The Film Daily (1934)

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Last year in our annual announcement of Short Subjects PETE SMITH got only a single line ♦♦♦This year he rates a full page, thanks to you and your laughter 'loving public,..! The name that has won a place in electric lights and newspaper advertising. Picked at random from the trade press "Goofy Movies", with explanatory remarks by Pete Smith, is another of those Wotophony Movies. It is amusing, welldone and PeteSmith's remarks, as usual, are simply grand. — Hollywood Reporter Pete Smith's comedy dialogue makes first-quality entertainment. _ Film Daily Undoubtedly, M-G-M is making the most consistently good shorts... Pete Smith's commentaries, practically insure entertainment plus, for Pete can take an ordinary news reel and explain it in a way that will have customers hilariously tearing up the seats. — Rob Wagner's Script 12 PETE SMITH ODDITIES ONE REEL EACH 6 PETE SMITH GOOFY MOVIES ONE REEL EACH SPECIAL TODAY SHORT FEATURE PICTURE This stock 1 -sheet available at your Exchange Your public got a new slant on shorts when they glimpsed comedies like Pete Smith's "Handlebars", "Menu", Goofy Movies and all the others. Peerless Pete has a raft of hilarious ideas ready for you next season.