The Film Daily (1934)

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P. A. POWERS ©ART® K StOOHO ftea\ * * v.W U*! ■ "C Splendid Matinee and I V^P Evening Business Getters . . . World Famous Fairy Tales, Folk-Lore, and Fantasies . . . Superb attractions for persons of ALL ages and ALL classes . . . Aw** Par G INC [XL G Gr,K tcloi nwi' !it is ]' ll'A HiPI libs liito bkes hi P (is hi Irk "i h'"S v Emu fcC Loo ■: lion i i ii's NOTE: THOUSANDS of showmen are booking, billing, and exploiting COMICOLOR CARTOONS as "Major" Attractions They are playing them as "FEATURES" — and box office business more than justifies their judgement and action. A NEW VOGUE ComiColor Cartoons have gone beyond "slapstick" — They have set a new vogue— -They are serio-comics— 'They are pieces of dramatic entertainment, visualizing famous stories in artistic animation. Internationally Released by CELEBRITY PRODUCTIONS, Inc. 723 SEVENTH AVE., NEW YORK CITY CABLE ADDRESS: CELEBRI Printed in V. S. A. by PALASE-HECKER PTC CO.