The Film Daily (1934)

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DAILY Tuesday, June 26, 1934 •——THE x fllMDOM ■ Vol. LXV, No. 148 Tues., June 26, 1934 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddv, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managinc Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months. $3.00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk. 6425 Holly wood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., \V. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 22'5. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat 4l/4 4V4 4V4 Columbia Picts. vtc. 30}4 30% 30% + 3A Con. Fm. Ind 314 3V4 3'A Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 14l/4 14'/4 14l/4 — i/4 East. Kodak 977/8 97'/2 97 Vi — % Fox Fm. "A" 137/8 13Vi 13V2 Loew's, Inc 30% 29 29'/4 — 1 Paramount ctfs 4 3'/2 35/a — 3/s Pathe Exch 2% 2l/4 23/8 do "A" 2iy2 21 21Vi — '/g RKO 21/4 2i/4 2V4 Warner Bros 5Va 5V* 5V* — V* NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Pets. vtc. 30 30 30 — 1 '/4 Technicolor 14% 13'/2 13% + % Trans-Lux iy2 1 Vi 1J4 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. 8 8 8 Loew 6s 41 ww 102 102 102 Paramount 6s47 ctfs. 53i/4 53 53 Par. By. 5'/2s51 ctfs. 43 43 43 Par. 5V2s50 ctfs... 54 52i/2 53 —1 Warner's 6s39 .... 58'/2 56 56'/4 — 2 N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE SECURITIES Para. Publix 4 3% 3% — Va "Dr. Monica" Holding Over Warner's "Dr. Monica," with Kay Francis, is being held for a second week at the New York Strand. SOUND-EQUIPPED HOUSES WANTED Client interested in leasing houses in western Pa., West Va., and northern Ohio. Seating capacity 1,000 or more. Write full particulars to: DAVID R. LEVIN, Attorney '415—21 Berger Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Five Cents . . . from prosperity (Continued from Page 1) varied tax levies than the theater owner. No one, usually, contributes more to charity. No one is called on more often for aid in drives and for civic and community cooperation. The exhibitor then, surely, has ths God-given right to carry on his business unhampered by this sort of unfair, unjust and uneconomic competition. Final Schedule Issued By N. O. Zoning Board New Orleans — Impressed by the protests of independents, the zoning board here revised its proposed zoning plan and issued a new schedule which is final. To date only two protests have been filed. The new zoning is: Zone 1, Sanger, Loew's State, Orpheum. St. Charles, Liberty, Tudor; 2', Wonderland, Newcomb, Globe; 3, Lafayette, Lyecum, Coli seum, Isis; 4, Laurel, Napoleon; 5, Laurel, Garden; 6, Fine Arts; 7, Washington, Garden, Happy Hour; 8, Coliseum, Happy Hour, Isis, Granada; 9, Granada, Lincoln; 10, Tivoli, Lincoln; 11, Poplar, Ashton, Roxy; 12, Poplar, Mecca; 13, Metairie; 14, Westwego Gem, Marrero Jefferson; IS, Gretna Hollywood, Algiers Folly; 16, Harvey Victory, Gretna Hollywood; 17, St. Maurice, Fiorito's Dream; 18, Bijou, Fiorito's Dream; 19, Piety, Bijou, Avenue; 20, Dreamland, Famous, Avenue; 21, Dreamland, Gaiety, Casino; 22, Capitol, Plaza, Casino, Arcade; 23, Arcade, Kivoli, Bell, Imperial; 24, Gentilly, Peacock; 25, Carrollton, Cortez, Escorial; 26, Escorial, Queen; 27, Prytania, National. Shifts at Radio City Herman Whitman, house manager of the Music Hall, has switched posts with F. A. Cruise, house manager of the RKO Center, which will soon go into a new policy of stage musicals under the management of Max Gordon. Whitman has had previous experience in the legit field. The Center will probably close at the end of next week for a twomonth period to prepare for its new policy. "Waltzes in Vienna" will be the first Gordon production. Fox Buys Story for Will Rogers West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — "What's a Lawyer For?" original by Thomas McMorrow, magazine writer, has been bought by Fox for Will Rogers. McMorrow will adapt it. Rogers is now making "Judge Priest," with "One More Spring," "County Chairman" and "What Am I Bid?" also on his schedule. Another Fox story purchase i? "The Love Flight," by Bernice Mason, who likewise will adapt it. Stereoscopic Effect for Cartoons A new device which gives animated cartoons a stereoscopic effect is announced by Max Fleischer, Paramount's cartoon producer, who says he has perfected the process after 18 months of effort. Fleischer says animation has advanced more in the last year than in the previous 14 years put together. 20th Century Stage Play Set for August Showing "The Red Cat", Rudolph LotharHans Adler play to be produced by A. H. Woods on Broadway as the first of the stage tieups sponsored by 20th Century, will soon go in rehearsal, with opening scheduled to take place in August when Darryl F. Zanuck, 20th Century production head, returns from his African hunting trip. Characterizations in the play will guide Zanuck in selecting the cast for the film version, which United Artists will release. Filming Famous Ballets As Feature Productions A series of internationally famous ballets will be filmed in feature length by a new group comprising George Antheil, composer and arranger; Georges Balanchine, dance designer, and Charles B. Milholland, playwright who wrote "Twentieth Century." First will be "Labyrinth," based on the Greek legend. Work will start soon in the east. Distribution arrangements have not as yet been made. Dicker for Bible Film Release San Antonio — A. A. Phillips and H. W. Kier, heads of National Pictures Co., are in Hollywood making arrangements to have their Biblical film, "Psalm of the Shepherd," nationally released by a major distributor. Editing and titling was done in the Mack Sennett Studios, where interior scenes were filmed by Mack Stengler with his natural-color camera. Babe Stafford directed the Bible epic, assisted by the adaptor, Jean Luder, novelist and playwright. The picture stars William Farnum. Schenck-Zanuck Meeting in London London (By Cable) — President Joseph M. Schenck of United Artists and Darryl Zanuck will confer here within a day or so, following arrival of the producing head of 20th Century from Africa. It is expected both executives will return to the United States together late next month. Interstate Bookers on 5-Day Week Dallas — Interstate Circuit has adopted a five-day week for its booking department, it is announced by P. K. Johnson, head booker. Skeleton organizations are kept on duty Saturdays and Sundays. Lupe Velez for Columbia Musical West Coast Bureau, of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Lupe Velez has been signed by Columbia for the feminine lead in "The Girl Friend," musical extravaganza by Herbert Fields, Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart. Picture is for next season's lineup. Columbia Gets Two Novels Two currently popular books, "Feather in Her Hat" by I. A. R. Wylie, and "Party Wire," by Bruce Manning, have been acquired by Columbia for 1934-35 production. .ommg an d G oing HAL ROACH is in New York from the coast ADOLPH FRIED of Film Sales, Ltd., Londor sails from New York on Friday for England MITCHELL LEICHTER, formerly associate, with Harman-lsing, is in New York and makin |pp< i his headquarters at the Hotel Astor. He ex pects to remain for some time. and i joint id FRANK JOYCE of the Selznick-Joyce agenc leaves New York today for the coast. MORRIS GOODMAN, foreign sales manage for Mascot, is returning from abroad on th Lafayette due to arrive in New York on Fri day. WILLIAM GRADY, M-G-M casting scout, wa in Boston over the week-end interviewing can didates for roles in "David Copperfield." MARY BRIAN goes to Boston for an ap pearance at the Metropolitan starting Friday. LOUIS MARCUS is expected back in Sal Lake City this week from a business trip t the coast. Reorganization Sought For Boston Properties Boston — • Boston Metropolitai Buildings, Inc., operating the prop erties housing the Metropolitan am Wilbur theaters, has filed a debtor' petition in Federal Court seekinj reorganization. While assets wouli be more than enough in norma times to meet all obligations, th petition states, the best interests o creditors and stockholders now woul< be served by reorganization rathe than by sale. Roach Conferring in New York Hal Roach has arrived in Nev York to confer with Felix F. Feis and Fred C. Quimby concerning short subject plans for the 1934-31 season. Thirty-two two-reelers wil be made at the Roach studio fo: the coming year. niiilPi Par! of ivh tliang from ,1 fe 1 ills, In' sision side a Nev iv:if ; Herbert Berg a Papa Herbert S. Berg of the Unitei Artists publicity department becam the father of a six-pound boy yes terday. Mother and child are doinj nicely in Sydenham Hospital. COVERS EVERYTHING Needless for me to say that it is going to prove extremely useful for reference on different subjects. P. S. Harrison, Editor & Publisher. Harrison Reports. 1,000 Pages • Free to Film Daily Subscribers. h put Hol 0( '■,; tions pie vi D Lou icy ha thi-aie