The Film Daily (1934)

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V and your top-dtaw comedy Smart showman that •«*'••*. d out and sta,..Hatold Uoyd has done «£.• J? ^^ got the Catence Bud^on ^ . sweU post serial (and ^f"\ And made a corking supporting cast (Look ^ ^ ^^ Uugh-and-su,pense knocko-.-W.t p ^^G, Not only <Ktfere»t,buth.s best.-antt STORY READ BY FOX SHOWMANSHIP NEWS //£ THE. CATS PAW BY HAROLD LLOYD to be released by F, Lli.-yd ha, iirudurt-d "The CaiS Paw," a offici Film. Harold it widely read w," a story by Clar on Kelland which u Saturday Evening iovcI, It is because of emendou* popularity . thai the star purirtinp; from tm past lembercd and beloved es which established <•( the biggesi box indu! i the i monj; hii m successes were ■■Grandma-s oy," -The Freshman." "Safety ast." "Girl Shy." "The K.d rother" and "Speedy." More recently Ihe comedian made ■■'Welcome Danger." "Feet Firsi" and "Movie Crazy." The last-named comedy was filmed in 1932, and since then Lloyd has been inactive, thereby depleting the annual grosses of the nation's theaires, His return to production therefore is recorded as a harbinger of ne* prosperity to exhibitors The supporting cast assembled by Harold Lloyd for "The Cot's Paw" ' includes Una Merkel. Allan Dinehart, Crant Mitchell. Warren Hymer. Nat Pendleton and George Som Taylor, responsible for many of the comedian's past Now. A Statement of Fact — Harold Lloyd's decision to re ■ .tribuling orgone stead Harold Lloyd h ily forward from success to suei. There hu-. never been such Lint) cast support in a Lloyd production as the world will rind in 1 new picture. "The Cat's Paw." your patron* to "The Cat's re. and t obtai for UJL lvp*i os* ! >i • For the first time, Harold Lloyd appears in a story which was not written expressly as a vehicle for him. But Clarence Budington Kelland must have had him in mind when he wrote this madly entertaining tale. Two million readers guffawed for weeks at the Saturday Evening Post serial... many thousands more at the novelized best seller. • Imagine America's top-notch comedian as a youth . . bred on Chinese maxims in remotest China . . . bolting into the midst of a big-city mayoralty race . . . bewildered at his | election . . . beset by graft-greedy politicians and racketeers . . . j with only a sweet little cigaret girl on the level with him. I • There's drama in this . . . and romance . . . suspense. But [ most of all greased-lightning action shot through with healthy, happy laughter. r=? .*% tfS&v V, ->" 5S. ,-p Aw ^.S>H vctc \>*»t> fetftt \s$>\ UNA MERKEL GEORGE BARBIER-NAT PENDLETON GRACE BRADLEYALAN DINEHART GRANT MITCHELL-WARREN HYMER J. FARRELL MACDONALD "The Cat's-Paw" from the Saturday Evening Post Serial and Novel by Clarence Budington Kelland Directed by Sam Taylor • Dance Numbers by Larry Ceballos Songs and Lyrics by Harry Akst and Roy Turk Produced by the Harold Lloyd Corporation A Fox Film Corporation Release