The Film Daily (1934)

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THE Thursday, June 14, 1934 -c&£H DAILY i m HOUSE BILL IS AIMED AT IMMORAL PICTURES 'P of til (Continued from Page 1) ported in interstate or foreign com'li pierce any moving picture film in which (a) any of the persons taking part in the film have ever been 1 fiuriit arrested and convicted of an offense ^Jii involving moral turpitude; or (b) the actions of the persons taking iilpart in the film are suggestive, unijl wholesome and or morally objectionable, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000 or by imprisonment for not more than five years in?frt|or both." Fen ass. Catholics Plan Boycott on Theaters (Continued from Page 1) vet made by producers condemned for turning out offensive films, Rev Russell M. Sullivan of Boston College said yesterday, speaking in connection with Cardinal O'Connell's campaign Seventy-five per cent of 130 pictures released this year to May 6 are against the industry's morality code, asserted Rev. Fr. Sullivan. In blacklisting producers who distribute pictures which the Diocese leaders consider objectionable, no titles will be mentioned, it was stated. ray, M ireei 'BTU: ager I tea ■ladma 'or i terdi , can s mat Pari • pri , r wE. Dip's f 0 itot: e iPat! he res oil ersi| « em idol New W. E. Foreign Installations First installations of Western Electric equipment in Uruguay and Nicaragua have been made at the Artigas, Montevideo, and the Gonzales, Managua. Other Wide Range contracts concluded in Latin-America, are: the Alhambra and Copacabana Casino, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; the Paramount; Sao Paulo, Brazil; the El Encanto and the Nacional, Havana, Cuba; the Movies, Jamaica. Kingston; the Maria Guerrero, Mexico City, Mexico; and the Capitol, the Iris and the San Martin, Lima! Peru. 2nd Rialto Week for "Revolt" "World in Revolt" will be held over for a second week at the Rialto. THE INDUSTRY'S DATE BOOK Today: Allied leaders' meeting in New York. June 16-July 2: International Motion Pictur. Week, Vienna. July 16: Meeting of S. M. P. E. board of directors at Westchester Country Club, Rye, N. Y. June 18: Meeting of Paramount's Nationa Advisory Council of Theater Operators. Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles. June 18-19: Warner-First National regional sales meeting, San Francisco. lune 18-20: RKO annual sales convention Drake Hotel, Chicago. June 18-20: Paramount annual sales conven tion, Hotel Ambassador. Los Angeles June 18-22: American Federation of Musicians convention, Cleveland. June 20: Annual Boat Ride of the Warner Club aboard S.S. Peter Stuyvesant to Bear Mountain. A LITTLE from "LOTS" By RALPH WILK HOLLYWOOD jy[ERVYN LEROY'S first picture since his return from his 'roundthe-world honeymoon trip will be the direction of "Gentlemen Are Born,': according to an announcement from the Warner Bros. Burbank studios. "Gentlemen Are Born", which is based on the story by Harry Sauber, will team James Cagney and Margaret Lindsay in the leading roles. ▼ T ▼ Barbara Reed, 16, a newcomer, has been signed by Columbia. r r t "Fugitive Road" is the definite title of the next Invincible picture, starring Eric von Stroheim, Wera Engels and Leslie Fenton. It was written by Charles Beldon and Robert Ellis and replaces "The House of Strangers" on their program. Frank Stayer directed with production at Universal studios. T T T Aline MacMahon's next picture for Warner Bros, will be "Big Hearted Herbert," in which she will probably co-star with Guy Kibbee. M. P. Council to Study Practices in Industry (Continued from Page 1) St., it is announced. Graham and Mrs. Barclay Parsons, Jr., chairman of the Council's New York chapter have been elected to the Council's national advisory board. Other Studio Deals Pending' Characterizing the 12 features to be made this season at Biograph studios by Select Pictures, as "only a starter," H. J. Yates stated to The Film Daily yesterday that many other companies are completing plans for eastern production of several features that will be included in major company schedules. Revivals at Westminster A series of three-day revivals will be shown at the Westminster Cinema starting today when "Waltz Time," with Evelyn Laye, will b^ presented. "Rome Express" will start the three-day run on Sunday and on June 20 the house will revive "Be Mine Tonight" for a threeday run. Propose Daylight Law St. Louis, Mo. — A bill to authorize daylight saving time in St. Louis from Aug. 19 to Sept. 30 has been presented to the Board of Aldermen. The late August date is intended to svoid conflict with the Municipal Opera. On other occasions when daylight saving time came up here Vbor and the theater interests were -•ucnessful in combatting the clockswitching arrangement. "Scotland Yard" for Globe "Scotland Yard" will be shown at the Globe theater for one week beginning today. Monogram will send a special crew to the A.A.U. track meet today at the Berkeley Memorial Stadium to get background material for the forthcoming college production, "Girl of My Dreams," which is scheduled for July production. Heading the group will be W. T. Lackey, producer, George Waggner, author, and Bill Ackerman of U.S.L.A. Cameramen assigned to the unit by Herman Schlom, production manager, include Joe Novak, Bob Roberts and two assistants. T T T A Columbia property man, working with George Sidney and Charlie Murray in "Plumbing for Gold," blinked twice the other day when he looked over his orders for the day. The director had ordered three quarts of black ants. And the property man went out and got them. T T T CAST ASSIGNMENTS MAJESTIC: Sally Blane, Regis Toomey, Louise Dresser, Huntley Gordon, Isabel Jewel. Buster Cr?bbe for "Gaily I Sin." RKO RADIO: Hazel Forbes for an untitled comedy starring Walter Woolf. Jack Warner to Talk On Lineup at Meeting (Continued from Page 1) from the recent Warner Bros, conclave at Chicago are: Grad Sears, who will preside at the meet, Major Albert Warner, S. Charles Einfeld, Norman Moray, Harold S. Bareford and A. W. Schwalberg. District and branch managers who will attend include: Earl Bell, E. Gerbase, W. A. Haefliger, A. Flanders from Denver; Harry Lustig, J. K. Burden, A. S. Bailey, J N. Howland from Los Angeles; V. Stewart, M. F. Keller, D. D. Matin from Portland; Bill Gordon, M. H Gustaveson, H. Levey from Salt Lake; C. Muehlman, N. Levi, B. C Wheeler, H. B. Fish from San Francisco; Al Oxtoby, C. L. Theuevkauf. C. W. Young from Seattle; W. E. Callaway, R. L. McCoy, W. 0. Williamson, S. L. Pilkinton from Dallas, Luke Conner, P. L. Spindler H. R. Risey from New Orleans; J. 0. Rohde, W. C. Blackstone, E. R Slocum from Oklahoma City also N. H. Brower from Los Angeles and Fred M. Jack of Dallas. Distributing Irish Subject A three-reel subject titled "Ireland of the Welcomes" is being distributed by the Film Company of Ireland. Film is an Irish scenic with some shots of the drawing for the Grand National Sweepstakes. "Black Moon" Release June 25 Columbia has set June 25 as the national release date on "Black Moon," starring Jack Holt and Fay Wray. Distributing Color Cartoons Principal Film Exchange has signed with Celebrity Productions to handle metropolitan distribution of 13 Comi-Color cartoons. SpoQUwA C2o%M4iibva I Holt in. one of his greatest roles! • Different ! Surprising ! Unusual ! Jack Holt in "The Defense Rests" I with Jean Arthur, Nat Pendleton, 1 Arthur Hohl, Raymond Walburn. Story and screen play by Jo Swer1 ling. Directed by Lambert Hillyer. ■am; 'I. What happens wl putwith .a: man : before? A fast-rii drama-— pa-cked "Blind Date!' wit! Neil Hamilton, Pa play, by Ethel Hi Roy William Neil A best-selling novel in the process. I '. of becoming a best-selling picture •! | Wallace Smith's breath-taking -'. story,"The Captain Hates The Sea,'l ' is being adapted to the screen by'-j the author and promises to be one > of the surprise, pictures qf the year! ' ■ A Lewis Milestone production. V » < Thrills galore in this high-powered, . 1 1 punch-packed newspaper-mystery • I » drama! "The Criminal o Within" | • " J with Richard Cromwell, Arline j t J Judge, Rita La Roy. Directed -by^f \f Albert Rogell. ■ /A