The Film Daily (1935)

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THE Vol. 67. No. 133 Fri.. June 7. 1935 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : : Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holiday? at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Film* and Film Folk, Inc. J. \V. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3, 187' Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, Circle 7-4736. 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. LondonErnest \V. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 VVardour St., W. I. Berlin— Lichtbildbuehne. Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. CODE FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Low Close Columbia Picts. vtc. 58y2 571/2 57i/2 Con. Fm. Ind. . 33^ ly^ 3% East. Kodak 143l/2 141 141 1/2 Fox Fm. "A" 153/8 15 15 Loew's, Inc 40% 39% 39% Metro-Goldwyn. pfd. 27l/2 273/8 27l/2 Paramount ctfs 3V2 33/8 33/8 Pathe Exch % % s/8 do "A" 93^ 91/4 9% RKO 21/4 2 2Va Warner Bros 4'/2 4V8 4'/8 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. . 12 11 34 n 34 Keith A-0 6s46... 795/8 795/8 795/8 Loew 6s 41 ww 104V8 104V8 104V8 Paramount 6s47 ctfs. 883/4 883^ 883/4 Par. 5'/2s50 filed.. 90V4 90 90% Par. 5'/2s50 ctfs. ... 905/8 90l/4 90% Warner's 6s39 66*4 64'/2 65% NEW YORK CURB MARKET Technicolor 25V2 25 25% Trans-Lux 23/fc 23/g 23/8 Net Chg. 1% — 23/4 + % Vs + Vi + Ms Vi — % — Vs — % + 72 % — Va GB Sales Additions Geo. W. Weeks, GB sales manager, has made the following additions to his sales staff: Leslie Wilkes, formerly with Paramount and Columbia, attached to the Dallas office; William Adams, recently with Columbia, now a member of the Minneapolis branch; Ed Canty, formerly a booker, is now a salesman in the Detroit exchange. WANTED Two positive negative cutters busy midwest commercial studio: permanent position if satisfactory: state qualifications, experience, salary in first letter. Box No. 952 1650 Broadway c-o The Film Daily New York City 25 More Joining Train To Warner Convention Dallas — The Warner Convention Special train arrives today in Longview, where the delegates will make a trip to the local oil wells. The train leaves Longview with the following men joining there: H. Ochs, branch manager, R. R. Bryan, H. R. Kistler, H. Parks and F. Sands from Atlanta; F. P. Bryan, branch manager, F. Gebhardt and D. House from Charlotte; Byron Adams, branch manager, Howard Waugh, zone manager, G. Hammond and W. O. Williamson Jr. from Memphis; L. Connor, branch manager, H. Hisey and P. Spindler from New Orleans. At Texarkana the train makes a brief stop to nick up Allen Glenn, special exploiteer in the Southern territory. The train arrives here at 12:45 P.M. and will be met at the station by the Mayor, civic officials and Dallas Police Band. Following the ceremonies, the Warner delegates embark from this city at 1:30 P.M. Vith the following additions: Fred Jack, southern district manager, W. E. Callaway, branch manager, J. Groves, W. Brumberg, R. McCoy and W. O. Williamson from Dallas; J. O. Rhode, branch manager, W. C. Blackstone and E. Slocum from Oklahoma. Yoost Appeal Denied Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday denied the application of William Yoost, Paramount bondholder, for leave to appeal from the decision of Federal Judge Coxe approving the Paramount-Erpi agreement. New Bell & Howell 16mm. Sound Chicago — A 1,000-watt 16 mm. sound-on-film projector for use especially in large auditoriums seating 2,000 or more is announced by Bell & Howell. It is called the Filmosound. Form Group to Fight Ontario Tax Toronto — Headed by Col. John A. Cooper, president of Canadian Motion Picture Distributors & Exhibitors, an organization has been formed to secure amelioration of the new amusement tax in Ontario. The new body, called Allied Sports and Amusement Ass'n, includes Oscar R. Hanson, president of Empire Films, and T. J. Bragg of Famous Players Canadian Corp. Presbyterians Laud Film Improvement Cincinnati — Recognition of the present quality of motion pictures amounting to a virtual vote of confidence in the industry's leaders was given here at the recent General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. Two resolutions submitted by the Committee on Social Welfare, of which Dr. George Emerson Barnes was chairman, were adopted without debate by the Assembly. The resolutions, one under the heading of "Commendations" and the other under "Recommendations", emphasized the improvement in motion pictures. Fox Wins Arbitration On Breach of Contract An award of $3,589.04 was given Fox in an arbitration committee decision yesterday, following a hearing on its breach-of-contract complaint against the Springer & Cocalis circuit. The plaintiff, represented by Louis Nizer, claimed damages in connection with a special cancellation clause in a film contract with the theater company. Sitting on the committee were: Jack Bowen, M-G-M; Robert Wolff, RKO; Edward Schnitzer, Columbia, and Moe Streamer, United Artists. Testimony was given by Sam Cocalis, Matty Kutinsky and Moe Sanders of Fox. In a motion to be made to the State Supreme Court, approval of the award will be sought. Son for Ben Perse Ben Perse of Capitol Film Supply is the father of an eight-anda-half pound boy. Mother and youngster are doing nicely in the Bronx Hospital. Popular Sells N. E. Franchise Popular Pictures has sold its New England franchise to E. M. Loew, leading independent circuit operator in that territory, it is announced by Louis Berman. A few days ago L. K. Brin bought the franchise for Wisconsin and Michigan. Take Over Brooklyn House The Glenwood, Brooklyn, has been taken over by Hans Rosenwald and associate from Moe Weinberger who has operated the house for the past 10 years. Same group also runs the Clinton. We never think of the main business of life till a vain repentance minds us of it at the wrong end. — L'Estrange. STEBBINS, LETERMAN & GATES, Inc. HERBERT R. EBENSTEIN, President Insurance Brokers 1540 Broadway New York City Coming and Going* CHARLES GIEGERICH, sales manager of Comi-Color Cartoons, started yesterday on a tour of the eastern exchanges handling the Celebrity product. LORETTA YOUNG, who has appeared sue cessively in "The Crusades" and "Shanghai" for Paramount, is en route from Hollywood to New York, bound for a European vaca tion. EDWARD ARNOLD, who arrived in Chicago! yesterday to appear at the Universal Conven: tion, comes on to New York for a brief vacation before returning west. GENE RAYMOND left New York yesterday for the coast to report at the RKO Radio studios. ART ALEXANDER, president of Beacon Pic-» tures, is in New York. AL HACKEL, president of Supreme Pictures, has arrived from Hollywood. CAPT. DAN SICKLES, who is associated with DuWorld Pictures, sails for France tomorrow on the Normandie. Capt. Sickles is a nephew of Francois Pietri, the new French premier. IGOR GORIN, M-G-M acquisition, leaves New York on Sunday for Hollywood. JOHN MAXWELL, who is in New York, plans to return to London in about 12 days. ROBERT PRESNELL has arrived in New York from the Coast. JOE RAPF is in New York from Hollywood, WALTER DISNEY is en route to New York from the Coast, bound for Europe. FRANK BORZAGE has returned to Annapolis from New York. W. R. ROTHACKER is in New York from Hollywood. AL LICHTMAN is scheduled to leave the Coast for New York by plane tomorrow. WILHELM SATORI-SCHACHERL, representative for Monogram and Republic in Central and Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, sails today on the Normandie en route to his headquarters in Vienna. WALTER HUSTON arrived in New York yesterday and sails next week on the Majestic for England to appear in GB's "Rhodes, the Empire Builder." ANNA STEN is in New York from the west to do some radio work. MORT LEVINE is in New York from Wilmington, recovering from an appendicitis operation. Revivals for 55th St. Playhouse "Design for Living" will be re-i vived at the 55th St. Playhouse for four days starting Saturday, to be followed Wednesday by "It Happened One Night" for three days. EVERYTHING Reference to the motion picture industry — can be found in the 1935 YEAR BOOK of MOTION PICTURES Now being distributed FREE to subscribers to THE FILM DAILY 1650 B'way N.Y.C. ^^^mm m