The Film Daily (1935)

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THE ■%2Zl DAILY Thursday, June 6, 193! Vol. LXVII, No. 132Thurs.. June 6, 1935 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holiday at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasure and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Asso ciate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, ManaginEditor. Entered as second class matter May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New Yorl N. Y., under the act of March 3, 187 Terms (Postage free) United States outsid' of Greater New York $10.00 one year; I months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. _ Foreigi $15.00. Subscriber should remit with ordei Address all communications to THE FILV DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y Phone. Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739 Cable Address: Filmday. New York. Holly wood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Holly wood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LondonErnest \V. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-9' Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Lichtbildbuehne Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris P. A. HarK LCinematographie Francaise, Rue de la Coui des-Noues, 19. CODE FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Hi3h Columbia Picts. vtc. 59 Con. Fm. Ind 3% Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 153s East. Kodak 144 </4 1 do pfd 1541/2 1 Fox Fm. "A" 15% Loew's, Inc 40ya do pfd 105 1 Metro-Goldwyn, pfd. 273/8 Paramount ctfs 3% Pathe Exch % do "A" 93,4 RKO 21/4 Warner Bros 4V4 do pfd 271/4 NEW YORK BOND Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 12V4 Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctfs. 12 Keith A-0 6s46 . 80 1/4 Loew 6s 41ww 104% 1 Paramount 6s47 filed 89 Paramount 6s47 ctfs. 88% Par. By. 5V2s51 ctfs. 56% Par. 5V2s50 filed . . 90'/2 Par. 5'/2s50 ctfs. . 90% Warner's 6s39 65V2 NEW YORK CURB Technicolor 26'/2 Net Low Close Chg. 58 583/4 + % 35/8 33/4 + Vs 15 153/s + % 41 1/2 144% + 2% 54l/2 154i/2 143/4 15 — Vs 391/s 395/g + Vs 05 105 — 11/4 273/s 273/8 33/g 33/g 5/8 % + % 83/4 83/4 2 2 33/s 41/g + % 243/4 26I/2 + 31/2 MARKET 1 1 34 1 1 % 12 12 80 1/4 80% 04% 104% 88 1/2 89 883/4 88 3/4 5/8 % 55 90 90 63'/2 56% 90 1/2 903/4 643/4 MARKET 25% 251/2 + 1 + % + % 4 1% + 1% + iy2 13/8 RKO — SKOURAS and LEADING CIRCUITS PRIMITIVE LIFE THAT'S UNBELIEVABLE! A BOOK DIRECT FROM DuWORLD PICTURES, Inc. 729 7th Ave., N. Y. C. ME— 3-2943 Many Are Set to Attend Supply Men's Convention A record attendance is in prospect for the Independent Theater Supply Dealers' convention at the Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, June 15-18, according to J. E. Robin, president. Among prominent equipment people who already have signified definite intention of being present are: F. A. Van Huson, Western Theater Supply Co., Omaha; K. R. Douglas, Capitol Theater Supply Co., Boston; B. F. Shearer, president, B. F. Shearer Co., Seattle; H. R. Maier, Continental Theater Accessories, Inc., New York; Joe Hornstein, New York; Joseph J. Pear, Amusement Supply Co., New York; W. Z. Horvat, William L. Odum, Benjamin J. Barry, Empire Theater Supply Corp., New York; I. S. Perse, Capitol Motion Picture Supply Corp., New York; R. G. Faulds, Des Moines Theater Supply Co., Des Moines; Wallace J. Katz, Crown Motion Picture Supplies Corp., New York; V. Harwell, Queen Feature Service, Inc., Birmingham; Ralph Ruben, Russell Ruben, Amusement Supply Co., Detroit; A. Mortensen, Southwestern Theater Equipment Co., Houston; Carl, Lynn and Hazel White, Quality Theater Supply Co., Omaha. 20 For First Division First Division will sell a top of 20 features for the new season, President Harry Thomas stated yesterday in New York. Its policy prohibits the "quickie" type of production, he said, and before the 1935-36 program is made up, all product plans will be studied in order to assure higher quality than in past years. Penna. Sunday Bill to Senate Harrisburg — Concurrent passage of the state Sunday show local referendum bill by the Senate is exnected within 10 days, according to industry observers. The measure has just passed the House. $55,000 Annual Mayfair Rental Annual rental of $55,000 will be naid bv Loew's for the Mayfair, just taken over from Walter Reade on a ten-year lease. House will start its new double-feature policy June 15. with discontinuance of Loew's New York. 11 Weeks for Elitch Stock Denver — Owine to good business last year, the Elitch Gardens Stock Theater, which opens its season June 15, will have an engagement of 11 weeks this summer, offering stiff competition to the movie nouses here. Several Broadway stage hits are on the schedule. "Stranded" Follows "Caliente" Warner's "Stranded," co-starring Kay Francis and George Brent, has bpen set to follow "In Caliente" at the New York Strand. The latter picture follows "Oil For the Lamps of China," which onened last night, to S.R.O. with Al Jolson and many notables in attendance. Mayor to Get Report On Aiding Studios Here Commissioner of Licenses Paul Moss is preparing a report for Mayor F. H. LaGuardia on a proposal outlined to him Tuesday by a delegation from the Central Trades and Labor Council, representing 1,500,000 union employes in New York City, who urged that the Mayor reach an understanding with the heads of the film industry under which they would lease at nominal terms and for a long period of years studios to be erected on cityowned land with funds obtained from the Public Works Administration. The delegation that visited Moss included Paul Dullzell, executive secretary of Actors' Equity; Sol A. Scoppa, business manager of the laboratory workers' union; Jim Quinn, secretary of the Central Trades Council; Ed Canavan, renresenting the musicians' union; Tom Murtha of the stagehands' union, and Chas. Downs of the cameramens' union. Awards Announced by Cinematography Institute West Coast Bin-can of THE FILM pi"v Hollywood — The American Institute of Cinematography yesterday announced it had given awards to Bette Davis, Helen Hayes, Paul Muni, Howard Estabrook, Walter Disney, Frank Capra. Rouben Mamoulian, Frank Lloyd. George Cukor, W. S. Van Dyke, Ernst Lubitsch. Sidney Franklin, Kim? Vidor. Richard Boleslawski and Victor Milner. Major Bowes in Shorts Major Edward Bowes and his radio amateurs will appear in a series of 26 shorts to be nroduced by John H. Auer at the Biogranh Studios. First two subjects go in work Tuesday. Resolute Plans Six Resolute plans to make six features for 1935-36 release. Al Mannon of the company is now in New York from Hollywood. Leichter Starts Third West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Mitchell Leichter of Beaumont Pictures is now working on the third subject of the series starring Black King, the horse. "Judgment Book," second of the Conway Tearle pictures, will go into work June 10. Charles Hutchinson will supervise all the productions. Offers to Film "Dodsworth" West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Sol Lesser has wired an offer to Max Gordon to produce "Dodsworth" jointly with Gordon, Lesser to handle the financing. Golder With Republic in Philly Philadelphia — John Golder has been named manager for Republic here under supervision of Herman Gluckman. The exchange is moving to 1222-24 Vine St. Coming and Going E. H. ALLEN, Educational production manag< in Hollywood, is in New York this week f< conferences with E. W. Hammons, presiden about comedy production plans for the com ing year. ARTHUR MENKEN, formarly with Path News and Paramount News, sails tomorrow night on the Aquitania en route to South Afric in connection with the filming of an expedi tion picture sponsored by Mrs. Margaret Carso Hubbard. VICTOR FLEMING, having finished directin "Farmer Takes a Wife" for Fox, leaves th coast in a few days en route to Italy an Egypt. He plans to be gone four months. AL JOLSON leaves New York on June 16 fo the coast to start work in his next Warne picture. RICHARD DIX arrives in New York toda from the RKO studios, where he recently fin ished "The Arizonian," and sails shortly fo England to appear in GB's "The Tunnel.' MADGE EVANS, who recently finished work ii M-G-M's "Calm Yourself," has just arrived ii New York also en route to the GB studios fo "The Tunnel." ETHEL MERMAN, who is to play the feminlm lead opposite Eddie Cantor in "Dreamland' for Samuel Goldwyn, leaves New York on Jul' 8 for Hollywood. ARTHUR KOBER, screen writer, is at th. Lombardy from Hollywood. SAM EFRUS left Hollywood yesterday fo New York. He will visit a number of ke) city exchanges in the interests of Peerles: Pictures. ROBERT PRESNELL, Universal associate producer and writer, has arrived in New Yor> from Hollywood by plane with his wife for . vacation. FRANK BORZAGE, directing "Anchor! Aweigh" at Annapolis for Warner Bros., is al the Warwick here for a day or two to sec some shows, work on the picture being sus pended until after June Week at the Naval Academy. HERBERT J. YATES and KING CHARNEY leave New York today for Cincinnati. DAVE BARRIST sails June 29 for a North Cape cruise. AL MANNON is wood. in New York from Holly LOUIS LEZAMA, managing director for RKO Radio in Mexico, arrives Friday to attend the RKO convention. BEATRICE BLINN, Broadway actress, is planning to go to Hollywood late in July. FRANK CONKLIN has gone to Chicago from New York. THERE IS ONLY ONE YEAR BOOK of MOTION PICTURES And that is issued by THE FILM DAILY The Standard Reference Book of the Motion Picture Industry for the past 17 years. Given FREE with a year's Subscription to FILM DAILY ' and The Film Daily Service 1650 B'way N.Y.C — — »