The Film Daily (1935)

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THE CAILV Friday, June 7, 1935 MORE STUNTS ADDED FOR GOLF TOURNEY (.Continued from Page 1) with a Big Generous Gesture. He asks us to tell all you mugs that he will be your host for a Tournament Breakfast at the Progress Country Club Wednesday morn. Hang the expense — if you don't eat more than a dollar's worth. What the hell does he care. BUT — (ah, you knew there was a catch in it, wise guy!) — you've got to be there with your feet under the festive board by 8:30 at the latest. This Community Breakfast will be run in the best boarding school manner, with Head Master Alicoate opening with a prayer and closing with a hymn of thanksgiving. Till he gets the Check. The Team Medals for the Tournament winners will be presented from Film Daily, being medals in the form of gold golf balls. Every guest will receive a gorgeous novelty Mickey Mouse Lamp for boudoir or desk use, donated by Kay Kamen on behalf of Walt Disney. Every guest will also receive free, for nothing, a novelty miniature movie projector showing pix in color, through the courtesy of A. W. Tripp. At the luncheon table there will be 25 cases of Ebling's Special Brew distributed— "That Grand Old Beer" — through courtesy of Samuel Rubel of the Rubel Corp. Sound equipment for the pix at the Tournament furnished by National Theater Supply. Over 100 Entries have been received. The LIMIT is 160. Last Call ! Positively no more than 160 can play on the course. So get your bid in NOW. Entrants to date: Charles A. Alicoate Jack Alicoate Winfield Andrus Herbert S. Berg Joseph Bernet George A. Blair Richard Brady Harry Brandt William Brandt Arthur Brillant George Brown Henry Brown Charles L. Casanave Harry Charnas David Chatkin James Clark Jack Colin Julius Cohen Max A. Cohen James Cron Tom Cumiskey James P. Cunningham Leo DeKorn George F. Dembow Sam Dembow, Jr. Arthur W. Eddy Herbert R. Ebenstein Rowland Ergenstcdt Simon H. Fabian H.rb Fecke Milton Feld William Ferguson William V. Frankel Ray Gallagher Bruce Gallup William J. German Milton Gettinger Paul Gettinger Don Carle Gillette Herman Glucksman Jack Gluxman Irvine W. Goodfield Jack Gutfreund Hap Hadley Major George Harding Jack Harrower Hal Hodes J. H. Hoffberg George Hoffman Joe Hornstein Edward L. Hyman Maurice Kann Morris Kinzler Marvin Kirsch Leo Klebanow Bernard Kleid Neal E. Lang, Jr. Harry Lanzner Jack G. Leo Lee Leventhal Al J. Levy Jules Levy "Chick" Lewis Oily Lynch George L. McCarthy Wilhrd McKay Joe Rice Malcolm William Massce Mitchell May, Jr. Bertram A. Mayers Don M. Mersereau Mike Milton E H. Morris Charles H. Moses Lee Ochs Arthur H. Pelterson C. C. Pettijohn John F. Plunketf Phil Rcisman Irving Rengesberg Joseph Ridder Charles A. Rogers Williim Rowland Sam Rubenstein Lou Rydell William Snl Edward Schnitzer E. Schwartz J. H. Seidelman I'll Be There ! The 23rd Film Golf Tournament Here is my entry and $10.00 for the Film Golf Tournament to be held Wednesday, June 12th, at the Progress Country Club, Purchase, near White Plains, N. Y. Name Address THE COMMITTEE: Jack Alicoate, chairman; Don M. Mersereau, secretary; Al Lichtman, United Artists; Bruce Gallup, president, A. M. P. A.; Herbert R. Ebenstein, Stebbins, Leterman & Gates; Felix Feist president, Motion Picture Club; Louis Nizer, New York Film Board of Trade; Harry Brandt, president, Independent Theater Owners, and Charles A. Rogers, Stebbins, Leterman (ENTRY FEE WILL BE $12.00 IF PAID AT TOURNAMENT) Fill In And Mail To THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. 140 Are in Attendance At Republic Convention (Continued from Page 1) public International Corp. arrived yesterday morning. Johnston will call the session to order at 11 A. M. today, with Mayor Wilson welcoming the delegates. Golden will then direct the meeting. A banquet tomorrow night winds up the affair. Also jpresent are: B. H. Mills, Gene Lowe, Jack Krause, Albany; Arthur C. Bromberg John V. Mangham, Jr., E. A. Rambonnet, Henry B. Glover, P. H. Savin, Atlanta; Herman Rifkin, M. E. Morey, Al Ficke, Steve Broidy, and M. Davis, Boston; J. Berkowitz, Harry L. Berkson, Nate R. Sodikman, H. G. Bruck, Sam Schonfield, Buffalo; H. H. Everett, Jack London, J. H. Dillon, Charlotte; Irving Mandel Harry Lorch, Max Dreifuss, S. Decker, J . M. Schwartz Chicago; William Ome, George Kirby, Max Margolis, Cincinnati; J S. Jossey, Nat Lefton, Sam P. Gorrel, Frank E. Belles, Ralph O. Flemm, Cleveland; Claude Ezell, William G. Underwood, Lloyd Rust, H. R. Bisby, Roy Starling, Dallas; J. E. Judd, Des Moines; Sam Seplowm, Fred C. Strubank Claire H. Townsend, Wm. B Hurlbut, Detroit; L. W. Marriott, E. A. Sipe, Indianapolis; Robt. E. Withers, L. F. Durland, G. M. Parkhurst, Kansas City; B. F. Busby, S. A. Arnold, Little Rock; J. G. Frackman, T. MacEvoy, Milwaukee; Gilbert Nathanson, Minneapolis; Robt. Cobe, New Haven; L. Seischsnaydre, Ed Orte, New Orleans; Herman Gluckman and the salesmen from the New York and Philadelphia office; Sol Davis J. A. Smith, G. A. Alt, Oklahoma City; L. O. Ringler, Joe Smith, M. Newman, Omaha; J. H. Alexander, Samuel A. Fineberg, Geo. Collins, Pittsburgh; Nat E. Steinberg, Barney Rosenthal, Wm. Weiss, St. Louis; Carl Floyd, Tampa; Sam Flax and Jake Flax, Washington, D. C. Crescent to Build New House Clarksville, Tenn. — Crescent Amusement Co. has bought three store buildings for conversion into a theater to replace the Capitol, destroyed by fire. Arthur J. Siegel Clarence H. Secor Com. John L. Schoenfeld Fred J. Schwartz Arthur Seidman Jack Shapiro Dave Shea Harry Shiftman George P. Skouras Hal Sloane Cresson E. Smith Howard Steiner Charles Stuart Max Stuart Theodore J. Sullivan Arnold Van Leer Andy Vervueren A. Mike Vogel Ernest J. Warner Lou Weinberg Clint Weyer Tom Wiley Robert Wolff H. J. Yates Kennebeck Sees Quota Spreading in Antipodes If the quota law enacted by New South Wales works out successfully, other states in Australia may consider adoption of similar restrictions, said John Kennebeck, managing director in Australia for Paramount, who is now in New York. During the past eight months, approximately 50 houses have been reconstructed and newly built in Australia by independents, who are taking advantage of the fact that the theater situation is now open, Kennebeck stated. Houses in Australia now aggregate 1,100, serving a population of 6,500,000, he said. Fully 95 per cent of all pictures exhibited in Australia are played on double bills, Kennebeck estimated. Owing to an improvement in economic conditions in the country, motion picture grosses are considerably improved, he said. Chicago Chat Chicago — Among those who will attend the Paramount convention in New York are Allen Usher, Chicago branch manager, Harry Hamburg, recently elected a member of the Paramount 100 per cent Club; Eddie Fontain and Barney Barnard. Theaters which have added Screeno during the past week include the Central Park, 20th Century, Gold, Ardmore and Banner. Signs Paramount Orders Under two orders signed yesterday by Federal Judge Coxe, the $6,375 salary claim against Paramount of A. John Michel, former Paramount auditor, is allowed for $3,548 in the reorganization proceedings, a claim of the Continental Illinois National Bank of Chicago for $145,961 is expunged and a second claim of the bank for $312 is allowed. The order on the Continental claims states that the ruling is without prejudice to the claim of the bank against Paramount based on notes aggregating $1,443,244 issued by Film Production Corp. and guaranteed by Paramount. SUMMER CLOSINGS FEWEST IN DECADE (Continued from Page 1) being sold or transferred also is noted, especially in the southwest territory, where the good crop promises a favorable summer business. Usual tabulation of the month's theater changes will appear in a subsequent issue following receipt of the reports from all regions. Defer Action on Pacts For Herzbrun, Lubitsch (Continued from Page 1) port to the board on the matter, it is understood. Second meeting of the new Paramount board of directors will not take place until after June 17, by which time it is anticipated that Judge Coxe of the U. S. District Court will have approved the actions taken at its initial meeting, including the election of new officers. At the coming session, more matters concerned with the company's future will be disposed of. St. Louis Squibs St. Louis — Theater Development Co. has been incorporated by R. M. Freed, C. F. Gissler and David Baron to buy, sell and operate theaters and other places of amusement. General contract for the theater to be built in De Soto, Mo., for operation by the Collins Circuit has been awarded to the N. F. Donald & Son Construction Co. of that city. C. A. Schultz, Robert F. Withers and A. C. Kemp are incorporators of Commonwealth Columbia Theater Corp. organized to operate the new theater in Columbia, Mo. Valley Theater Co. of Kansas City has been incorporated to own and operate theaters. Incorporators are Stanley H. Schwartz, R. P. Brous and E. L. Ellis. Milwaukee Briefs Milwaukee — Smashing a safe in the Uptown, burglars escaped with $1,435. E. J. Weisfeldt has inaugurated a policy of six acts of vaudeville at his Riverside Theater here instead of the weekly stage show featuring the Norma Dancers. The house is also broadcasting its weekly amateur shows. Variety Club is sponsoring the first of a series of 5-cent shows for children at all local theaters to build up a permanent milk fund for school children. Continue Newsreel Confabs Despite the fact that the motion picture code has been tossed out of the window, further conferences will take place between newsreel execul tives and representatives of the cameramen's locals on the matter of computing working hours for newsreel cameramen. Deputy Administrator William P. Farnsworth has been supervising the talks.