The Film Daily (1934)

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16 DAILY Friday, June 15, 1934 B EDUCAT'L TO RELEASE 16 K.B.S. FEATURES (Continued from Page 1) through independent exchanges. The deal in no way involves Educational's five-year deal with Fox for the distribution of shorts. R. N. Savini has been appointee' general sales representative of World Wide-Educational and is now on a coast-to-coast tour of state rights distributors. He will allot territories and franchises. Temporary headauarters of the company are at 1501 Broadway. 30 RKO Men Leaving For Chi. Sales Meet {Continued from Page 1) day at the Drake Hotel, Chicago. This afternoon 17 delegates will leave New York, and tomorrow 13 more will follow. Leaving today arc Ned E. Depinet, Jules Levy, Cressor Smith. Robert F. Sisk, Al Mertz, E. L. McEvoy, A. A. Shubart, M. G Poller, Harry Gittleson, Leon J. Bamberger, R. R. Doyle, Sol Newman, Fred McConnell. R. K. Hawkinson, B. P. Lion, Robert Trillo, and Jacob Glucksman. Delegates to leave tomorrow are: S. Barret McCormick, Frank Kennedy, Lou Miller, William Dahler, J. P. Skelly, E. A. Home, William Mallai-d. G. E. Youngman, William Clarke, G. Muchnic, Phil Reisman and A. H. McCausland. The convention will adjourn June 20. Producing in Texas Bv LESTER KETNER FILM DAILY Staff Corrcsfondent San Antonio — M-G-M has sent a third camera crew from Culver City, Calif., to Randolph Field, Texas, where "The West Point of the Air" is being directed by Richard Rosson. The new cameramen include Paul Vogel and his assistant, Harold Baldwin. The final exterior sequences for National Pictures' "Song of the Shepherd" are being made in the hills of Fredericksburg, Tex. This Biblical picture will be released as a Kier-Phillips Production. T. Ralph Willis composed the musical score for this natural-color film. THE INDUSTRY'S DATE BOOK June 1 6July 2: International Motion Picture Week, Vienna. July 16: Meeting of S. M. P. E. board of directors at Westchester Country Club. Rye, N. Y. June 18: Meeting of Paramount's Nationa' Advisory Council of Theater Operators Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles. June 18-19: Warner-First National regional sales meeting, San Francisco, lune 18-20: RKO annual sales convention Drake Hotel, Chicago. June 18-20: Paramount annual sales conven tion. Hotel Ambassador ( os Ane»'"« June 18-22: American Federation of Musicians convention, Cleveland. June 20: Annual Boat Ride of the Warner Club aboard S.S. Peter Stuyvesant to Bear Mountain. « « REVIEWS of the NEW FEATURES » » "PRIVATE SCANDAL" with ZaSu Pitts, Ned Sparks, Mary Brian Paramount 62 mins. AN UNCONVINCING MURDER MYSTERY. GOOD COMEDY HIGHLIGHTS HELFS OUT. PITTS AND NED SPARKS SCORE. This film is distinctly a comedy vehicle for ZaSu Pitts and Ned Sparks who have sufficient business throughout the reels to keep the laughs coming and walk away with the acting honors. But the combination of heavy tragedy in the murder of two people and the suicide of a third has not been skillfully combined with the comedy, and strikes a jarring note. The plot development also is far from convincing. It all hinges on the private scandals in the lives of a group of people working in the office of a real estate development concern whose proprietor is found dead in his private office one morning. As they all have been engaged in activities that would embarrass them to divulge, they lie in order to alibi themselves from knowledge of the proprietor's death. This gives rise to a lot of comedy business with Ned Sparks, the tough detective who crossquestions them. The detective pins the crime on various people in turn, till the real culprit is discovered dramatically when he kills his wife for an affair with the dead man and then commits suicide, Cast: ZaSu Pitts, Phillips Holmes, Mary Brian, Ned Sparks, Lew Cody, June Brewster, Harold Waldridge, Jed Prouty, Charles Sellon, Rollo Lloyd, Olive Tell. Director, Ralph Murphy; Authors, Vera Caspary, Bruce Manning; Screen Play, Garrett Fort; Cameraman, Milton Krasner. Direction, Fair Photography, Okay. "WHITE HEAT" Pinnacle 62 mins. MELODRAMA OF TROPICAL LOVE CARRIES PUNCH OF REALISM AND A VERY TENSE AND GRIPPING STORY. Among independent productions, this rates 'way up near the top of the division. It has been written and directed by those who quite obviously are familiar with the unusual background of the drama. Hence it carries a strong atmosphere of realism and sincerity that imparts a punch of realism throughout the action. David Newell has the role of foreman of a Hawaiian sugar plantation who has just come from the States. Gradually the climate gets into his blood and he goes native to the extent of adopting a native "wife" to run his household. The part is played by Mona Maris. Both players give very convincing and commendable performances. The drama soon enters the suspenseful stage with the return of the young planter with a society girl from San Francisco as his wife, who displaces the native girl. Then the boredom of the society wife with the crude life on the sugar plantation, and her infatuation for an old sweetheart who arrives from the United States. Works up to a thrill climax with destruction of the sugar cane by fire, a very realistic sequence. The young planter goes back to his native love who rescues him from the cane fire. Cast: Virginia Cherrill, Mona Maris, Hardie Albright, David Newell, Arthur Clayton, Robert Stevenson, Whitney de Rahm, Naomi Childers, Nani Palsa, Kolimau Kamai, Kamaunani Achi, Peter Lee Hyun, Nohili Naumu. Director, Lois Weber; Author, James Bodrero; Screen Play, James Bodrero, Lois Weber; Cameramen, Alvin Wyckcff, Frank Titus. Direction, Very Good Photography, Okay. .oming an dG oing New Catholic Drive on Films Milwaukee, Wis. — The Holy Name Society is planning a drive against objectionable pictures this September to be participated in by pupils of the Catholic schools in the city. One of the local Catholic higb schools will publish white and black lists of films to be observed by students during the summer months. Rosenberger Leaves Butterfield Lansing, Mich. — Leon A. Rosenberger, auditor of local Butterfield houses here for the past nine and a half years, resigned June 11 to accept another position. Prior to coming here be was auditor for Butterfield houses in Kalamazoo for two years. JANE BAXTER, English player, arrives in New York today on the Berengaria. NED E. DEPINET and JULES LEVY are included in the RKO contingent which leaves New York today for Chicago. HENRI DIAMANT-BERGER, French producer, CHARLES DAVID, manager of Pathe studios, and BERNARD NATAN, Pathe administrateur, have arrived in New York and are leaving immediately for the coast. JOSEPH M. SCHENCK and MAURICE SILVERSTONE sail on the lie de France tomorrow for Europe. AL MANNON. who is now in New York, plans to return to the coast in about 10 days. GORDON WHITE has gone to Canada for a vacation. ROBERT TRILLO, RKO managing director in Panama, has arrived in New York and leaves today for the coast. CHARLES MILHOLLAND. scenarist and playwright who is now in New York, returns to Rhode Island late this week. LOUIS COHEN has returned to the coast from Denver, having canceled his planned trip to New York. SAM JAFFE is due in New York early next month from the coast. CARL LAEMMLE sails on the lie de France tomorrow for two months' abroad. He will be accompanied by Joe Weil, Jack Ross and Dave Bader. WILLIAM KEIGHLEY, First National director, who arrived in Philadelphia last night from the Coast via Chicago, will visit New York briefly within a few days. H. WILLIAM FITELSON left last night for Detroit. W. RAY JOHNSTON and EDWARD GOLDEN leave today for Amherst College. Tentative Zoning Plan Ready at New Orleans New Orleans — The clearance and zoning board has released a proposed zoning ,plan which is slightly different from the one now used by major companies selling Saenger and United theaters. Chief difference is zoning the Metairie by itself. The Metairie has already protested being zoned with the Carrollton. This plan has been submitted to exchanges and exhibitors and may be subject to further change upon complaint. He stood her up . . . and she liked it ! — It's quite a thrill for the girls to stand up at the bar . . . tell your wife that she and her friends are welcome to drop in daily during the Cocktail Hours (4 to 7.30 p.m.) Bar open also, but for men only, from noon'till 1 a.m. MOTION PICTURE CLUB IS A MERRY PLACE TO MEET ! '