The Film Daily (1935)

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THE -gm DAILY Tuesday, May 14, 193. Vol. LXVII, No. 113 Tues., May 14, 1935 lOCent JOHN W ALICOATE : Editor and Publisher Published dnily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., hv Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager: Arthur W. Eddy, Asso ciate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; ( months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739 Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hoywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LondonErnest \V. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Lichtbildbuehne, Fried richstrasse, 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Tinematographie Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. COP»r FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Am. Seat 8 Columbia Picts. vtc. 51 Con. Fm. Ind 4% Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 16'/8 East. Kodak 143i/4 1 do pfd 154 1 Fox Fm. "A" 12% Loew's, Inc 39'A Paramount ctfs. . . . 3% Pathe Exch. "A" 10V4 RKO 15/« Warner Bros 35/s do pfd 24V4 NEW YORK BOND Gen Th. Ea. 6s40 11% Gen Th Eq 6s40 ctfs. 11 V, Keith A-0 6s46 761/-. Loew 6s 41 ww . 104V, 1 Paramount 6s47 filed 87V, Paramount 6s47 ctfs. R7V4 Par. By. 5V,s51 58 Par. Bv. 5V2s51 ctfs. 57V2 Par SlAs^O filed 89 Par. 5V,s50 ctfs. . 885', Warner's 6s39 633A NEW YORK CURB Technicolor 21 Trans-Lux 2% Low Close 7V2 73/4 — 49 Vi 50 y4 . 41/4 41/4 — 157/g 15% — 40y4 142i/2 -f 52 152 12 12 — 387/g 38 — 3V4 31/4 — 95/8 10 + 1 V, 1 % . 33/,' 3 V, 4 233/4 24 y4 + MARKET 1 1 V4 111/4 — 11 V4 113/4 + 76 V, 76 V, + 041/2 1041/2 . 87 87 — 87l/4 87l/4 — 57 57 — 57V4 571/4 — 89 89 4 885/, 885/, _ 621/z 62i/2 _ MARKET 19 V, 19 V, — 2V4 21/4 . Net Ch Hanson on L. A. Zoning Board Al Hanson, Fox West Coast dis trict manager with headquarters in Los Angeles, has been named r member of the Los Angeles clear aneo anrl zoning board by the Cod' Authority. He succeeds ReeveEspy, who resigned from the circuif to join Samuel Goldwyn next month. Most Complete PRODUCTION LIBRARY CHOICE PATHE STUDIO STOCK SHOTS Write or Wire ABE MEYER GENERAL SERVICE STUDIO 1040 No. Las Palmas Hollywood. Calif John Flinn Postpones Coast Trip on Zoning John C. Flinn, Code Authority executive secretary, is delaying his trip from New York to the Coast pending fixing of the date for the next meeting of the Los Angeles clearance and zoning board when Fox West Coast protests against the plan adopted will come up. The Skouras interests recently appealed to the Code Authority attacking certain phases of the plan but the cody declined to approve the changes proposed. They are expected to file protests with the board within a few days. Bondholder to Appeal Para.-Erpi Settlement An appeal is planned from the decision of Federal Judge Coxe approving the agreement between Paramount-Publix and Electrical Research Products, it was said yestei-day by Ralph Vatner, counsel for William Yoost, Paramount bondholder. 'Bank Nights' in Cleveland Cleveland — -"Bank Nights" broke out here Friday at the Haltnorth Theater, operated by M. B. Horwitz and catering largely to colored patronage. Horwitz also starts the policy May 17 at his Falls Theater, Cuyahoga Falls. He declares he was forced into it by the double-feature policies of competitors. Neb. House Passes Chain Bill Lincoln, Neb. — By a vote of 61 to 25, the House yesterday passed the chain store tax bill which also embraces theater circuits. The levy ranges from $3 on a single unit to $175 for more than 20. The measure goes back to the Senate for concurrence. It is regarded as having a 50-50 chance. "Thunder in the East" for Globe "Thunder in the East," with Merle Oberon and Charles Boyer, will be presented at the Globe starting Saturday. It was recently shown at the Criterion under the title of "The Battle," and is now being distributed by United Artists. Vita. Signs Ahearn Troupe Charles Ahearn and His Millionaires, vaudeville comedy troupe have been signed to make a one-reel musical short at the Brooklyn Vitaphone studio. Roxy Bondholders Weigh Reorganization Offers Several proposed reorganization plans for the Roxy Theater are under consideration by the Roxy Theater bondholders' committee, it was stated yesterday to The Film Daily by Carlos Israel of White & Case, counsel for the committee. Israel would neither affirm nor deny a report that a bid of $1,100,000 had been submitted by a syndicate comprising S. L. Rothafel and Verne L. Bean, broker. Israel said he was very hopeful that the committee would approve a plan before the end of May. Ohio Censor Fee Boost Goes In Effect July 14 Columbus — Ohio's censorship bill amendment increasing the censorship fee from the present rate of $1 a reel to $3, goes into effect July 14. The measure was recently passed and signed by Governor Martin L. Davey. 13 "G Men" Holdovers Warner's "G Men" has been held over in 13 key city situations to date, the home office announces. In addition to the Strand, New York, spots include Albany, Chicago, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Portland, two houses in Los Angeles, Cleveland, Newark, Philadelphia, Washington and Cincinnati. Campaign Shorts by Huey Long New Orleans — Rumor here is that Huey Long will back production o' sound color shorts showing what he built in Louisiana as propaganda foi his share-the-wealth plan and foi his presidential candidacy. New Hungarian Musical "Lila Akac" ("Purple Acacias"), Hungarian musical romance imported by Hungaria Film Exchange and with cast headed by Iren Agai, Irene Biller and Gyula Kabos, has opened for a run at the Tobis theater. Arch Selwyn Moves West West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Arch Selwyn, Broadway producer for about 30 years, says he is moving his office here. He says the stage is gradually going to pieces and has little hope unless the movies go to its rescue. We never think of the -main business of life till a vain repentance minds us of it at the wrong end. — L'Estrange. STEBBINS, LETERMAN & GATES, Inc. HERBERT R. EBENSTEIN, President Insurance Brokers 1540 Broadway New York City Co ming a ndG I omg r« PHIL REISMAN arrives in New York toe from abroad on the lie de France. BENN W. LEVY arrives in New York tod on the Me de France to join his wife, Co stance Cummings. PAULINE STARKE is back from England. MYRNA LOY, who sailed Saturday on t Paris, plans to spend the entire summer England and France. ROBERT SCHLESS, Warner-First Natioi general manager for continental Europe, < rives in New York today for conferences wi Sam E. Morris and to attend the compan' convention. RUTH CHATTERTON returns today frt ' abroad on her way back to the coast start work for Columbia. CARLO BAVETTA, Paris director for F Films, arrives in New York today on the I de France. LEON SIRUTZKY of Basque Coast Film C and Mrs. Sirutzky, also GILBERT MILLER a other arrivals today on the lie de France. MORT BLUMENSTOCK, in charge of adve tising and publicity for Warner Theaters, It ." yesterday for Philadelphia on a business tri '■'■ ■ He will be gone several days. HARRY A. POST, vice-president of Celebri H Productions, returned from the coast yeste in day, having completed plans for next se season's series of 13 cartoons. THERON BAMBERGER, producer of "f Away Home," has returned to New York frc Bermuda. ARTHUR DENT arrives in New York tod on the He de France. FLOYD CROSBY leaves New York Saturd for Mexico. JANE STORM, Paramount writer, is in Nl York from Hollywood. C. LANG COBB, Cinecolor representativ returns to New York about May 25 from t coast. JACQUES KOERPEL, president of Edco Ove seas Corp.. leaves in two weeks for a wor trip, taking one of the new Edco 16mm. pr jectors and introducing the products of Aut motion Pictures Corp., manufacturers of aut matic movie displays. HARVEY PERGAMENT of Pictorial Fil Library has returned from Washington wi the first approved script of the New De Series. HERMAN FOWLER of Sunset Pictures h arrived from the coast and is making his heai quarters at the Pictorial Film Library. W. F. ROGERS flew to Cleveland last nig via United Air Lines. THERE IS ONLY ONE YEAR BOOK of MOTION PICTURES And that is issued by THE FILM DAILY The Standard Refer ence Book of the Mo. tion Picture Industry for the past \7 years. 10 Bll I., ■ei fil mli « In Hi Dn % MI Given FREE with year's Subscription FILM DAILY I and The Film Daily Service 1650 B'way N.Y.C. ^^■■^M ^^M I