The Film Daily (1934)

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pcchd :-i lion "e 20 for tptember. *«rt in to York including K HUGH in New ! lie "liilish ! H ta i (Bid Monday, June 11, 1934 DAILY DEFEAT MOVE TO BRING EXCHANGE HELP IN I. A. put i«i I; llll F.TJI. 3aii o m dtbit fc'.H (Continued from Page 1) tional's convention here last week. The delegates also turned down a motion to separate the locals in New York City from those in the state. This item aroused heated discussion in which much feeling was displayed. Following a lengthy attack on dual unions, including projectionist groups allegedly financed by exhibitors, a resolution was passed whereby the I. A. is to immediately promulgate a plan to force the American Society of Cinematographers out of existence on the ground that it is a dual organization to that of the International Photographers of the M. P. Industry. Another resolution adopted calls for a national boycott on unfair productions, and it was also resolved to effect a special scale to bring in electrical workers on circuses and carnivals, which are considered competition for theaters. A resolution requesting locals to unite in refusing to complete work sent into their territory when declared unfair in another locality likewise was passed. After a hot debate, and a vote of 607 to 183, a resolution of the Finance Committee to cut the salaries of the president and vice-president was lost. They remain at $20,000 a year. Matthew Woll, vice-president of the A. F. of L., speaking on the last day, said the I. A. was fortunate in getting more advantages under the NRA than most labor groups. New officers elected are : George E. Browne, Chicago, president; Fred J. Dempsey, New York, secretarytreasurer; and the following vicepresidents: John T. Nick, St. Louis; William P. Covert, Toronto; Harland Holmden, Cleveland; James Walsh, Jersey City; Larry Buck, Columbus; Floyd Billingsley, San Francisco; James McGrath, Pittsburgh; James J. Brennan, New York; Roger Kennedy, Detroit. Place of the next convention was not decided. British Newsreels in Color London — Spencer Duffay Films will put out all its newsreels in color. SHOWMAN'S REMINDER Plug your cooled theater as a haven for hay fever sufferers. ~PH!L II. »ALY © • • A DARB Summer Flash Number that finale over at the Radio City Music Hall with the entire company of 500 on staged by Russell Markert called "Lazy Daisies" those perfect precisionists the Rockettes in daisy costumes make you feel that Summer is really here Stage Strategists come and go but Russell Markert goes on forever ...... the guy must have Somethin' T T T • • • A FEW highlights in the career of a gent who is eternally doin' things Dave Thomas 'way back in the ole days Dave made Jack London's "Sea Wolf" and "Smoke Bellew" the former was one of the most successful silent indies ever made released by PDC and Pathe Dave later sold the story rights to Fox for $22,500 they made it with Milton Sills in the Thomas version Ralph Ince played the lep.d Dave was in the exchange biz in Washington in 1922 he broke into the production end of the biz with First Nash about 10 years ago now he heads the new outfit, Falcon Pictures they will do six features the first, "Convention Girl" with an Atlantic City locale starts the end of the month SUCCESS to you, Dave a coupTa thousand guys we know are echoin' our wish ......... T T T • • • DOWN AT the Acme on 14th Street they showed Amkino's "Mother" the pix drew some raves from the more critical of our local crits greatly due to the musical score and realism of the effects a Craftsman Job performed by that expert Jimmy Bradford one of the better fixer-uppers in arranging scores for pix T T T • • • A GOOD story form Boris Morros he was tellin' one of our Celebrated Showmen about his new arrangement for a French composition and the C. S. exclaims delightedly "Fine! Now why don't ya use French horns!" T T T • • • HERE IS a worthy cause that should enlist the support of anyone who can secure 35 mm. silent films there is a leper colony in the Virgin Islands these unfortunate people have little diversion ,. recently SueJHast ings and her marionettes gave them several shows and they are still talking about the wonderful event now J. A. Tanney General Manager of the Sales On Sound Corp. has donated a motion pix equipment to the Colony Miss Hastings has undertaken to secure some films for use with this equipment Mister Tanney has generously donated so come on, fellers any of you who have 35 mm. silent film vou want to donate ship it to Mr. W. M. Danner, 156 Fifth Ave., Room 1118, N. Y. C Y ▼ ▼ • • • FIRST ISSUE of "The Theatre" monthly mag devoted to the interests of Frankwyn Productions composed of Harold B. Franklin and Arch Selwyn who have united forces to sponsor plays and engage in other theatrical activities wouldn't be surprised if they might be interested in sellin' some picture rights after stage production just a thot we're passin' on to 'em it HAS been done by the way they are bringing over to America in October the famous Continental-Parisian chanteuse Lucienne Boyer who probably holds the world's record for phonograph recordings her American debut will be limited to six weeks Selwyn & Franklin are preparing for her an intimate entertainment "A Continental Evening In the Theater" something new in these parts FEMME FASHION Note A Kansas City newspaper ad of "20th Century" shows John Barrymore makin' love to Carole Lombard Carole is wearing a moustache! oops « « « » » » W, B, MAY LOSE STAKE IN ST, LOUIS SETUP (Continued from Page 1) is ready to go through with his end of the plans for reorganization of the three houses the minute U. S. District Judge Charles B. Davis ratifies the sale at which Thomas N. Dysart, chairman of the committees for bondholders, bought in the houses for $1,400,000. Harry Koplar is associated with Snyder and they plan to have Fanchon & Marco operate the three houses. Outline Vitaphone Plans At Chicago Sales Meet (Continued from Page 1) screening of "Madame DuBarry" will be held tonight. Final session in the company's series of conventions takes place next Monday and Tuesday at the St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco. Trying Out Another Play Next play to be tried out at the St. James Theater, St. James, L. I., will be "Chaos", by Kenneth Keith. It opens July 2. Jack Livingston is staging the season of tryouts, which began with "That Certain Business", by Keith and Homer Mason. Sees Recourse Against 5c Shows Detroit — Charging of five cents admission by an upstate exhibitor operating in five towns with a portable equipment could be stopped under the non-theatrical section of the code, according to E. S. Kinney, local code secretary. By using portable projectors, the houses could be classified as non-theatrical, with regular theaters entitled to adequate protection against them. Regal Gets 2 Royer Films Regal Distributing Corp. has acquired world distribution rights to two Fanchon-Royer pictures, "Hollywood Hoodlum," with June Clyde, and "Fighting Lady," with Peggy Shannon, Jack Mulhall and Mary Carr. BIG NEWS AS SEEN BY THE PRESS AGENT "The three bowls of tempting potato chips on the set for 'Sacred and Profane Love' now contain wood shavings instead because Joan Crawford ?nd Clark Gable munched on them, and Director Clarence Brown found that it interfered with their meals." — Dave Epstein.