The Film Daily (1934)

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Intimate in Character Internationa! in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Sixteen Years Old -1FDAILY VOL. LXV. NO. 152 NEW yCCr, UTLCDAT, JUNE 3C, 1334 <S CENTS RKO Circuit Set to Take First 3 Consol. Houses 5,000 NEW ASSENT FORMING OUT NEXT WEEK Loew Third Quarter Earnings Estimated at $1,600,000 Receipts Exceeding 1933 $4 a Share Possible for Full Year Loew theater receipts and M-G-M film rentals in the current quarter are running ahead of last year and at about the same average rate as in the first half of the present fiscal year, on which basis Loew's, Inc., should earn around $1,600,000 or about $1 a share in the quarter ended June 9, according to a DowJones summary of the company's operations. With the $2.38 a share on the common stock earned in the first 28 weeks, showing for the full year ending in August is expected {Continued on Page 3) CASINO WILL BECOME THEATER OF THE AIR Theater of the Air, Inc., has leased the Casino, formerly the Earl Carroll Theater, at Seventh Ave. and 50th St., and the house ends its present subsequent run policy tomorrow night for alterations prior to reopening about Aug. 15 as the Theater of the Air. Under the new order it is announced that the house (Continued on Paqe 3) Second Columbia Meeting Set for Chicago July 9-11 Columbia's second and final sales meeting will be held at the Medinah Club, Chicago, July 9, 10 and 11 Sales force members west of the Mississippi will attend the meeting. First confab opens Monday in Atlantic City. "Bondage" Opens Big RKO's "Of Human Bondage," on its opening day at the Music Hall, played to the best receipts of any picture since "Cavalcade" and "Little Women" Indications are that the picture will be held over a second week. Seek Ruling from Authority on Dual Ban in Contracts Chicago — Whether distributors have the right to forbid playing of their pictures on dual bills will be asked of the Code Authority in New York by the Rosewood, local neighborhood house, which is challenging clauses inserted in film contracts to this effect. The Code Authority has not received any appeal of this character, it was stated at its office in New York yesterday. Consensus of opinion among persons familiar with the code was that there is nothing in its provisions which allows interference in deals made between exhibitors and distributors. H. B. Franklin Blames Bad Judgment For the Few Pictures fhat Offend Theaters Using Trailers Total 8,500, Says Dembow Approximately 8,500 theaters are now using trailers, according to George Dembow of National Screen Service. The figure is included in the address he made at the M. P. (Continued on Page 3) Commenting on the League of Decency crusade against so-called immoral pictures, Harold B. Franklin yesterday declared that approximately 75 per cent of them are not objectionable, while "bad taste" due to wrong judgment creeps into mak (Continucd on Page 3) 48 Code Appeals on Slate for Hearing in July With a program calling for hearings on 48 appeals during July, the first-appointed Code Authority appeals' committee meets Monday at 2:30 p. m. with four cases on its calendar. Major L. E. Thompson, as a member of the Authority, will (Continued on Page 3) Hearing on Saenger Plan Adjourned to July 13 Meeting of creditors to consider the Saenger Theaters reorganization plan, scheduled to be held yesterday before Special Master John E. Joyce, was adjourned to July 13. 1 1 Independent N. Y. Houses Taken Over by RKO in 2 Weeks C. King Charney Appointed Distributor of Agfa Films Appointment of C. King Charney as distributor of Agfa 35 mm. negative and positive film for the United States is announced by R. H. Woodford, vice-president of Agfa Ansco Corp., from Binghamton. Charney, who has long been identified with the film industry, will maintain offices and warehouses in New York and Hollywood. First theaters of the Consolidated circuit to be acquired by RKO are the Luxor, Forum and Jerome. News of the pending deal was exclusively predicted in the June 26 issue of Film Daily. In the past two weeks RKO has taken over 11 independent theaters and it is reported that other deals are in process of negotiation. It is likely that several other Consolidated houses will soon become part of the RKO circuit. Blanks Being Mailed by Flinn in Reopening of Assents Five thousand code assent forms will be mailed to local boards the middle of next week by John C. Flinn as executive secretary of the Code Authority under the reopen the period for filing Exhibitors who wish to ap permission to assent may them from the local board Deadline for filing assen been fixed as Aug. 15 under tions recently specified by tl thority. I. T.O. A, CODE SUIT PUT OFF TO JULY 3 Hearing on a show cause order obtained by the I. T. O. A. seeking to remand to the Supreme Court its suit against the Code Authority was put off yesterday until July 3. "The plaintiffs had failed to file the record in the court and consequently it was impossible to proceed with the motion. Warners Move to Block St. Louis Foreclosure St. Louis — In an effort to stop the foreclosure sale of the Ambassador, Grand Central and Missouri theaters to a bondholders' protec (Continued on Page 3) He Licked Baer Fort Morgan, Colo. — Ed Bluck, owner of the Cover theater, is no doubt the only theater manager in the world who could put out this plug on the Baer-Carnera fight pictures: "Come see the Baer-Carnera fight pictures — and also see Ed Bluck, who licked Max Baer." Years ago Bluck was principal of a school at Durango, Colo. Max Baer was one of the pupils and frequently needed chastisement. Principal Bluck laid him across the table and gave him a sound spanking.