The Film Daily (1935)

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THE Wednesday, June 5, 1935 DAILY 11 4TTERS0N PARA.PRES.; ' ZUKOR AS CHAIRMAN °i (Continued from Pane 1) e-president of the reorganized ,j. mpany, Austin C. Keough was imed secretary and Walter B. (kell will continue as treasurer. H. Fortington, financial secretary the Royal Liverpool Insurance Dup, was elected chairman of the ecutive committee. Other mem i rs of the executive committee are terson, Zukor, John D. Hertz, mrice Newton, Gerald Brooks, mean G. Harris, Stephen Callag iifn and Percy H. Johnston. \t the stockholders' meeting held sterday prior to the election of cers the new board was formally Tlcted and the terms of the board ni mbers fixed. Directors elected • three-year terms are Zukor, For gton, Newton, Floyd B. Odium, inston and Frank A. Vanderlip. o-year terms went to Brooks, rtz, Callaghan, Harris, Henry R. ce and Chas. A. McCulloch. One tr terms were allotted to Schae I Robert K. Cassatt Wm. S. Gray, | and Chas. E. Richardson. he stockholders voted also to mge the name of the company to ramount Pictures, Inc., adopted new by-laws, approved the guar tee of the three-percent annual erest on the Paramount Broad y bonds and the application of not 3 than $100,000 to redemption of bonds, and authorized an in ase in capital stock to conform h the reorganization ,plan. Ap >val was given to the appointment the Bankers Trust Co. as agent 1 the Central Hanover Bank and a:i|jst Co. as registrar for Para ai unt in respect of the scrip for the ;t preferred stock. Manufactu ;s Trust Co. was appointed agent il the Lawyers County Trust Co. New York was named registrar the scrip for the second pre red stock and the Commercial tional Bank and Trust Co. of w York was named agent and the jmical Bank and Trust Co. was ned registrar for the scrip for common stock. ohn E. Otter son, the new ,presi,it of Paramount, is a graduate the U. S. Naval Academy and the ssachusetts Institute of Techogy. He served in the navy from 0 to 1915, retiring as a naval structor with the title of lieu ri ITOA To Talk New Circuit Proposal for New York independents o form a new circuit will be further liscussed at a meeting of the I.T.O.A. his afternoon at the Hotel Astor. Milon C. Weisman, counsel for the exhibtor association, is preparing a plan of irganization. I'll Be There ! The 23rd Film Golf Tournament Here is my entry and $10.00 for the Film Golf Tournament to be held Wednesday, June 12th, at the Progress Country Club, Purchase, near White Plains, N. Y. Name Address THE COMMITTEE: Jack Alicoate, chairman; Don M. Mersereau, secretary; Al Lichtman, United Artists; Bruce Gallup, president, A. M. P. A.; Herbert R. Ebenstein, Stebbins, Leterman & Gates; Felix Feist, president, Motion Picture Club; Louis Nizer, New York Film Board of Trade; Harry Brandt, president, Independent Theater Owners, and Charles A. Rogers, Stebbins, Leterman & Gates. (ENTRY FEE WILL BE $12.00 IF PAID AT TOURNAMENT) Fill In And Mail To THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. Chicago Chat Chicago — Dick Buckley, Eddie Snyder and "Rajah" Bergman, comedians and vocalists who have played leading walkathons in Chicago and elsewhere during the past year, have left for Hollywood to take screen tests. "G Men" is in its fourth week at the Apollo. "Waltz Time in Vienna" is in its fourth week at the Sonotone. "Unfinished Symphony" is being held over a fifth week at the World Playhouse. The Film Relief dance and entertainment held at the Medinah Club was staged with all the brilliance of a Hollywood premiere and was a big success. Among "names" who lent their talent to the affair were George Givot, Ben Lyon, Bebe Daniels, Art Jarrett, Eleanor Holm, Alice White, Fifi D'Orsay and many others. Hearing on the State-Lake Building Corp. reorganization plan under Section 77B of the bankruptcy law has been postponed to June 11. The State-Lake theater is a part of the State-Lake Building. Jack Kirland, motion picture actor of New York, was robbed in a local hotel by a man who represented himself as a newspaper reporter. The robber obtained $40. Art Jarrett and Eleanor Holm are making a personal appearance at the Chicago theater. Vallee on Actors' Council Rudy Vallee has been elected to the executive council of the American Federation of Actors. tenant. Following his retirement he became associated with the Winchester Repeating Arms Co. In 1924 he joined the International Western Electric Co. and in 1928 was elected president of Electrical Research Products, Inc., a position he still holds. Whitford Drake vice president of Erpi, is prominently mentioned as Otterson's successor as president of Erpi. Cleveland Clips Cleveland — Local contingent leavng Wednesday for the Warner coast convention will be Nat Wolf, Milton A. Mooney, Walter Brandt and F. H. Hathaway. M. B. Horwitz is opening his Falls theater, Cuyahoga Falls, to take care of the overflow from his Alhambra theater on Bank Nights. Justin Spiegel, Paramount ad sales manager in Pittsburgh, was a Cleveland visitor last week. Holbrook C. Bissell, Jr., is the official title of the week-old son and heir of the local Columbia branch manager. Bill Tallman of the Ceramic theater, East Liverpool, is ill at the Presbyterian Hospital, North Side, Pittsburgh. Dick Deutsch of Dick Deutsch Printing Co. is reported interested in the proposed Drive-In theater to be located halfway between Painesville and Willoughby on the Lake Shore. Pittsburgh Briefs Pittsburgh— A new $60,000 cooling plant started operation at the Harris-Alvin this week. Mrs. Joe E. Brown and family going back to the coast after a brief stay here with friends. Ed Segal, manager of the Ritz, leaving on his annual two-weeks' vacation next week. Stage shows out of Loew's Penn for the summer. Ditto for Embassy in Johnstown. Lee Mann will be with the Pitt again when it reopens on June 10. Joe Feldman, Warner publicity chief, back on the job after a twoweek rest at Long Beach, N. Y. Charlie Rich and Harry Kalmine are joining the Warner special tomorrow en route to the company's sales convention. George D. Tyson, manager of the Harris-Alvin, and L. B. Cool, Fulton manager, will fly to New York tomorrow to attend the special preview of Fox's "Dante's Inferno." A.M.P.A. GOLF TEAM OUT TO TRIM M.P. CLUB (Continued from Page 1) a fluke and some dumb luck. But this time they will have to play GOLF to win." So there. About 25 enthusiasts are planning to go up to the Progress Country Club the night before. There are ample accommodations in the clubhouse. Another bunch will be up first thing in the morning to sit down to the Eight O'clock Tournament Breakfast — a special added feature. Economy Note: It's 12 berries if you fail to get your entry in before you reach the club grounds on June 12. Last year the Committee were forced to turn down six. late entrants, for the limit was 160. And that is the limit for this event. So take final warning. The limit will soon be reached at the rate the entries are coming in. Use the coupon in this issue NOW. Fox Holding Ad Forum On "Dante's Inferno" (Continued from Page 1) D. Clark, chief of distribution, the men will see the picture at the Fox projection room, attend a luncheon at the Waldorf-Astoria, view an advertising exhibit prepared by the Fox advertising department including over 60 pieces of matter designed for publications and posters, and then take part in a discussion to evolve ideas for the campaign. Those who will attend the forum are: Milton H. Feld, Monarch Theaters; Oscar A. Dobb, Loew's Theaters, New York; John Dowd, RKO, New York; Morris Kinzler, Roxy Theater, New York; Harry Browning, M. & P. Theaters. Boston; Charles Winchell, Minnesota Amusement Company, Minneapolis; H. E. Jameyson, Fox Theater, Wichita; Frank W. Buhler, Fox Theater, Philadelphia; Charles B. Taylor, Buffalo Theater, Buffalo; Gus W. Lampe, Eckel Theater, Syracuse; E. E. Whitaker, Fox Theater, Atlanta; Ollie Brooks, Butterfield Circuit, Detroit; John Carroll, Fay's Theater, Providence; L. B. Cool, Fulton Theater, Pittsburgh; William Hollander, Balaban & Katz, Chicago; George Tyson, Alvin Theater, Pittsburgh; Harry Fitzgerald, Milwaukee; Arch Bowles, San Francisco; Rick Ricketson, Denver; Elmer Rhoden, Wichita. From the Fox home office will be Charles E. McCarthy, Arch Reeve, Earl Wingart, James A. Clark, Louis Shanfield, Jerry Novat, Carl Mos, Leslie Whelan, Jack Lewis. Herbert Hyman, Abe Goodman, Gabe S. Yorke M. L. Ahearn and Roger Ferri. Gets "Balinese Love" "Balinese Love", four-reel featurette is now being distributed in the foreign market by The Film Exchange, Inc. Halperins To Make 8 Eddie and Victor Halperin have formed Medalion Pictures Corp. with plans for producing eight exploitation melodramas, at the Coast. First is titled "The Gods Strike Twice" and goes into production immediately. _ "-