The Film Daily (1934)

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DAILY Saturday, June 30, 1934 < THE M HUH DOM Vol. LXV, No. 152 Sat., June 30, 1934 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : : Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Jlanagmg Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk. 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 22'5. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographie Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Low Cose Columbia Picts. vtc. . 29 2858 29 Con. Fm. Ind. pfd... 14'/8 14V8 14'/8 East. Kodak 98 963-4 97'/4 ■ Fox Fm. "A" 133/a 13V8 133/8 • Loew's, Inc 283/8 277/8 28 '/g ■ do pfd 91 1/4 91 911/4 Metro-Goldwyn, pfd. 26l/2 26!/2 26'/2 Paramount ctfs. . . . 3% 3V4 3V4 Pathe Exch 2V4 2Vs 2V8 do "A" 20Vi 19'/4 19i/2 RKO 21/4 2i/8 21/8 Warner Bros 5% 5'/a 514 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Technicolor 1 3 Vs 13 ,3 Trans-Lux 1 V2 l'/i 1 V2 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. . 8% 83,4 8% Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctfs. 8'/4 81/4 8I/4 Keith A-0 6s46\ ... 69 69 69 Paramount 6s47 ctfs. 503^ 503^ 503/4 Par. 5i'2s50 ctfs... 521/4 51i/2 51 Vi Warner's 6s39 57'/s 55 55!/4 N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE SECURITI Para. Publix 3i/2 3% 33/8 Net Chg. l'A Va Va 3/4 Va — 1 — Va ES New York Code Boards Columbia Advance Guard Dispose of All Cases Every case filed with the New York grievance board since its first meeting May 8 has been heard and either a decision rendered or the case certified to the Code Authority for hearing. Forty-five complaint cases have been filed and heard at the local grievance board, eight have appealed to the Code Authority, two have been certified to the Code Authority, three withdrawn and one settled before hearing. Next meeting of the board has been set for July 10. Up to last night no cases had been filed for hearing on that date. Since May 7, the New York clearance and zoning board has heard 20 cases and rendered decisions on all. Seven have appealed to the Code Authority. Two cases are to be heard at next Thursday's meeting. Of the seven appeals, one has been decided by the Code Authority. It was the case of Luxor against Loew's Grand. The Code Authority upheld the local board decision. Six Spanish Musicals Planned in the East Frank Z. Clemente, Hollywood independent producer who recently arranged for the distribution of his Spanish talker, "Amor Que Vuelve," has become associated with Lewis Maisell for the production of six Spanish musical features in the east. Offices have been opened at 723 Seventh Ave., where preparations are under way for the first picture, "Threads of Life" ("Hebras de la vida"), from a story by the wellknown Mexican writer, Guillermo Cristo, Jr. The author is writing the script and lyrics for several musical numbers in this picture Clemente is negotiating for the release of this series. Maisell is in charge of production. Arrives in Atlantic City Atlantic City — Advance guard of the Columbia conventioneers registered at the Ritz Carlton Hotel last night. It consisted of A. Montague, Rube Jackter, Jos. McConville, George Brown, Ben At well, Lou Goldberg and Arnold Van Leer. They will be followed this morning by Sam Liggett, Henri Brunet, H. C. Kaufman and John Kane, and will be joined on Sunday by J. W. MacFarland, M. Wormser, Lou Weinberg, Louis Astor, H a 1 Hode, Al Seligman, Milton Goodman, Milton Hannock, Sam Hacker, Maurice Grad, W. Brennan, Charles Roberts. Sunday night will see the arrival of Jack Cohn, Nate Spingold, Abe Schneider and J. Barbano. Walter Futter, producer, will come in Tuesday morning. N. Edward Beck Visiting Coast Fort Worth — N. Edward Beck, managing director of the Hollywood theater and publisher of "Screen Topics," monthly fan magazine, left yesterday for a three-weeks' visit to the studios in Hollywood. Westminster Cinema Closing At the conclusion tonight of the engagement of the Gaumont-British film, "Along Came Sally," the Westminster Cinema will close for the summer. It will reopen Sept. 1. Richard Dix Marries Secretary Richard Dix, RKO star who has been on vacation in the east, yes1 terday was married to his secretary, Virginia Webster, in Jersey City. New House for Hickory, N. C. Hickory, N. C— J. F. Miller, operator of the only three film houses here, has signed a long lease for a new theater named the Carolina to be built for him immediately at a cost of $50,000 by the corporation owning the lot on which it will be erected. Meanwhile the Criterion Amusement Co. of Charlotte and the Hickory city government are fighting through the courts for permission to lease the municipal auditorium here to be used as a motion picture theater. Patricia Ziegfeld in Movies West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAIT.v Hollywood — Patricia Ziegfeld, 18-year-old daughter of the late Florenz Ziegfeld and Billie Burke, will make her film debut in "The Great Ziegfeld," which is being produced by William Anthony McGuire for Universal. Ralph Graves Married West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Ralph Graves, authoractor-director, and Betty Flournoy, debutante who recently made her screen debut in "Coming Out Party", were married in Yuma, Ariz., this week. .ommg a nd G omg WILL H. HAYS leaves today for the coast with a stopover at his old home town, Sullivan, Ind. WALLACE BEERY, who recently finished work in M-G-M's "Treasure Island," arrived in New York yesterday from Hollywood by plane for a short vacation. LAURENCE STALLINGS, TRUMAN H. TAL LEY, SYDNEY TOWELL, Fox treasurer, and PIERRE BRASSEUR, French film actor, sail today on the Paris for Europe. PAUL BLOCK sails on the Leviathan today for the other side. SAM DEMBOW returns to New York Monday from Chicago. JANET COHN and ANTHONY VEILLER leave New York today by plane for the Coast. MORT BLUMENSTOCK, in charge of advertising for Warner theaters, left yesterday on a business trip to Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Atlantic City. He will be gone about a week. GENEVIEVE TOBIN, just back from aboad. leaves shortly for the coast to resume work at First National. RUBY KEELER, now on vacation in the east with her husband, AL JOLSON, is due back at the Warner studios by July 23. CARL P. YORK and M. J. MESSERI Paramount foreign managers, arrived in New York from the Coast yesterday. Wins RKO Title Contest West Coast Bureau of THE FILM I Kill V Hollywood — Gayle Evers, script girl on RKO's "Hat, Coat and Glove," won the $50 offered by the studio for a new title for the picture. Winning title is "We're Rich Again." Miss Evers also got $50 for another title, "If I Were Free." Roxy Opens Earlier Today Doors of the Roxy will open at 10:30 this morning to accommodate the turnout for "Baby Take a Bow," starring Shirley Temple. Duart Lab Takes More Space Duart Film Laboratories has expanded its space to three entire floors at 245 West 55th St. COVERS EVERYTHING First Vagabond Short Recorded "Cairo", first of the Vagabond Adventure series for the new season has been recorded by the Van Beuren studio, with a 10-piece Arabian orchestra supplying the music Descriptive narrative was prepared by Russell Spaulding and is delivered by Alois Havrilla. Waring for Paramount Houses Paramount has signed Fred Waring and his band to play five weeks in houses associated with Famous Theaters Corp. He opens July 27 in Minneapolis. Madge Bellamy George Chandler First Holdover in Six Months Fort Worth— "Little Miss Marker" has been held over for an additional three days at the Worth Theater. This is the first hold-over for the Worth in about six months. Cyril Chadwick Out of Hospital Cyril Chadwick, stage and screen player, has left Polyclinic Hospital, where he was a patient following an accident. Received the copy of the 16th annual edition of the year book — and it's a knockout. Each year I receive a copy I say to myself that you have reached the peak of accomplishments along this line — but the 1934 YEAR BOOK is unquestionably the finest and most serviceable you have produced to date. Bill Ferguson, Metro-GohlwynMayer Pictures 1,000 Pages — Free to Film Daily Subscribers.