The Film Daily (1935)

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Intimate in Character international in Scope I independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Seventeen Years Old -^FDAIIY' VOL. LWII. NO. 119 NEW YCCr, TLESDAy, MAY 2 I , I 935 1C CEFS1S Tell S. M. P. E. Television Not to Hurt Pictures ALLIED PLAN AIMS TOJOLVE FILM PMBLEMS Cleveland Exhib Plan Would Limit Dual Bills Weekly Association to Meet June 4 to Consider New Move Cleveland — Following expiration of the local exhibitor ban on double features on July 8, the Cleveland M. P. Exhibitors' Association is reported considering a plan under which its member,s will play a limited number of duals each week. A general meeting of the organization has been called for June 4 to determine its course in the situation. A report on the Allied convention now in progress at Atlanta will also be presented. ROSENBLATT QUITTING NRA PERMANENTLY Despite reports to the contrary, withdrawal of Sol A. Rosenblatt from the NRA as head of its compliance division and a division administrator, on June 16 will be permanent, according to authoritative sources yesterday. As • yet he has not announced his new plans. The understanding that Rosenblatt would later rejoin the NRA {Continued on Page 3) Goman Gets Control of West Coast Studios George Goman has acquired a "ontrolling interest in West Coast Service Studio, Inc., from Lynn Shores and replaces Shores as president of the company. The West Coast Studio has leased the adjoining building at 514-516 W. 57th St.. {Continued on Page 8) I Chain Letter Co-op Milwaukee — Here's a new angle on the chain letter fad. The Strand, operated by Standard Theaters, has set up several typewriters in its lobby and is offering a free typing service to addicts. Argue Court's Jurisdiction in Conspiracy Action Jurisdiction of the U. S. District Court, Trenton, over which Judge Clark presides, in connection with the conspiracy action brought by the Ledirk Amusement Co. and the Strand Theater Operating Co. against Five major company executives and 27 firms, was argued yesterday in that court. Before the court was a motion to dismiss on jurisdictional grounds the complaints against all defendants, with the exception of United Artists, which was not a party to the move. Depositions must be filed by June. Phillips and Nizer has been engaged as council to be associated with Merritt Lane in the defense. HARRY 0. SCHWALBE DIES IN 61 ST YEAR Philadelphia — Harry 0. Schwalbe, veteran film executive and interested in many theaters in this section, died in Atlantic City yesterday at 5 p. m. He was 60 years of age. Schwalbe, a former First National official, had been ailing for some time. He is survived by two married daughters. Report Schine Building Five Houses in Ohio Cleveland — Five additions to the Schine Enterprises houses is reported planned during the summer. At Bucyrus, a theater partly built five years ago will be completed, it is said, and a new house to be constructed by the Marsh Foundation at Van Wert is also reported slated for Schine operation. Other spots where houses are expected to be constructed are Wooster, Port Clinton and Bellevue. OHIO WILL CENSOR NEWSREELS AGAIN Cleveland — Newsreels, which for the past 18 months have been exempt from censorship, come under censorship again July 16, when a bill increasing the censor fee from one to three dollars becomes effective. B. 0. Skinner, head of the Ohio board, has notified distributors to this effect. General Theaters to Get Fox Film Common Stock Under the reorganization plan for General Theaters Equipment, Inc., the Chase National Bank will turn back to General Theaters 170,000 shares of common stock of Fox Film Corp., and give General options for two years to acquire an additional 320,000 shares of Fox at $15 the first year and $17 the second year. The Chase bank will also turn {Continued on Page 7) Television Not to Harm Films, S. M. P. E. Speakers Declare Robb and Rowley Seek To Enjoin Dallas Board Ft. Worth — Suit to enjoin enforcement of the Dallas grievance board decree cutting: off the film supply of the Royal Theater, Sherman, because the house ignored the board's ruling against "bank nights," has been filed in Federal Court by Robb {Continued on Page 8) By RALPH WILK West Coast Mgr., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — That the theater and television will each be successful in their own domain was predicted by Dr. Alfred N. Goldsmith in his paper on television and motion pictures read at the opening session of the S.M.P.E. convention yesterday. He stressed the producers and {Continued on Page 6) Three Principal "Ills" Outlined at Atlanta Convention By DON CARLE GILLETTE Atlanta — A platform designed to enlist more extensive exhibitor support in the trade and public support outside has been mapped by President Sidney E. Samuelson for presentation to the Allied convention which starts its business sessions this afternoon at the Hotel Piedmont. Declaring that block booking, Ascap and the code are the three principal factors causing the present troubles of independent exhibitors, Samuelson said he will sub (Continued on Page 6) RKO FILING SUIT TESTING OHIO LAW Cincinnati — Legality of the recently-enacted Ohio anti-preferred playing time law will be filed shortly by RKO. As a preliminary the distributing company attorneys here last week asked the prosecuting attorney of Franklin County, the {Continued on Page 3) Forecasts Trade Pacts Aiding Export Market Preferential trade agreements now in process of negotiation by the federal government with most European countries should improve the position of the American distributor on the continent by remov {Continued on Page 7) Missing Exhib Located The mystery of what happened to John A. Cunningham, president of Dade Enterprises, who was reported as missing when he was due to appear at an overbuying case appeal at the Code Authority last Friday, was explained yesterday when his attorney, Jacob Schechter, stated that his client had suddenly been taken ill with ptomaine poisoning and had flown back to Miami. Appeal is now scheduled for hearing en June 14.