The Film Daily (1935)

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! Monday, May 13, 1935 DAILY jPATEJJOOK* rfay 14: Allied Theaters of New Jersey meeting, Hotel Douglas, Newark, N. J. 12:30 P. M. lay 15: Spring meeting of Atlantic Coast Section, S.M.P.E., Hotel Pennsylvania, New York, 8 P.M., preceded by dinner in the hotel at 6 P.M. 17: Annual benefit show and ball of Local 52, Motion Picture Studio Mechanics, ay 17-18: National Variety Club Convention, Pittsburgh, ay 18-19: Erpi Club seventh annual spring golf outing, Briarcliff Lodge, New York. Hotel Delano, New York. y 20-23: Allied States Ass'n annual convention, Piedmont Hotel, Atlanta. 20-24: Annual Spring Meeting of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, Hotel Roosevelt, Hollywood. ay 27-29: GB sales convention, New York. Aay 30-June 2: Fox annual sales convention, Congress Hotel, Chicago. Aay 31 : Chicago Film Relief Ball, Chicago. une 1 : Universal Club's spring supper-dance, Astor Roof, New York. une 1-3: Universal annual sales convention, Hotel Stevens, Chicago. une 9-13: Warner-First National sales convention, Hotel Ambassador, Los Angeles. e 12: Twenty-third Film Daily Golf Tourna ment, Progress Country Club, Purchase, N une 16-17: M.P.T.O. of Virginia convention, Patrick Henry Hotel, Roanoke, Va. lime 17-19: RKO annual sales convention, Drake Hotel, Chicago. une 19: . Warner Club's annual outing to Bear Mountain. New Incorporations NEW YORK Reed-Emmons, Inc., Manhattan. Theatricals md motion pictures; capital, 200 shares no par >a!ue. Shareholders: Thomas B. Corcoran, Charles G. Fuller and Irene Golden. Waterfront Amusement Corp., Manhattan. Vaudeville and motion pictures; capital, $5,000. Stockholders: Max Goldstein, Charles Lauk and bseph Goldstein. Jaydee Theater Corp., Brewster. Theatrical >usiness; capital, 200 shares of stock no par alue. Shareholders: S. Evelyn Austin, Hogarth Sweet and Grace Kidney, Pleasantville, N. Y. Harold R. Peat, Inc., Manhattan, vaudeville nd motion pictures; capital, $20,000. Stocklolders: Harold R. Peat, H. M. McFadden and Jruce Quisenberry. Forest Pictures Corp., Manhattan. Motion ictures; capital, 200 snares of no par value tock. Shareholders: Howard M. Rosenthal, igfravis S. Levy and Anne' Kahn. African Theatrical Enterprise & Productions, tew York. All branches of the theatrical and notion picture business; capital, $25,000. Stockholders: David A. Donald, Wiley Plant and Clara Donald. Nudist Theater Guild, Inc., Manhattan. Operation of theaters of all kinds; capital, 100 shares of no par value stock. Shareholders: Rush Jermon, McElbert Moore and Evelyn WigSins. Modern Research Corp., Manhattan. Motion pictures; capital, 200 shares of no par value. Shareholders: Travis S. Levy, Howard M. Rosenthal and Anne Kahn. Freedom Ring, Inc., Manhattan. Theaand motion pictures; capital, 250 shares .100 each and 100 shares of no par value. Shareholders: Murray Gottlieb, Ruth Kliger and ■ Mathilda Kossack. Porwill Amusement Corp., Manhattan. Theatrical and motion pictures; capital, five shares no par value. Shareholders: Jeanne Greengold, Kate Helchman and Betty Finkelstein. NEWS OF THE DAY Rochester, Minn. — Ray Nelson will reopen the Empress after reconditioning of ventilating system. De Soto, Mo. — Complete new Photophone High Fidelity sound has been installed in the De Soto, by W. A. Collins. Collins has already installed Photophone equipment in his houses at Canton, Edina and Elvins, Missouri. Lincoln, Neb. — For the first time in many years, picture supremacy in the amusement field here will be menaced this summer. Two stock companies will open, one in the lat ter part of May and the other on June 2. Lincoln, Neb. — Bob Wintersteen, Orpheum house manager, will be married in June to Margaret Newcomer. Purcellville, Va. — Henry J. Lego, operator of the Virginia, has completed arrangements for installing new Photophone High Fidelity sound. Rochester — Manager Ray Nelson will reopen the Empress after reconditioning of ventilating system. 200,000,000 Weekly Attendance (Continued from Page 1) and some new, compiled from Year Book, trade press, trade association and other sources, includes the following: World capital investment $2,500,000,000 United States investment $2,000,000,000 Annual expenditures for insurance in U. S. : Theaters, 90 per cent ; production and distribution, 10 per cent $30,000,000 Approximate annual taxes paid by motion picture industry to Government.... $100,000,000 Approximate number employed in industry in U. S 270,000 In production 28,000 In distribution 8,000 In theaters 234,000 Extras placed in Hollywood daily 758 Extras placed in Hollywood yearly 250,000 Hollywood's annual payroll $75,000,000 Hollywood's weekly payroll $1,384,000 Average weekly attendance at movie theaters, 1934 70,000,000 Approximate world attendance weekly 200,000,000 Feature films released in U. S. during 1934: American, 480; foreign, 182.... 662 Short subjects, practically all American 1,000 Estimated annual admissions in the U. S.— 1934 $700,000,000 Estimated for 1935..... $715,000,000 Estimated annual film rentals. $220,000,000 Average attendance per theater 500 Average daily receipts per theater $125.00 Average daily admissions per theater $0.2^ Average daily shows per theater 2.25 Average daily film rental per theater $25.00 Average daily receipts per show $50.00 Average daily attendance per theater per show 226 Average daily film rental per theater per show $10.00 Annual expenditure for theater accessories (new and replacement) $22,500,000 New theaters constructed in 1933-34, estimated 145 Total expenditure in theater construction in 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933 and 1934 ; $337,000,000 In 1929 $163,559,000 In the way of theater statistics, figures quoted include Film Daily Year Book's total of 15,273 wired houses in the U. S., including 1,877 closed as of Jan. 1, 1935. For the entire foreign field, theaters given total 50,779, of which 30,726 are wired. There is one motion picture theater seat for every 13 inhabitants in the U. S. Studio capital investment .'...,' $95,000,000 Estimated number of feature films produced, 1933-34 480 Major producers 361 Independent producers 119 Estimated number of short subjects to be produced, 1934-35 1,000 Estimated cost of production, 1933-34 $119,000,000 Number of prints required for each feature, 200 to 250. Cost per print $200 American pictures shown to the extent of the world's screen time 70% Average negative cost of feature productions — 1934 $250,000 Average time for photographing a feature 22 days Expenditures of supplies and other requirements $120,000,000 Language markets in order of importance: English, Spanish, German, Freach. Production volume in the U. S. compared with world production : Estimated by volume 65% Estimated by value 85% Number of different industries, arts and professions involved in making a motion picture 276 Feature film production in Europe — 1934 600 Estimated cost of European production $40,000,000 Approximate amount of all type of motion picture film manufactured and used annually — linear feet 2,000,000,000 Advertising: World annual motion picture advertising expenditure. $100,000,000 Expenditure — United States $70,00040O0 Newspapers and magazines $55,000,000 Billboards $7,500,000 Accessories $5,000,000 Expenditure — Other parts of the world $30,000,000 Number of advertisements placed daily in various media 15,000 m In the Mail TODAY! A Joy Emonuel PMi DO YOU KNOW ? 1. What company took an almost two-year-old independently made picture, is releasing it on its own schedule as one of its regular program this season? (See Exhibition, page 18) 2. What new title changing racket still flourishes in New York City? (See Exhibition, page 16) 3. What sort of union battle threatens in Syracuse? (See Exhibition, page 17) 4. What happened to "March of Time" when a circuit manager wanted to save overtime charges? (See Exhibition, page 19) 5. What revolution was predicted for the industry? (See Production, page 19) 6. What company may reach a new high in earnings? (See Corporate, page 20) 7. What company started off the 1935-1936 convention, with what announcement? (See Distribution, page 19) ALERT! FEARLESS! CAPABLE! HONEST! Nearly Everybody Reads THE EXHIBITOR