The Film Daily (1934)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Sixteen Years Old -^FDAILY VOL. LXV. NO. 136 NEW yCCI\, TUCSDAy, JLNE 12, 1934 3 CENT^ Spending $1 0, 000, 000 on 10 Specials, Warner Says URGE PERIOD OF 45 DAYS FOR FILINGJSSENTS Paramount Plans to Make 18 Features in England Schedule for New Year Announced by John Cecil Graham Eighteen features will be made in England by Paramount during the 1934-35 season to fill the British quota requirements, John Cecil Graham, managing director of all Paramount companies in Great Britain, | stated to The Film Daily yesterday 'n New York. Through an arrangement with Hubert T. Marsh and Herbert Wilcox, all Paramount features will be produced at the British and Dominions, studios, using B and D stars, players and directors. Graham deplored the British law (Continued on Page 4) ASK REORGANIZATION OF ROXY THEATER GO, Prompt reorganization of the Roxy Theaters Corp., was recom mended yesterday at a meeting of the board of directors of the corporation. Action was taken on the petition filed last week by attorneys for the Roxy representing five-year %y2 per cent gold note holders. Harry (Continued on Page 5) Fuller Brothers Split Australian Theater Firm Sydney, Australia — After an association of 38 years during which they built up a chain of 49 theaters in Australia and New Zealand, Sir Benjamin Fuller and John Fuller (Continued on Page 5) Franklin Company to Make Two Features Harold B. Franklin, who will produce seven plays next season in co-operation with Arch Selwyn and Charles B. Cochran, will also make at least two teature pictures this fall, he told FILM DAILY yesterday. Production will likely be in the East. A. E. Thomas is now adapting Ward Greene's novel "Cora Potts" for the first production by the Frankwyn Company. Harry Wagstaff Gribble has been engaged to direct the stage production. 'IT TO HOLD EXCHANGE MEETS AT KEY SPOTS Chicago — Universal will not hold regional conventions in Los Angeles and San Francisco as was originally planned, James R. Grainger told delegates to the company's mid-west one day convention yesterday. Instead, "exchange conventions" will be held at all southern and western key points with W. J. Heineman, (Continued on Page 5) British Theater Grosses Slump Past Two Months Theater business in Great Britain has taken a slump during the past two months, Sol A. Newman, •managing director for RKO in Eng'and. stated yesterday. "Many are of the opinion that patrons are purchasing the cheaper seats. Others believe that theater (Continucd on Page 4) LEE A. OGHS THEATERS RKO will add four Lee Ochs houses to its circuit if an agreement, now under negotiation, is reached. The houses are the Midtown, Uptown, Yorktown and Costello. Last (Continued on Page 6) 3 Saenger Bond Issues Filed with Trade Com. Washington. Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Refinancing plans for three Saenger bond issues have been filed by protective committees with the Federal Trade Commission for registration under the Securities Act. Refinancing of all three issues involves the issuance of a like number of bonds of those outstanding with a cut in interest only on the first mortgage and collateral sinking fund 6r/> per cent gold bonds of {Continued on Page 6) Wasted Complaints Exhibitors who try to file complaints against double feature bills are merely wasting their time and effort as the code does not provide any reference f the policy, it was pointed out at th Code Authority headquarters in NeYork yesterday. Local grievance and zoning boards therefore cannot entertain such protests. Biggest Production Budget Ever, Harry Warner States Harry H. Pinsley Reported Among Air Liner Dead Harry H. Pinsley, 24, an executive of the Music Corporation of America and well known in Hollywood and on Broadway, is among the seven passengers reported to have lost their lives in the crash of the American Air liner in the Catskills last Saturday. He had acted as contact man for Mary Brian and other film stars. Chicago — Warner Bros.-First National has allocated an expenditure of $10,000,000 for 10 specials in its 1934-35 program, Harry M. Warner told the company's regional sales meeting at the Hotel Drake yesterday. He listed the following pictures as included in the specials: "Anthonv Adverse." "Gold Diggers of 1935." "Black Hell," "Lafayette Escadrille," "Captain Blood"; "Casino de Paree," a musical co-starring (Continued on Page 8) Proposal of Code Authority Awaits Approval of Administrator Although the plan has not as yet been officially approved by the Administrator, the Code Authority is understood to have recommended that the period for filing assents be reopened for 45 additional days. Whether or not the NRA okays the arrangement is expected to be known Friday, when the Authority holds its next meeting. In announcing its recommendation for reopening of the assents period the Authority stated that certain reservations would be im (Continued on Page 4) BROADWAY HOUSES TALK POOLING Progress is being made towards the culmination of a pooling deal involving the New York Paramount and the Capitol, grind first run on Broadway which plays M-G-M product, Plan under consideration is to have Capitol drop stage shows and (Continued on Page 8) Six in Work on Fox Lot For New Season Lineup West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — With three features of the 1934-35 schedule started in production yesterday, Fox now has six of the new program in work at (Continued on Page 8) Seek to Stop Bandit Films Dallas — Mothers of Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, outlaw pair recently killed near Arcadia, La., by officers, have filed suit here seeking an injunction in the U. S. District Court to prevent showing of pictures of events in connection with the slaying. Action is aimed at several independent distributors and local theaters.