The Film Daily (1935)

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DAILY iRA. STOCKHOLDERS WILL MEET MONDAY (Continued from Page 1) [J she number of directors by providid ,ng that the total shall be not less ;han 16 or more than 18, and the sroposal to reduce the amount of :apital stock from $40,000,000 to £845,631. The necessity for filing :ertificates at Albany embodying )oth these changes is the reason for idjourning the stockholders' meetng until Tuesday. Business to be acted upon by itockholders during their two-day ession includes: Proposal to change name from Paramount ublix to Paramount Pictures, Inc.; proposal 5 reduce amount of capital stock from $40, 00,000 to $845,631; to reduce par value of tock from $10 each to $1 each; to reduce umber of shares of common from 4,000,000 845,631; upon taking action on the pro osals just listed, to consider a plan to in rease the amount of capital stock from $845, 31 to $41,000,000; to increase the number f its shares from 845,631 to 5,450,000; to lassify all of shares into 300,000 shares of e par value of $100 each of preferred stock, 50,000 shares at par value of $10 each of ;cond preferred stock and 4,500,000 shares E par value of $1 each of common stock, nd to fix the designations, preferences, rivileges and voting powers of each class I stock; to consider certificate of incorpora on providing that at all meetings for the ,, lection of officers, and other purposes, a *j jorum shall constitute the holder of a ma '" wity of all capital stock or the stockholders ntitled to a majority of all of the votes to lllr jhich the holders of all of the issued and itstanding shares shall be entitled. Other proposals to be acted upon are: i N toposal to change number of directors by roviding that total shall be not less than 16 .J more than 18; repeal by-laws and adopt ,; ew ones; upon taking effect of the proposal mcerning the directorate setup, elect direc rs in three classes of not more than six Members each for terms expiring in the years, 1)36, 1937 and 1938, respectively; consider roposition that the corporation guarantee [yment of interest at the rate of three per ;nt per annum on, and the application of 3t less than $100,000 per annum to purchase ■ redemption of, the bonds to be issued to ie holders of first mortgage 5J4 per cent nking fund gold loan certificates guaranteed the Paramount Broadway Corp. A meeting of the new directorate is excted to follow the stockholders' session. Transfer of assets by the Paramount trus6 es to Paramount Pictures, Inc., is set for me 17. The transfer will mark the end Paramount's period of reorganization. A sssibility exists that the transfer may be ilayed a bit beyond June 17, but every fort is being made to start the reorganized ■mpany functioning on that date. id! ;i 1: liorr: H pve Regional Meetings Set on Paramount Sales (Continued from Page 1) Charles Reagan; June 21-22, Palmer ouse, Chicago, men from Chicago, Detroit, 'ilwaukee, Indianapolis, Minneapolis and ioux Falls; June 24-25, Elms Hotel, Exllsior Springs, Mo., men from Kansas City, Louis, Omaha and Des Moines; June 29, St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, men om Denver, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, in Francisco, Seattle and Portland. Practically all Canadian men will attend e New York meeting. R1ALT0 WITH PHIL M. DALY • • • IF YOU are interested in the problem of censorshipyou will get a kick out of following the developments in the fight of Attorney Arthur Garfield Hays to get the DuWorld pix, "Spring Shower," by the New York state censor board Hays has filed an additional brief before the Commissioner of Education asking that the ban be removed ..._.. and the arguments he cites are corkers if the Education Department does not reverse the ban, the attorney will take the fight into the courts T T T • • • FOLLOWING HIS return from the Fox convention in Chicago, Sidney R. Kent was ill at his home yesterday Joseph Schildkraut, who has been in New York from the coast for a few days, is to appear in a Broadway play, "Tomorrow Is A Holiday," next fall meanwhile he will return to Hollywood to fill two pix contracts ▼ T T • • • A COCKTAIL party in the Hotel Lombardy had Dlick Powell the guest of honor yesterday his hosts were the execs of Columbia Broadcasting Co. Leon Mendelson, an usher at the Capitol, has passed his Bar examinations and will soon be a full-fledged lawyer James P. Cunningham, a Quigley alumnus, has finally graduated from that long-haired disguise and all his pals recognize him again George Shute blossomed forth in the current issue of "New Movie" mag with another yarn on "News-Snapping the Stars" The Hamlins Tom and Stella are on an auto tour to the home of the missus in Wyoming meanwhile R. W. Baremore is handling "Film Curb" and will probably get out the monthly in a coupla days and loaf till his boss gets back why not? SCHENCK TO HANDLE FOX BRITISH FILMS (Continued from Page 1) not being disturbed. Schenck asserts he will remain in U. A. as the largest stockholder, but only as a director. No deal with GaumontBritish is contemplated. Schenck returns to New York June 15 on the Normandie. U. A. Producers Busy On 15 New Pictures (Continued from Page 1) picture and plans another starring Paulette Goddard; Reliance is redying "Amateur Girl" and "Melody Lingers On", with "Robin Hood" and "Last of the Mohicans' also scheduled; London Films is completing "100 Years from Now" and "Man Who Could Work Miracles," with "Sanders of the River" finished; British & Dominion is at work on Jack Buchanan's "Come Out of the Pantry", while "Peg of Old Drury" goes in work next month. Other additions to the U. A. release list will be announced next week after a Hollywood conference attended by Al Lichtman, Hal Home and U. A. iproducer-owners. The Walt Disney cartoons also are being handled by U. A. Mary Pickford Quits Tour Portland, Ore. — Because of her increased executive responsibilities as a result of Joseph M. Schenck's withdrawing from United Artists, as well as her plans to produce several pictures, Mary Pickford is ending her stage tour and will return to Hollywood. eta* Ji NX! Paramount Hearings Hearing will be held June 19 before Federal Judge Alfred C. Coxe on the questions of whether the $5,000,000 A. B. Momand anti-trust suit can be allowed as a claim in the reorganization proceedings, whether if allowed, the claim shall be filed for actual damages or triple damages, and how the claim shall be liquidated. Hearing on confirmation of the Allied Owners Corp. reorganization plan was adjourned yesterday till Friday, June 7. 173 Under Para. Contract Paramount has 74 players, 80 writers and 19 directors under contract for the new season's production schedule of 65 films. In addition there are 6 composers and an executive studio staff of 27. Testimonial to Harry Shaw New Haven — Harry Shaw, who recently completed his first year as general manager of the Loew-Poli New England circuit, was tendered a testimonial banquet this week by associates and friends. Speakers included Louis M. Sagal, Barney Hoffman, Joel Levey, Harry G. Black and others. it Fox Starts Three West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Three big pictures on the urrent Fox lineup have just gone in rk. They are: "Way Down East," h Janet Gaynor, scripted by Howard tabrook and being directed by Henry King; Shirley Temple in "Curly Top," directed by Irving Cummings, and "Here's to Romance," which Al Green is directing. Wm. Clark Made Canton Manager Canton, 0. — William Clark, treasurer and manager of legitimate and film houses in many parts of the country and once owner of a theater on Long Island, has been named manager of the Grand Opera House here in charge of Matt Kolb's stock burlesque company now current. New Waterbury Theater Corp. Waterbury, Conn. — Hamilton Theater Corp. has been chartered here to operate the Hamilton, East End neighborhood house. Incorporators are Frederick J. and Ethel M. Van Doren of Waterbury and Frederick O. Schutska of Hamden. Hearing on Schaefer Claim Hearing will be held June 11 before Special Master John E. Joyce on petition of the Paramount trustees to settle the $98,563 salary claim of George J. Schaefer, general manager, by allowing the claim for $55,000 in the reorganization proceedings. N'Orleans Drops Daylight Jackson, Miss. — Less than a month of daylight saving time convinced the residents of this city that it was no improvement and the clocks have again been turned back to standard time after a poll conducted by the Junior Chamber of Commerce showed 843 for daylight saving and 5368 against. Steal Print from Theater Birmingham — Burglars broke into the Princess Pat theater at Pratt City and ran away with a print of "Hell In The Heavens." Police are watching small towns in the belief that the robbers may try to book it. Balto. Theater Suit Dismissed Baltimore — Suit to restrain Forest Park Theater Co. and Perry Amusement Co., from erecting a theater on Liberty Heights Ave. near Gwynn Oak Ave., and also seeking to have the ordinance permitting construction declared invalid, has been dismissed. It was brought by Gwynn Amusement Co., which operates a theater in the same vicinity. <%PREsn»Ejffr Atlantic City's Finest Boardwalk Hotel Sea Water Swimming Pool Turkish Baths. Marine Sun Deck American-European Plan Beautifully Furnished Housekeeping Apartments Cocktail Lounge Bar— Grill Write for Descriptive Booklet and Rates