The Film Daily (1934)

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THE Wl DAILY Saturday, June 16, 1934 < THE 01 RUM DOM Vol. LXV, No. 140 Sat, June 16, 1934 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher ; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter. May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DATI.Y, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Holly wood, California— Ralph Wilk. 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 66D7. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter. 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne. Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Tinematographie Francaise, Rue de la Courles-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Columbia Picts. vrc. . . 33'/4 33 33 Con. Fm. Ind 33/4 3% 3% .... East. Kodak 99 98 98% f 17s East. Kodak pfd...l45 145 145 +1 Fox Fm. "A" 15 14% 1434 — l/8 Loew's, Inc 32l/2 311/2 31% + % M-G-M pfd 253/4 253/4 253/4— 1/4 Paramount ctfs 43^ 41/2 4% + % Pathe Exch 23,4 2% 25/8 do "A" 24% 23 23V4 RKO "A" 23/4 23/4 23/4 Warner Bros 6% 6 6 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Technicolor 14S/g 13% 1414 + 1% NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. 9l/4 9 1/4 9V4 Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctfs. 9 9 9 Loew 6s 41ww 102 101% '02 Paramount 6s47 ctfs. 53% 533/, 537/8 4. y2 Par. By. 5%s51 . . . . 44 V4 441/4 441/4 — 1% Par. 5i/2s50 ctfs.... 54% 53 54% + 1% Pathe 7s37 99% 99% 99% — % Warner's 6s39 603/4 60% 60% + % N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE SECURITIES Para. Publix 45/8 4% 4% + % BIG NEWS AS SEEN BY THE PRESS AGENT Roy William Neill, Columbia director, has an odd superstition. He never g2ts a haircut during the making of a picture. Four RKO Studio Execs to Sales Meet Chicago — Studio contingent expected here for the RKO Radio sales convention Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the Drake Hotel includes J. R. McDonough, president ot RKO Radio Pictures; B. B. Kahane, president of RKO Radio Studios; Lee Marcus, associate producer in charge of short subject production and Eddy Eckles, studio publicity head. Pandro Berman will not attend. With the cooperation of civic officials, arrangements have been made for a gala welcome to the conventioneers, including several special features. Rosenberg Quits Warners To Expand His Circuit {Continued from Page 1) houses are the West End, Newark; Broadway, Woodcliff, and Franklin, Nutley. Rosenberg said he has several houses under consideration which he may take over. Buffalo Exhibs to Plan Zoning Schedule June 26 Buffalo — Another meeting in connection with drafting of a new clearance and zoning schedule for the Buffalo zone will be held June 26 by the clearance and zoning board. Fifty exhibitors attended the last session held on the matter. U. A. Preview Tuesday First of a series of national trade showings in all key cities throughout the country on the new United Artists product will get under way with "Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back," 20th Century production, which will be previewed at the Astor Tuesday at 11 A. M. Morrison Office Expanding Leo Morrison is reorganizing his New York office with plans for establishing radio, personal appearances and vaudeville, stage and picture departments. He has taken larger offices at 1776 Broadway. Du World Gets Two Shorts Distribution on two shorts, "Sword of the Arabs," three-reeler, and "Stars in the Making," has been arranged by Alfred Smalley, acting for Golden State Productions, with Du World Pictures, Inc. Sign Erpi Repair Contract Electrical Research Products announces that Elmer Rhoden of the Fox Kansas Theater Co., the Fox Missouri and the Fox Kansas City Corp. has signed the company's repair and replacement contract for 26 theaters in his groups. Playing "Constant Nymph" "The Constant Nymph," BritishGaumont-Fox production, has been added to the bill at the 55th St. Playhouse, where "The Tell-Tale Heart" is current. The twin bill will run until Thursday. "Drummond" Release "Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back," a 20th Century production for United Artists, will be released nationally through United Ai'tists on July 20. Janet Snowden Quits Screen West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Janet Snowden, heiress, has decided to abandon screen career prospects for matrimony, her husband, William S. Gill, said yesterday. Code Assessments Paid Now At $67,164 Total (Continued from Page 1) last week's figure. The total payment includes amounts received from 59 exhibitors who have not signed an assent to the Code but who have taken the 10 per cent cancellation. The 59 houses have paid $573. De Rochemont Leaves Fox To Join "Time" Magazine Louis de Rochemont, for years on the Fox Movietone editorial staff, resigned yesterday to join the editorial department of "Time" Mag Berman Completing Program West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Pending working out details of his new connection with RKO studio as a unit producer, Pandro Berman will continue in his capacity of executive producer, which post he resigned Thursday. In addition to completing "Age of Innocence," "The Fountain," "The Gay Divorce" and other pictures under his old contract, he will make "Roberta" and "The Forsyte Saga" among the 13 pictures he is scheduled to produce through his unit. Join Cleansing Move Boston — A resolution pledging support of the campaign of Cardinal O'Connell for clean shows was adopted unanimously at a recent meeting of the Boston Chapter, American Federation of Actors at which members pledged themselves to assist in purifying the screen and stage. Warner's 'DuBarry' to Be Broadcast Warner Bros.' forthcoming release, "Madame DuBarry," will be dramatized over the Columbia Broadcasting Company's network, July 8th, at 10:30 A. M. with WABC as the key station. This is the second in a series of tieups with the Borden radio programs. Harry Smoots Dead Canton, O. — Harry Smoots, 51, well known Mt. Vernon, O., theater operator, died of a heart attack while fishing on Lake O'Dell, near Big Prairie, recently, in company with his wife. The body was removed to Mt. Vernon where burial was made. Wallerstein Transferred to Coast Lorain, O. — Ben Wallerstein, who has been managing Warner Bros. Palace here for the past several years, has been transferred to the coast where he will be in charge of the Warner theaters in San Pedro, Cal. Coming and Going LOUIS BROCK sails on the lie de France today for Europe. BEATRICE LILLIE arrives in New York today on the Europa. NAT GOLDSTONE sails for Europe today on the lie de France. AL ALTMAN of M-G-M leaves New York today on the S. S. Pennsylvania for a trip to the Coast, where he will confer with studio executives. MARTIN STARR arrives in New York today from the Coast. JANE BAXTER, who arrived in New York, leaves for the Coast Tuesday to work with Anna Sten and Fredric March in "We Live Again." CLARENCE ERICKSEN, business manager for Doug Fairbanks, left yesterday for the Coast. He will be gone for two months. SIDNEY R. KENT returns to New York in about 10 days from the Coast. BUSTER KEATON is en route to New York on the S. S. California and later sails for Paris, where he will appear in a French picture entitled "The King of the Champs Elysee." LEO CARRILLO is due at the Coast July 15 from New York to work in "The Irish Sweepstake" for M-G-M. DOROTHY DARE leaves New York Wednesday for Hollywood. ALFRED SMALLEY leaves New York for Washington and thence to the Coast. V. A. USIEVICH sails today on the Berengaria. MOE B. HORWITZ left New York yesterday on his return to Cleveland. CHARLES R. ROGERS arrives in New York soon from the Coast via the Canal, returning to Hollywood in August. HARRY ARTHUR will return from St. Louis today. Frohman Co. Moving Chas. Frohman, Inc., 50 per cent Paramount-owned play producing company inactive since 1932, will move its office July 1 from the Empire theater to the Paramount Building. Jas. F. Reilly, general manager of the company for many years, will continue in that capacity. The company owns 150 plays, an interest in the Lyceum theater and has other assets, Reilly said. No new productions are planned. COVERS EVERYTHING It is a marvelous piece of work and I can assure you that without it life would not be worthwhile over here. Frederick L. Herron, Foreign Manager, Motion Picture Producers & Distributors of America, Inc. 1,000 Pages — Free to Film Daily Subscribers.