The Film Daily (1935)

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> m Inti mate in Character Szrnational in Scope ependent in Thought The Dai ly N ew s p £ p e r Of Motion Pictures Now Sixteen Years Old VOL. LXVII, NO. 76 NEW y€CI\.MCNDAy, APRIL 1, 1935 5 CENTS Court Upholds Single -Feature Pact in Cleveland FED'L COURT RULES EXHIBITION IS INTRASTATE BIZ I.A.T.S.E. Won't Relinquish Any Part of Servicing Union Publication Confirms Opposition to Erpi and RCA Under the heading, "Spike Servicing Grab by Flat Refusal to Relinquish Any Portion of Jurisdiction," the current I. A. T. S. E. bulletin confirms The Film Daily's exclusive story of March 19 that the I. A. T. S. E. would resist any attempt to encroach on its jurisdiction that might be made by Erpi and RCA in connection with their new servicing operations. Pointed inquiries regarding these operations have met with "terse denials or subtle evasions," but re{Continued on Page 3) TERRITORIAL VOTING SOUGHT ON DUAL BILLS Territorial determination of the double feature issue, with a majority exhibitor vote as the deciding factor, is likely to be asked by tht M. P. T. 0. A. committee on code revision when it takes the questior up with the National Recovery Administration and its adjuncts. Attitude of the association, as expressed in conventions, is opposed to the policy as harmful to the industry in general. Tri-State Spring Meeting April 14-15 in Memphis Memphis — Spring convention of Tri-State Motion Picture Theatei Owners, embracing Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee, will be hek7 at the Hotel Chisca here April 14-15 it is announced by R. X. Williams, Jr., Oxford, Miss., secretary-treasurer. Plan Regular Movies on Train Chicago — Following an experimental showing of "The Whole Town's Talking" by the Chicago & Northwestern on its "400," world's fastest long-distance train, during the run from Chicago to Milwaukee, the road is considering regular movie shows in a specially built theater car. Warner Contract List Hits New Peak Educational Program Three-Fourths Finished Educational has passed the 75 per cent mark in the completion of its current short subject lineup and work on the remainder of the lineup will be continued without interruption until all series are completed. One two-reel comedy, Joe Cook's second, "A Nose for News," was delivered to the home office late m the week. Three others are in va (Continued on Page 2) West Coast Bureau of JHB FILM DAILY Hollywood — Hitting a new peak in the history of the Warner-First National studios, number of persons on the contract list at the studios last week totaled 140. This in eludes 22 stars, 53 featured players. 23 directors and 42 writers. The complete contract roster follows: Stars: Marion Davies, Paul Muni, Ka" Francis, Leslie Howard, Joe E. Brown, A' Jolson, Dick Powell, Dolores Del Rio, Pat O'Brien, James Cagney, Ruby Keeler, Edward G. Robinson, Rudy Vallee, Claudette Colbert, Aline MacMahon, Robert Donat (.Continued on Page 3) Theaters Not Subject to Code, District Judge Says in Ruling Denver — Exhibition of films in intrastate business is not subject to the motion picture code, according to ruling by U. S. District Court Judge J. Foster Symes on Saturday in connection with the Harry Huffman auto giveaway case. The Colorado NRA act also was declared unconstitutional by the Federal Judge. A further hearing probably will {Continued on Page 3) Skouras Joins Move Against Dual Features And Still They Come Boston — Recently seen on the marquee of a New Hampshire theater, according to a local columnist: "One Night of Love" "Quintuplets" Skouras Bros, will support the proposed plan to oust double features from New York City, allying itself with Loew's and RKO in the move, according to Harry Brandt, I. T. 0. A. president, on Saturday. Randforce is also expected to line up with the proposition. Springer & Cocalis, which proved the stumbling block in the attempt of Allied Theaters of New Jersey to eliminate {Continued on Page 3) Consol. Film Officers Slated for Re-election All officers of Consolidated Film Industries, Inc., will be re-elected at the board of directors meeting on April 15, The Film Daily learns. The officers are Herbert J. Yates, president; Benjamin Goetz, executive vice-president; Ralph I. Poucher, {Continued on Page 3) Cleveland Theater Restrained From Breaking Anti Duals Pact Yoost Moves To Intervene In Para. Reorganization William Yoost, Paramount bondholder, will move today through his attorney, Ralph Vatner, to intervene in the Paramount reorganization proceedings as a result of a ruling on Saturday by Special Master John E. Joyce that Yoost's request for a {Continued on Page 2') Cleveland — Upholding the agreement on single features signed by exhibitors in this territory last June. Common Pleas Judge Dempsey or Saturday granted a temporary injunction restraining the University theater. Max Lefkowich house, frorr playing double features. The house goes back to single bills today and is understood to be dropping the fight. SIX REGIONAL OFFICERS ANNOUNCED BY ALLIED Allied States Ass'n regional vicepresidents were announced Saturday by President Sidney E. Samuelson, as follows: Walter B. Littlefield, Boston, with territory including Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Eastern Penna., (Continued on Page 3) $1 a Reel Fee Specified In Michigan Censor Bill Lansing, Mich. — Distributors would have to pay a fee of $1 for every thousand feet of film to finance the state censorship setup called for in the bill introduced last week in the state legislature. Edward H. Fenlon, Democrat of St. Ignace, introduced the measure, which calls for a board of three members. Completes Florida Report Jacksonville, Fla. — Frederick Pelton, engineer who has been investigating Florida's suitability as a studio locality on behalf of Hollywood producers, left Saturday night for the coast to report his findings. He said here that if the industry moves from California it will locate in either Jacksonville, Miami or Tampa.