Reliance film. V T T Gene Raymond will have the lead in Columbia's "Sure Fire." T T T Monogram is adopting the practice of having an English player in every cast. ▼ T T Russ Columbo returns to the air Sunday night and next day starts work at Universal in "Castles in the Air." T T T Eddie Buzzell, who has just become engaged to. a California oil heiress, will place "The Human Side" in work at Universal next week, with Adolphe Menjou and Doris Kenyon in the leads. r T T "All Good Americans" has gone in work at M-G-M with Edwin Marin directing a cast that includes Otto Kruger, Madge Evans, Robert Young, Una Merkel, Ted Healy and Mary Carlisle. ▼ T T Lew Levenson will prepare the script for Monogram's "Mysterious Mr. Wong," while George Waggner is adapting his original "Girl of My Dreams" for the same studio. V ▼ ▼ Margaret Sullavan will appear in "The Good Fairy" as her next Universal film after returning from England. William Powell is set to play the role of Ziegfeld in "The Great Ziegfeld." V V Y Charles Lamont has been signed by Monogram to direct "Tomorrow's Youth." T T T Noah Beery, Jr., is being featured in "Five Bad Men", a Sunset Studio, Ltd., production. Buffalo Bill Jr., Pete Morrison, Bill Patton, Wally Wales, Art Mix, Sally Darling and Bill Desmond are among the principals. Clifford S. Smith directed. "Five Bad Men" is the first of the eight Noah Beery, Jr., Westerns to be made by Sunset. T T T Bernard B. Ray has completed the production of "Potluck Pards," the fifth of his series of "Bud and 1 Ben" three-reel subjects. The cast included Wally Wales, Ben Corbett, I Harry Myers and Josephine Hall. Harry Webb was Ray's associate producer oil the picture. Ray is preparing the fourth of the Tof< Tyler series, which will be followed by a Jack Perrin production, which will be directed by Webb. T T T Gus Kahn, the lyric writer, has no set time or method for writing his_ lyrics. He usually writes them while standing on the set or wherever he may be. With his pet stubby pencil — he never uses one that is longer than three inches^— he leans his paper against the wall, the back of a chair or a piano rack and sets to work. T t y By the way, Kahn's best lyrics, which have included such popular numbers as "Riptide," "Dancing in the Moonlight" and "Carioca," have been written in less time than it takes the average person to write a letter. Of course, that does not mean that he completes the number in that time, for he spends long hours afterward — polishing and repolishing the lines until he has them just the way he feels they should Believe it or not, a producer reprimanded his cameraman for trying to save the company $500. It happened several years ago and Colonel William N. Selig was the producer. He always gave his actors Saturday afternoon off and the afternoon started promptly at 1 o'clock. The cameramen had but 15 minutes work to complete the entire picture, but it was 1 o'clock — and Colonel Selig ordered his players to return Monday to finish the picture. ▼ t ▼ Mauri Grashin's original story, "Hide-out" is to go into production in a few days at M-G-M, with Robert Montgomery starred and W. S. Van Dyke directing. Hunt Stromberg is the producer. ▼ t r Thelma Weisser, veteran real estate woman, has joined the ranks of agents and has opened offices in the Guaranty building. Her sister, Goldyne, is her associate. t r T The infant daughter of Earl Baldwin, Warner scenarist, has been named Phyliss Ella. She is the Baldwins' first child. t r r "Violence," a strong drama, written by Dore Schary, Paramount scenarist, will be produced in New York by Sidney Harmon, co-producer of "Men in White." T T T Upon completion of her work in "The Defense Rests," for Columbia, Jean Arthur returns to New York to play the lead in "The Bride of Torozko," a play being produced by Laurence Langner and directed by Herman Shumlin. She has also been offered the lead in 'Here's to Crime," based on Dashiell Hammett's book, "The Maltese Falcon," which will be produced by Laur°n-e Schwab. "ve is represented by Ralph G. Farnm. CODE CASES Activities of Local Grievance and Zoning and Clearance Boards CLEARANCE CUT IN PHILLY CASE Philadelphia — In the first case involving a producer-controlled circuit and an independent, the Philadelphia zoning board has reduced clearance of the Ardmore, Stanley house at Ardmore,^ over the Narberth at Narberth. The decision allows the latter house to play pictures seven days after the Ardmore, which formerly had 14 days' protection. NEW JERSEY CLEARANCE RULING In the clearance complaint involving several New Jersey houses, ruling of the New York board follows: The board finds that the Park Lane Theater, Palisades Park, and the Leonia Theater, Leonia, are competitors. Both theaters are entitled to 7 days clearance on each other. Both these theaters are to follow 14 days after the Embassy, North Bergen, or the Capitol, Union City; 7 days after Englewood and in no event less than 14 days after Hackensack on pictures that these two theaters may elect to follow each other. The theater having the prior right must play such pictures within 21 days after availability to avail itself of the 7 days clearance. In no event are such pictures to become available to the repeating run more than 28 days after the availability of the prior run. The Queen Anne, Bogota, is not to have any clearance over the Leonia or Park Lane theaters. SCHINE APPEAL UP FRIDAY Appeal of Schine Theatrical Co. from the decision favoring Reliance Theater Corp.. Lockport, N. Y., is scheduled to come up Friday before the Code Authority. pi HOLLYWOOD VG) PLAZA \ MOST CONVENIENT Hotel in Hollywood $2. SO up, Single $3.00 up, Double Special weekly and monthly rates The Plaza is near everything to see and do in Hollywood. Ideal for bus iness or pleasure. Every room has private dressing room, bath and shower. Beds "built for rest." Every modern convenience. Fine foods at reasonable prices. Convenient parking for your car. Chas. Danziger, Mgr. Eugene Stem, Pres. The "Doorway of Hospitality' Vine at Hollywood Blvd. HOLLYWOOD