The Film Daily (1935)

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THE Saturday, June 8, 1935 t£W NRA TO ENFORCE ANTI-TRUST STATUTES (Continued from Page 1) proved in codes. There will be no unders under the new setup. By the terms of the resolution a skeletonized NRA would continue until April 1, 1936. President Roosevelt yesterday accepted the resignation of Donald Richberg, NRA head, effective June 16. New England Notes Boston — Ed Lauder, former manager of the Boston theater, is taking Joseph Domingo's post as manager of the Keith Bijou while Joe is covering the Keith Boston during Bert Henson's leave of absence. Gladys Pillman has resigned as cashier at the RKO Boston and Mary Healy of the Keith Memorial publicity staff is on summer leave. J. Stanley Garrett has been appointed manager of the Norwood theater, Norwood, going there from the University theater, Cambridge. First Division will still handle "March of Time" for this territory. The Park theater, which has housed Minsky burlesque and pictures, has closed for the summer. About a dozen former employees of the defunct Selznick Distributing Corp. have been reimbursed in full for their final week's work after 11 years of litigation. This was accomplished through the efforts of the former branch manager, Benjamin Roger,s. Ada Hurwitz of the E. M. Loew executive offices will be married July 4 to John Trager. Home office employees of M. & P. Theaters will hold their annual outing June 29 at the Mayflower Hotel, Plymouth. M. & P. has closed the Broadway. Herbert Bloom, formerly of the Family, Worcester, is now managing the Ware, Beverly. Nate Goldberg succeeds him at the Family. Bernard Payne of the Capitol, Providence, is on a month's vacation in the west. Sternberg and Kaplan are operating the Gates, formerly the Opera House, in Lowell, with duals for four days a week and single with vaude the other three days. FACTS ABOUT FILMS A composite newsreel made up from the semi-weekly releases of five American producers is shown each week in Argentina. -JZM DAILY MM MAM * * * • • • A FAMOUS amusement institution winds up its distinguished career on Monday morn when the last performance of Loew's New York theater finishes at 2 a.m. the building is to be torn down, and thus one of the historic landmarks of Broadway, which also includes the Criterion, will soon be but a memory * * * • • • IN ALL the years since the death of Marcus Loew the traditions of the great showman have been carried out to the letter in this house Charlie Moskowitz and his staff have succeeded in preserving the atmosphere of the theater which has been a second home to hundreds of old time New Yorkers and as many out-of-towners on their periodic visits to the metropolis * * * • • • THERE ARE a lot of these oldtimers who will be lost for a picture place to go to for they have been attending the theater regularly for years meeting the same familiar faces of the house staff calling them by name, and being conducted by the friendly usher to their own favorite seat that's where the Marcus Loew Tradition comes in Friendliness — and keeping the staff intact right through the years * * * • • • FEW THEATERS can boast of this sort of record for long tenure in office of their staffs Manager Jack Fieman started at Loew's Herald Square in 1911 he switched to the New York theater in 1915 Assistant Manager Grace Niles, 18 years Chief of Ushers Sadie Gordon, 20 years cashiers Stella Shostack and Virginia Langdon, 20 years each and 20 years for cashier May Kirley also special policeman Leo Raphael, 15 years electrician Jack Josephs, 14 years operators Seymour Elias and Joe La Mura, 17 and 20 years respectively and 20 year,s for operator Tasso Morenty matron Mrs. I. McLeish, 15 years engineer John Dee, 20 years some Service Staff! * * * • • • ALL THESE loyal employes will move in a body to the Mayfair theater when the Loew organization takes it over on Monday still carrying on the Traditions of Marcus Loew Friendliness, Loyalty, Service it wasn't necessary to place bronze tablets of the Founder in his theaters to memorialize him it has been done more effectively and beautifully in the hearts of the people who knew him and loved him such as those we have mentioned they are still working for Marcus Loew * * * • • • A COCKTAIL party in honor of Edward Arnold, starring in Universal's "Diamond Jim" will be held Thursday afternoon at the Essex House Beulah Livingston arranged the party, she handling special publicity on the picture Sidney Phillips has joined the local staff of Metro as a play and talent scout Joan Marsh began a week's personal at Loew's State yesterday * * * • • • WHEN THE Normandie sailed from New York yesterday it carried a print of Educational's Song Hit Story, "The Old Camp Ground," which will be shown on a program with the Fox feature, "Ginger" Walter Connolly on his way to report at the Columbia studio, halted at Cincinnati long enough to receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from Xavier University Jane Winton will be interviewed by Edmund, Queen Marie's beautician, on WMCA Monday for the "Most Beautiful Woman of the Week" program Matty Radin of the Cameo gave a dinner Thursday eve at the Waldorf to the Russian Soviet film delegates among those present were Rouben Mamoulian, Boris Morros, M. Boyev, and Mr. Malamed, acting consul general of the U.S.S.R. At 11 a.m. Monday, as the doors of Loew's New York are padlocked, oldtime Broadway celebs will take part in a sentimental ceremony and Monday nite the Loew's Mayfair will have a gay celebration as it carries on the Traditions of the old New York RECORD IN WESTERNS FOR COMING SEASON (Continued from Page 1) George O'Briens produced by Sol Lesser and John Zanft; Universal, 6 Buck Jones; Paramount, 6 made by Harry Sherman, probably with Randolph Scott as the principal star; Mascot, 8 with music; Monogram, 16, with John Wayne as the star of one group; Walter Futter, 5 with Tom Keene. Leon Schlesinger is considering a series of 6; Superior plans 6 Northwest Mounted stories in addition to 6 dog dramas; Spectrum, now delivering 8 Bill Cody films, will have a new series; and then there is the output of Reliable Pictures, Guaranteed Pictures, Ajax, Supreme Pictures, Conn Pictures, Ambassador, William Steiner and several others, with stars including Tom Tyler, Jack Perrin, Richard Talmadge, Art Mix, Monte Montana, Rex Bell, Rex Lease, Hoot Gibson, Kermit Maynard, Harry Carey, Bob Steele, John Mack Brown, Roy Mason, Reb Russell and others. Pittsburgh Briefs Pittsburgh — Moe Gould, formerly with the Superior Motion Picture Supply, is now city salesman for the National Theater Supply. J. E. Flynn, M-G-M district manager, conferred here this week with John J. Maloney, local exchange chief. Ike Browarsky, well known local exhibitor, underwent an operation at Magee Hospital last week and will be out of circulation for several weeks. Bill Brennan, in charge of Columbia's negative prints, and W. B. Jaffe of the company's legal department visited the local exchange this week. Cecil B. Pascoe, 53, former exhibitor at Punxsutawney, died in Somerset last week. Neil Brenkert of the Brenkert Light Projection Co. in town demonstrating his new lamp. Melbert Gets "Speed Devils" Melvin Hirsch of Melbert Pictures has acquired New York rights to "Speed Devils," the Paul KellyMarguerite Churchill feature being distributed by J. H. Hoffberg Co. AS SEEN BY THE PRESS AGENT "Isabel Jewell is particularly pleased with a recent fan letter which informed her that poll of workers at Boulder Dam disclosed she is the favorite screen actress of the men who are building the engineering masterpiece." —DAVE EPSTEIN. ~