The Film Daily (1934)

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DAILY 115 PARAMOUNT MEN OFF FOR SALES MEET (Continued from Page 1) in a special section of the Iroquois Limited and additional delegates will be picked up at Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Kansas City and LaJunta, Col. Thuse departing from New York include: N. F. Agnew, E. H. Bell, P. A. Bloch, B. P. Brooks, M. B. Comerford, Bobby Crawford, J. Day, A. Deane, S. Dembow, Jr., L. Diamond A. J. Dunne, Max Fleischer, L. Flynn G. B. J. Frawley, R. M. Gillham, Mr. Goldman (London), J. Graham (London), G. K. Haddow, J. Hicks, Perry Hunter, A. M. Kane, M. S. Kusell, F. A. Leroy, I. Lesser, H. J. Lorber, M. Messcri (Spain) L. Netter, L. Phillips, H. Randel, C. M. Reagan, J. Roper, E. St. John (London), M. Sattler, G. J. Schaefer, W. Schneider, Ulrik Smith, E. W. Sweigert, J. J. Unger, D. Velde, S. B. Waite, G. Weltner, C. York (Stockholm). Adolph Zukor, E J. Zukor, J. E. Perkins (China) and Phil Hyams (London). Those being picked up at Buffalo include. C. G. Eastman, W. H. Erbb, Nate Goldstein. L. Hughes, J. Moore, K. G. Robinson, E. Ruff and J. H. Stevens. At Detroit C. V. Bell and O. W. Bolle will be added to the group. The Chicago delegation includes: E. M. Adams, B. Balaban, J. Balaban, E. J. Bar nard, M. Brown, W. F. Bugie, S. E. Chesnutt, M. R. Clark, T. Dowbiggan, W. Esch, J. E. Fontaine, J. B. Gardner, H. H. Goldstein, J. Himmelein, P. J. Hogan, H. Hunter, J. Hunter, J. O. Kent, D. Kimmelman, H. L. Kincey, J. Kirby, L. C. Lowe, M. A. Milligan, N. Nathanson, W. J. O'Neill, J. J. Oulahan, D. Prince, J. Rubens, G. A. Smith, A. Usher, H. F. Wilkes, G. Zeppos and W. K. Jenkins. At Kansas City A. R. Anderson, A. H. Blank, B. Blotcky, R. Branton, A. H. Cole, R. M. Copeland, J. Curry, J. B. Dugger, F. Friedl, C. E. House, P. K. Johnston, R. C. LiBeau, A. Mendenhall, O. A. Morgan, L. M. Palmquist, H. E. Pickett, P. W. Robbins, M. Schweitzer, S. R. Simpson and VV. D. Woods will be added. H. W. Braly, J. E. Manfre and W. P. Wiens will join the party at La Junta. In addition to the above, the following will leave directly from their home locations for Los Angeles, joining the convention at the Ambassador: C. Bamford, J. M. Bettencourt. D. Brickman, M. C. Buries, F. C. Clark, J. Clemmens, J. J. Donahue, H. N. East, C. G. Epperson, W. Hansher, G. H. Haviland, C. Hoblitzelle. W. O. Kelly. M. H. Lewis, M. A. Lightman. C. E. Linz, A. Lucas, L. Marcus, H. Nace, R. J. O'Donr.ell, C. N. Peacock, E. V. Richards, H. Robb, E. Rowley, F. Smith and R. B. Wilby. Eddie Peabody for Roxy Eddie Peabody has been engaged as master of ceremonies at the Roxy for one week starting Friday "Camping Out," a Mickey Mouse cartoon, will also be a feature of the program. "^RlAlifC^ PHIL II. DALY • • • THE REACTIONS of one of our better humorists Irvin S. Cobb after working in a Hollywood studio Mister Cobb has been working before a camera as an actor on the Hal Roach lot at Culver City here are some of his observations "Comedy is tragedy standing on its head with its pants torn." ........ "A stand-in is a person needing twenty-four dollars who stands in well with the casting director." "Trying to 'act natural' in front of a camera is the most artificial gesture in the world." "Whenever you see a long-faced chap on the lot who looks like he has just returned from a lodge brother's funeral, you are looking at a great comedy star.". .... "The odor of grease paint isn't bad, but I still prefer the smell of printer's ink." • • • A BUNCH of well known exhibitors got together at a recent convention and started wondering over the highballs just what part the home office execs played in deciding the type of screen material their companies produced and the consensus of opinion was that they were New Yorkers sophisticates and therefore saturated with the New York Idea and couldn't see what the folks in the hinterlands cared for in the way of screen fare. . . . • • • SO WE started checking up in the Film Daily Year Book list of film folks and their birthplaces and would it surprise you to learn that over 80 per cent of the big film execs were born outside of New York? and a big percentage of them in very small towns? it's the old story the Outsiders are the New Yorkers . . .,. and these film execs certainly know from close hand knowledge just what the small town folks want in the way of pictures • • • OVER AT the Little Picture House on East 50th Street that draught beer served in the Tavern Room certainly is delightful these ton-id days Charles Bocher, former Earl Carroll pressagey has been named blurber and editorial adviser for the Woodmere summer stock company which Ivan G. Cedar will run V. A. Verlinski, prexy of Amkino who arrived a short time ago from Russia is taking daily English lessons he now speaks English almost as good as Joe Zimanich of National Screen Screen celebs are flocking to Bobby Sanf ord's Showboat newest innovation in New York nite life • • • DOWN IN Mexico City the following incident occurred in connection with a showing of "Henry VIII" at the Regis theater according to Sam Seidelman, United Artists' manager a couple arrived at the theater and upon learning that the feature pix was on they asked the doorman how much longer it would run . "Not long," replied the doorman, "they have already beheaded the fifth wife." T T T • • • THE CURRENT season of the M. P. Baseball League is well under way first game started last Saturday between N. B. C. and Warners teams in the League are Columbia, Erpi, N.B.C., RKO, Rockefeller Center, Inc., Warners T T T • • • BOOKED FOR the Capitol theater for the week commencing June 29 Duke Ellington and his orch .this will be the first Broadway appearance of Harlem's Aristocrat of Jazz in more than a year ... the outfit has just finished work pn two Paramount pix "Murder at the Vanities" and "It Ain't No Sin" « « « » » » Wednesday, June 13, 1934 -G-M MAY PRODUCE 8 YEARLY IN BRITAIN vVednesc (.Continued from Page 1) Schenck yesterday regarding British films and also talked over the telephone with Louis B. Mayer, in Hollywood, on the subject. Mayer will be here next week to discuss the project with Schenck. "There are many films with English or Continental background that should be made in England," said Selznick. "They will not cost less than American production but it will be possible to creat a more genuine background and atmosphere for the stories. Then again, these Britishmade films will gross more in England than American made films and no doubt bring in an average gross in the American market." With Selznick is Fritz Lang, German director, who will make several features for M-G-M in Hollywood. The first Lang production will be "Two Thieves." Selznick and Lang leave for the coast Friday. leai'ly 1 ispitbl 111 RK( jetropol main ' iioew'i msesi no shut lent at Skour its hoiia itated practica 158 thes and 46 New Portable Reproducer On Market from S. O. S. A wide Fidelity portable 35 mm. sound-on-film equipment, capable of showing sound pictures of theatrical size with good sound reproduction is being marketed by the S.O.S. Corp., 1600 Broadway. Two small cases contain the equipment and enough cable for any ordinary program. A show may be arranged in a few minutes in an office, auditorium or other place, it is stated. The apparatus is equipped with pre-set rear shutter, thereby eliminating any flicker during a performance. The amplifier is equipped with plug-in jacks for operating a hand microphone. It also operates pickup on phonograph records. Mara Pi eat em (educed showinj bulletin attack British Pix for Criterion "Along Came Sally," a GaumontBritish pictm-e with Cicely Courtneidge and Sam Hardy, opens tomorrow evening at the Criterion. Fox takes over the house later. Stars to Attend Sales Meet Bob Wheeler and Ber-t Woolsey will attend the RKO Radio sales convention to be held June 18-20 in Chicago. FACTS ABOUT FILMS Up to May 1 of this year, Soviet Russia had 1,800 cinemas, of which 400 were wired.