The Film Daily (1934)

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THE 'Z£k DAILY Monday, June 18, 1934 * THE KNtHHfa W HLMDOM Vol. LXV, No. 141 Mon., June 18, 1934 5 Centi JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher ; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter. May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Holly wood, California— Ralph Wilk. 6425 Holly wood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter. 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, Ls> Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour les-Noues, 19. FIN-.NCIAL TOCK MAR' cT rURDAY) Net ARKET 3/2 31/2 15'/8 15% — Va a 983/4 997/8 + l7/g ISYa 151/s 15% + % 32% 323/8 32% + 1 4% 4Vi 4l/2 — % 24% 23% 23% + 5/g • ■ • • 25/8 2% 2% — i/8 6 1/4 6% 6 1/4 + 1/4 YORK BOND MARKET Hi/4 14 14 — 1/4 1% 1 % 1 1/2 — 1/4 UCE EXCHANGE SECURITIES -5s40 . 9% 91/2 91/2 40 ctfs. 91/2 91/2 91/2 + 1/2 n . .101% 101 34 101 % — '/a 47 filed 55 55 55 + % :th..,. 531/4 53 53 — 11/2 61 1/4 60% 61 + % am Woodruff Dies treau of THE FILM DAILY •les — William H. Woodge and screen actor who ith Charles Ray in many . Ills mm successes, is dead of nephritis. Two daughters survive. FOR WORLD RELEASE "QUEST of the PERFECT WOMAN" FEATURING TOM TERRISS SERIES OF ONE-REEL DIRECT TALKING PRODUCTIONS DuWorld Pictures StTi.Mji 729 SEVENTH AVENUE <*< 175 TO ATTEND M-G-M CHICAGO CONVENTION (Continued from Page 1) include Nicholas M. Schenck, Louis B. Mayer, Felix F. Feist. In addition to Mayer the studio will send Hal Roach and Howard Strickling. Following is the convention list: Felix F. Feist. William F. Rodgers, Thomas J._ Connors, Edward M. Saunders, Howard Dietz, Fred C. Quimby, David Loew. Joseph R. Vogel, Silas F. Seadler, William R. Ferguson, Alan F. Cummings, Jav A. Gove. John S. MacLeod. Edwin W. Aaron. Charles F. Deesen. M. L. Simons, Arthur Lacks, Frank E. McRoy, Selvyn J. Levinson. Joel Bezahler, Harold Postman, Sidney S. Braunberg. The list of sales representatives who will be present is as follows, by districts: Albany: Ralph Pielow, Jacob M. Goldberg, William L. Sherry; Boston: Maurice N. Wolf. Rav J. Curran. Thomas J. Donaldson, Maurice Goldstein, Henry Rosenblatt, Abraham Tolkins Harry Worden; Buffalo: E. K. O'Shea. Abe Harris, Ralph W. Maw, Alexander Weissman; Charlotte: Ira Furman, Burtus Bishop. Jr., Benn H. Rosenwald, Herman L. Ripps. Cincinnati: Edward M. Booth. Tohn S. Allen, Jacob M. Jacobs, Peter F. Niland. Wade H. Windsor: Cleveland: Frank Drew, Edwin H. Brauer, Joe Sogg, Eugene Vogel; Detroit: John E. Flynn, Frank J. Downey. Floyd W. Chrysler. Stanley Fisher, John F. Morgan: New Haven: John Byrne, Milton Hyans. Maurice Rabanus; New Jersey: David Lew Beniamin Abner. Robert Cuming; New York: William A. Scully. John J. Bowen, Howard Levy, Harry Miller; Philadelphia: Robert Lynch, Salem E. Applegate, Thomas E. Burns, Joseph F. Morrow, Clarence Pippin, George Schwartz. Pittsburgh: John J. Maloney. Emanuel Cohen, Saul Gottlieb, John L. Kelly, Jules Lapidus; Washintrton; Rudolph Berger, Phil Bobys, Harry Cohen, Nicholas P. Lloyd, Jr.. Frank Scully; Exploitation men: William G. Bishop (Detroit), Charles G. Deardourff (Cleveland), Bennv L. Darrow (Buffalo). Bert McKenzie (Boston), Norman W. Pyle (Washington): Atlanta: Charles E. Kessnich. James W. Hanlon. Lafayette B. Butler. Henry D. Hearn, Frank Jelenko, Louis C. Ingram, C. Francis McGuire. Chicago: Samuel A. Shirley. Felix Mendelssohn, Frank Ishmael, Theodore L. Men delssohn, David E. Ross; Dallas: Leroy Bickel. Clyde Houston, Henry G. Krumm, Charles D. Lyne; Denver: Henry A. Friedel. Julian H. King; Des Moines: Walter E. Banford. Dexter C. Kennedy, Lou Levy; Indianapolis: Wade W. Willman. Thomas C. Baker, Robert D. McRaven, H. A. (Whitey) Wagner; Kansas City: Harris P. Wolf berg. Frank C. Hensler. George Baumeister, Edwin W. Green, Sam Stoll. Truly B. Wildman. Los Angeles: George A. Hickey, Jake J. Milstein, Francis A. Bateman. William A. Calihan; Memphis: Tay F. Willinghnm, Carl F. Mock, Jack ReVille; Milwaukee: Sam Shut-man, Edward Lipson, A. Jack Shumow; Minneapolis: William H. Workman. William P. Cameron, Allen S. Clatworthy. Louis H. Coen, George W. Turner; New Orleans: Clarence J. Briant, Virgil H. Bridges: Oklahoma City; William B. Zoellner, Roy M. Avey, James N. Byrd. Omaha: Harry J. Shumow, Carl Nedlev. Fred C. Thortsen, Robert Winnig; Portland: Louis Amacher, Joseph T. Warren; St. Louis: Clayton T. Lynch. Glenn C. Gregory. Tack Quinn. George Reillv: Salt Lake City: Maurice N. Saffle, C. W. Boulet, Samuel T. Gardner, Walter K. Millar; San Francisco: Grover C. Parsons, Lee Hulling, Edward C. Mix. Seattle: Langdon C. Wingham, Mac Rul>enfield, B. Wallace Rucker; Exploitation Men: Morris Abrams (Minneapolis), Fred Bartow f Chicago). E. B. Coleman (Atlanta). Claude E. Morris (Kansas City). Representing Canada will be Henry Nathanson and Walter Hayner. Hearing June 21 on Para. Order Hearing will be held June 21 before Referee John E. Joyce on a show cause order to permit the Paramount trustees to expend $6,691 in payment of a balance owing on 6(5,915 shares of common stock of the United Detroit Theaters Corp. Idea Swapping Feature Of Theater Meet Today (Continued from Pane 1) at the Ambassador, Los Angeles, simultaneous with opening of the Paramount sales convention. Attending the session will be: George J. Schaefer, president of Famous Theaters; Sam Dembow, Jr., E. V. Richards, Karl Hoblitzelle, Abe Blank, Barney Balaban, Marty Mullin of Boston will be unable to be present owing to pressure of local code activities. Criterion Earns $14,414 The Criterion theater earned a profit of $14,414 from Sept. 29, 1933, to June 9, 1934, the fourth report of the Paramount trustees discloses. Rentals totaled $18,198 and expenses $3,718. Cusada Richey's Aide Detroit — George C. Cusada has been appointed assistant to H. M. Richey of the Allied Theaters of Michigan. Cusada will cover outstate theaters. C. A. to Meet Thursday The Code Authority will meet Thursday for the consideration of appeals instead of Friday as has been the custom. Ulrich Smith Promoted Philadelphia — Ulrich Smith, local Paramount booker, has been made sales manager for the company here. .oming an d G 01 ng MAJOR L. E. THOMPSON left New York yesterday for Chicago. H. WILLIAM FITELSON returned to New York Saturday from Detroit. EDMUND GOULDING left New York for the Coast Saturday. LEO MORRISON sails on the He de France ll July 7 to join Buster Keatort in Paris. LLOYD NOLAN has gone from New York toll San Francisco for a vacation before joining I Paramount at Hollywood. JEAN ARTHUR returns to the Coast next I week from New York. AL JOLSON and RUBY KEELER are New York-bound on the Santa Elena from the Coast. MYER BECK, of U. A. exploitation staff, has left on a five-week business and pleasure trip to South America. SIDNEY LANFIELD, who arrived on the Berengaria, is en route to Hollywood to direct another picture for 20th Century. JOHN CARSTAIR. British writer signed by M-G-M, leaves London soon for Hollywood. Boycotts to Run One Month Boston — A boycott of one month for all theaters handling films of a distributor who has one picture judged indecent is being organized by 1,695,000 Catholics of Massachusetts, according to the local lodge of the Knights of Columbus. Catholic Church authorities have already declared that 75 per cent of the films produced this year to May 6 are against the code of morals sign ed by the motion picture industry. STAND UP AND CHEER We won't guarantee that your customers will stand up and cheer when you install Alexander Smith Carpet. But they will notice the difference. And so will your box office. At least, that's been the experience of the majority of the country's most successful theatres. ALEXANDER SMITH CARPET