The Film Daily (1934)

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FOX PATENTS UPHELD BY APPEALS COURT (Continued from Page 1) defense for the two defendants, is expected to ask the U. S. Supreme Court for permission to appeal. This is the second Tri-Ergon patents victory within a week as a few days ago the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals at Brooklyn reversed a District Court Decision dismissing a double print process patent infringement suit brought against Paramount. Hirsh, Newman, Reass & Becker are counsel for the Fox interests. Drafting New Rules On Recording Award West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — New rules to govern the Academy's system of nominating and voting for the award for achievement in sound recording are being worked out by a committee of sound technicians. Plan to be recommended generally follows the jury system used in determining the scientific and technical awards winners, under which each studio will select the picture it considers best from the standpoint of recording. A jury composed of one representative sound technician from each studio plus two representatives each from the actors, directors, producers and writers' branches will consider the recommendations. From the group of submitted pictures the jury will nominate three pictures which will be voted upon by the general membership. Members of the sound awards committee are: Carl Dreher, chairman, Bernard Freericks, Franklin Hansen, Nathan Levinson, John Livadary, Thomas Moulton, Douglas Shearer, Theodore Soderberg and Gordon S. Mitchell, manager of the Academy technical bureau. Para. Signs Helen Morgan West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Helen Morgan has been signed by Paramount to enact a leading role in "You Belong To Me" with Lee Tracy and Helen Mack. Postpone Pathe Meeting Pathe Exchange Inc., directors' meeting scheduled to take place yesterday was postponed indefinitely, possibly next week. SHOWMAN'S REMINDER Arrange June weddings to take place on stage of your theater. • • • THOSE FOUR weeks that David O. Selznick spent in England were so prolific in results that he easily qualifies as the industry's Ace Talent Scout he went abroad primarily to collect authentic data for the pretentious production of the Dicken's classic "David Cop perfield" he not only did this most thoroughly but signed up a lot of Talent in several fields outside of playacting T T T • • • IN ORDER to secure the right types for this immortal masterpiece (which, by the way, is the most widely read book in the Youessay by actual poll outside of the Bible) Mister Selznick had literally thousands of actors and schoolboys interviewed more than 100 tests were made about 10 actors will be brought over the remainder of the cast to be filled out with English players no-win Hollywood incidentally, D. 0. S. had over 1,000 photographs taken covering data on the life of Dickens and his works the most complete library of Dickensiana in authentic photos in existence which will enable the studio to duplicate everything in "David Copperfield" in the most minute detail T T T • • • BUT WE were more particularly concerned with telling you about Dave's talent scouting exploits . a young chap named Peter Trent was signed for the part of David Copperfield whoever plays this role will become world famous Hollywood tests will determine finally if Trent qualifies critics agree that he is the fictional character "to the life" T ▼ T • • • HE ALSO discovered Antoinette Cellier a Continental who was playing the ingenue lead in "Sixteen" Mister Selznick is bringing her over for a pix in the fall he's sure she is a great bet then there is Fritz Lang Whom Dave regards as the greatest European director so he brought him over with him T T T • • • THEN THERE was the little business of "discovering" Leontine Sagan the femme director of "Maedchen in Uniform". ....... she speaks perfect English being a South African Dave met her in London, and asked: "Why haven't you been to Hollywood?" and Leontine said simply "I've never been asked." to which Dave replied "Consider yourself asked." just like that see how easy it is to crash Hollywood people make such a fuss about it Dave makes it perfectly simple so Mme. Sagan comes over in July on a long term contract T T T • • • IT WAS with some slight trepidation Dave frankly confesses that he approached Hugh Walpole the great British writer to act as a Dickens authority and consultant on "David Copperfield" and do the dialogue he accepted so Dave and Walpole and Howard Estabrook and Director George Cukor worked on the script all the way over on the boat Mister Selznick also engaged Louis Bromfield to come over in October to do the script for his story, "Living in a Big Way" which Dave will make with Marie Dressier in the fall he also picked up John Paddy Carstairs young English script writer who looked awfully good and hired Mrs. William Bolitho widow of the famous writer as literary representative in London AND for a real big coup started negotiations with David Lloyd George for screening his War Memoirs spent a whole day with him got Dave Lloyd G. all excited so that he is now preparing extensive notes on his intimate data on war "behind the scenes" to see if the ambitious production plan is feasible all in all not a bad four weeks' work for Dave Selznick or anybody else « « « » » » 14 APPEALS HEARINGS SETS NEW C.A. RECORD (Continued from Page 1) Theater vs. United Artists, Warners, Universal and RKO, with tht plaintiff filing the appeal, and M-G M. vs. L. L. Drake and the An ;-onia Theater of Wadesboro. Othei cases are Milwaukee Grievance Board, Lang Heinrich Bros., Burleigh St. Theater vs. Saxe Amuse ment; Los Angeles Grievance Board, Pacific National Theater vs. Jayben Corp., and Harry Goldfarb oi National City; New Orleans Grievance Board, C. V. Crawford and the Magee Theater of Magee, Miss., vs Sanitorium Theater of Sanitorium Miss.; Portland Grievance Board United Artists vs. A. L. Adams and the Palace Theater, Silverton, Ore Afternoon appeals will be Boston Clearance and Zoning Board, Harvard Amusement Corp., Brookline Mass. vs. Olympia Theater; Boston Grievance Board, same plaintiff and respondent; Boston Grievance Board Edward T. Bloomburg of the Strand Theater, Gloucester, Mass. vs. Olym pia Operating Co.; Atlanta Clearance and Zoning Board, Dade Enterprises and John A. Cunningham vs Sparks Amusement, Paramount Publix and Fox. Four Washington D. C. Clearance and Zoning board appeals will also be considered, they are Louis Tenick of the Brooklyn Theater, Baltimore, vs. McHenry and Pacey's Theater; Lichtman The ater vs. Loew's State; Booker T, Theater vs. Loews State; Herbert Zimmerman and the De Luxe The ater of Baltimore vs. McHenry the ater. Hoffberg to Handle 8 Spanish Features (Continued from Page 1 ) Hearts in Waltz Time," distribution on which he will arrange later The Spanish Congress in Madrid has killed the proposed measure prohibiting importation of foreign features with super-imposed titles and requiring all dubbing to be done in Spain, Hoffberg said. He said he intends recommending to his producers that they make a portion of their schedule in England to facili tate sale of their product there. BIG NEWS AS SEEN BY THE PRESS AGENT Rita La Roy makes a hobby of doing parachute jumps out of airplanes.