The Film Daily (1935)

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16 OF 1935-36 FILMS UNDER WAY AT PARA. DAILY Thursday, June 6, 1935 (Continued from Page 1) the Rancho," "Milky Way," "Two for Tonight," "Hands Across the Table," "Without Regret," "Soup to Nuts," "Phantom Bus," "Wanderer of the Wasteland" and "Every Night at Eight." Six of the current lineup still being edited are "Accent on Youth," "Paris in Spring," "Everything Happens at Once," "Men Without Names," "College Scandal" and "Shanghai." Allied Regional Meet In Boston on June 24 (Continued from Page 1) Inc., will have a session in the same city. Walter B. Littlefield, vicepresident, will preside at the regional meeting, which will be attended by eastern directors from the following units: Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Independent Theaters, New Jersey, New York, I. E. P. A. and Maryland. Leaders present will probably include President Sidney E. Samuelson, Abram F. Myers and Nathan Yamins. Following the meeting of the Allied executive committee to be held in New York on June 13, a conference of regional vice-nresidents will take place in the midwest, probably Indianapolis, the latter part of June. Rescind Code Orders Cutting Film Service (Continued from Page 1) through the formality of having suits against the Authority and its branches dismissed. Fifteen stop service orders are pending at the present time. Detroit Doings Detroit— The Broadway Capitol, recently opened by Reinke & Block of Kansas City as a first-run, closed suddenly a few days ago. It reopens in the fall, when major product is expected to be available. Frank Krueger's Punch & Judy, suburban house, is doing business at 40 cents top as practically the only house in town on single features. Clarence E. Runkle, former manager of the Center, has opened offices in the Film Exchange for a new screen refinishing treatment. William Cassidy, owner of the Cassidy circuit, is back from Florida. Mrs. Jean Ringold of Ringold Sound Equipment, Grand Rapids, has acquired the Family in Albion from Glen Gardner. House will be remodeled. Herman Hunt finally has his arm out of the cast. St. Louis Variety Boat Ride St. Louis — Annual boat ride of the Variety Club will be held June 15 at midnight on the Steamer President. • • • A REAL sensational publicity break that seldom comes to any producer has been garnered by William Rowland who will produce scenes for "Romance Unlimited" on board the new crack French liner, Normandie with the record-breaking maiden trip of this vessel featured on the front pages of all the papers, it makes it very sweet for Bill he is making a series of features which will be distributed abroad through Anglo-American Renters, Ltd. • • • THE SERIES of shorts being distributed by the Federal Housing Administration are proving popular with theaters the first and second releases of "Better Housing News Flashes" have been heavily booked the third and fourth releases will be shown in the Pathe projection room today at 11:30. . Pathe News is producing them for the Federal Housing department • • • AFTER THREE weeks of play, the N.B.C. team is now leading the M. P. Baseball League wtith four victories and no defeats Universal holds down second place with three wins and one lost this eve M-G-M plays N.B.C. at the George Washington High School field on Saturday afternoon at the James Madison field there will be a double header, with United Artists playing Universal, and RKO facing Erpi Jimmy Boyle has been placed in charge of publicity for the League T T T • • • A POSTCARD from Sammy Cohen of the United Artists publicity dep't from London where Sam took in the Jubilee states that the Fog City is a distributor's paradise they get as high as $2.25 at the first-run houses and Sam adds: "And how they applaud Mickey Mouse!" we knew there'd be a catch in it somewhere • • • WITH THE drought sufferers from the midwest arriving in Alaska Sales On Sound Corp. took advantage of the opportunity through their Seattle distributors they shipped several S.O.S. Cinemaphone wide fidelity talking pix outfits which should lighten the troubles of the hardy pioneer settlers in Point Barrow • • • A GALA open meeting of AMPA today at the Edison Hotel with the Russian delegates of the Soviet motion picture industry as the guests of honor the same gentlemen who entertained so delightfully at the M. P. Forum on Tuesday Boris Morros will again act as Interpreter Extraordinary with Louis Nizer as toastmaster the program of entertainment will be headed by the radio cutups, Tom Howard and George Shelton also the late Cantor Rosenblatt's son, Henry, will do his bit • • • A LIST of 100 celebs has been invited to the Capitol show tomorrow when Sophie Tucker begins an engagement among the list are Will Hays, Beatrice Lillie, Fanny Brice, Phil Baker, Tullio Carminati, Ruth Etting, J. C. Flippen, Ed Lowry, George Givot, David Warfield, Hal Roach. • • • AT THE Strand last nite a group of celebs were invited to the premiere performance of Warners' second Cosmopolitan production, "Oil for the Lamps of China" notables of society, the diplomatic field, stage and screen were among those present « €< « » » » WESTERN THEATERS DARKENED BY FLOODS (Continued from Page 1) perial, McCook and Benkelman, Nebraska. The recently refurnished Emerson Theater, Brush, was flooded to the stage level. The Chief, Greeley, had to substitute films, while the Orpheum here could not give its midnight show because of failure of print to arrive. Alexander Film Co. of Colorado Springs scored a scoop on the flood there and is now selling it to the newsreels. M-G-M used airplane service to make deliveries in Wyoming. Exhibitors Film Delivery Service had to detour more than 100 miles to make some deliveries. Eight Productions Start Work at Fox (Continued from Page 1) Dunn and Arline Judge; "Here's to Romance"; "Steamboat Bill," new Will Rogers vehicle, and "Thunder in the Night.' Features in the cutting room being made ready for early release include: "Doubting Thomas," starring Will Rogers; "Black Sheep," with Edmund Lowe and Claire Trevor; "Charlie Chan in Egypt." with Warner Oland; "(linger," with Jane Withers, Jackie Searl and O. P. Heggie; "Orchids to You," with John Boles, Jean Muir and Charles Butterworth, and "Hard Rock Harrigan,' a George O'Brien Western. 3 More Sales Meets Are Set By Republic (Continued from Page 1) Denver; June 15 at New Washington Hotel, Seattle, and June 20 at Roosevelt Hotel, Hollywood. General Sales Manager Edward A. Golden will preside at all of the meetings, with Johnston also attending. Salt Lake City Squibs Salt Lake City — Ed Kennedy, in charge of the local Republic Pictures office, is making arrangements for the sales convention to be held here June 14-15. C. J. Dugan, former Fox booker, has returned to Montana. His successor is T. M. Smoot, formerly with Fox West Coast. Roxy Theater, managed by Andy Floar, has installed a summer policy of vaude and two features. Vaude also returned to the Victory last week. J. G. Sheffield is here from Denver and will next visit Butte and Seattle. Manager R. C. Hill of the Columbia branch is on vacation in the Yellowstone region. Maurice Saffle of M-G-M, after an Idaho trek, is to head through Montana. Thomas Walsh of RKO has just wound up a trip through that state. Columbia Signs Dance Team Peppino and Roda, dance team brought to New York from *' Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans, Lou Irwin, have been signed by Columbia after Harry Cohn saw them at the Central Park Casino. They were given a long term contract without a screen test and will leave July 1 for the coast.