The Film Daily (1935)

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I93ifuisday, May 21, 1935 DAILY -E-W-S OF THE DAY Cincinnati — The Strand downtown as reduced prices for the summer lonths. All seats fifteen cents un il 5 P. M. when balcony is fifteen nd down ,stairs 25 cents. Children dmission 10 cents at all times. Bay City, Texas — A new Rubin "rels house is being built here. San Antonio — First championship wrestling match between Jimmy ondos and Billy Edwards wa,s held 'hursday night in the Municipal l0t b auditorium. stiii] i it .!. . ' till lieu :ii corf lostoi 1 ratioi itioni acrt 1 dlS Aeheville, N. C. — As a result of prize contest for the suggestion of a name, conducted widely througl the city, the new $75,000 theater planned by the Publix-Bamford Theaters, Inc., here has been named the Lyric. Ingleside, Texas — Gidney Talley, chain theater man, opened a new house here recently. Cincinnati — Prominent theater folk on the sick list include John Elliot, Phoenix Amusement Co. Lexington, and the RKO city man ager, Jim Weed, Dayton, who L doing nicely after a major opera tion. forecasts Trade Pacts Aiding Export Market (.Continued from Page 1) lg current legal and extra-legal district ions on the export of revenue fcnd through lightening of the ta: ■ 'nnd quota burden, it was state; esterday by Robert Schless, War fafer-First National continental distribution head. Schless said that theater receipt: n the continent have been off abou ■sevafO per cent since last September Lopiternal economic conditions in th European countries is the principa eason for the decline in theate: avenue, he said. Only France, Belium and Spain of the Europea ountries are showing duals, Schles: aid. He will visit Hollywood be nrei3re returning abroad. nwi|. _ , ~*z ; z , Trade Relations Luncheon Eugene Zukor and several other aramount people with Jaime Yan elevich, Tullio Carminati and Jack apoport as their guests attended le luncheon yesterday at the Hote' stor given by the Latin-American .rade Ass'n to promote better n asiness relations between the two :ainl „■ mericas. EVERYTHING Reference to the motion picture industry — can be found in the 1935 YEAR BOOK of MOTION PICTURES 'Now being distributed FREE to subscribers to THE FILM DAILY 1650 B'way N.Y.C. General Theaters to Get Fox Film Common Stock (Continued from Page 1) back to General 19,769 shares c National Theater Supply preferred and 24,640 International Projecto: preferred. The plan provides that bondholders shall receive 10 shares of stock for each $1,000 bond and that the bank creditors shall share on the same basis. In addition bondholder and the bank creditors will receive options to acquire six shares of ad ditional common stock at between $10 to $12 a share. Le Gallienne at Capitol Eva Le Gallienne arrives in towr. today from her summer home near Westport for the final rehearsals o" Sutro's "The Open Door," one-act play in which she will appear at the Capitol for the week beginning Fri day. Donald Cameron, who has been associated with Miss Le Gallienne in many productions, will play opposite the star in this, her first appearance in a motion picture theater. George Jessel and Gertrude Niesen will share starring honor? with Miss Le Gallienne in the newstage show. RKO Cincy House Closing Cincinnati — RKO Shubert, vaudeville and films, will close Saturday for an elaborate program of repairs and improvements, including rearrangement of seating, installation if an air-conditioning system, new lighting fixtures, reupholstering and redecorating. The house is expected to reopen Aug. 23. Closing ahead of time, RKO will run their la,st week schedule of vaudeville at the Palace. Shuberts will reopen with same policy. Cliff Boyd is manager. Reliance Pix for Rivoli "Let 'Em Have It," Reliance production starring Richard Arlen and Virginia Bruce, follows "Les Miserables" into the Rivoli on Saturday. United Artists is releasing. HOLD OPEN JUNE 12th FOR THE 23rd FILM GOLF TOURNAMENT at the BEAUTIFUL PROGRESS COUNTRY CWB WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. ^m^m A TRUCK LOAD OF PRIZES and A CAR LOAD OF LAUGHS and GOOD FELLOWSHIP